Almost May, Springtime Open Thread


Here’s to springtime and the coming of May! Whatever you’re thinking about, whatever you feel like talking about, have at it here, while I’m getting my garden ready and doing other springtime chores.

Happy new week! 


217 responses to “Almost May, Springtime Open Thread

  1. We have more than sufficient evidence already available to prosecute and convict Crooked Hillary, the DNC, Fusion GPS, Steele, Obama, the corrupt and criminal Obama administration’s Deep State, and their propagandists in the fake news media for organizing and operating a seditious and treasonous coup based entirely on a fake RUSSIAN dossier against a duly elected U.S. President and his administration. It’s time to perp walk the DNC criminals all the way to the big house.

    • Yea, its getting moldy. All Good. Its the proof of dereliction of duty ignoring
      the plethora of crimes whilst chasing Trump collusion.Punitive Damages should be corporal for the Plot.

  2. HERE’S the P I G ‘ !!! … Personal details
    Born Mazie Keiko Hirono
    November 3, 1947 (age 71)
    Koori, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan
    Political party Democratic
    Spouse(s) Leighton Kim Oshima (m. 1987)
    Education University of Hawaii at Manoa (BA)
    Georgetown University (JD)

  3. So, before U sit there & slander OUR Attorney General & OUR President, invest in a little humility & learn the process by which WE govern. Civility accorded by U will Help heal a divided nation, & if you can’t abide by that, then perhaps U need to take your own advice & >> “just shut up!”. <<
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  4. so when…he loses …that door has been KICKED OPENED WIDE!!!

  5. Transparency

  6. facebkwallflower

    Need historical input and help to respond to this:
    I”t’s been proven the trickle down economy does not work. What does work taking the wealthy as AOC suggests. That’s what they did when America was the strongest.”


    White House Petition Asks Justice Department to Investigate Obama’s “Documentation”

    ~ Jeff Harrison Sr.
    Could this B the SPARK that causes the Forest Fire? ….SPARK – ON!

    ~ CDR Kerchner (Ret)
    Lets Spread this NEW petition Far & Wide. See my post about this issue
    & petition at >>> The Free Republic discussion site:

    ~ Nikita’s_UN_Shoe
    I signed the petition listed in this article. At the time I signed, 92 signatures were tallied.

    Thank You, staff at ThePostEmail for Alerting us of this Petition.

    ARE U READY 2 … GET the T R U T H ??? …. SIGN A PETITION
    Your Voice in the White House tagline
    Sign In
    DOJ must investigate the Past president’s???? Birth Certificate,
    Selective Service Registration & Social Security number.
    Created by R.M. on May 01, 2019
    Sign This Petition

    Needs 99,722 signatures By
    May 31, 2019 to get a Response from the White House

    278 SIGNED ….. & a 100,000 GOAL …WE CAN DO IT!
    Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse found these to be forged documents.
    Let’s find out the truth!


    • facebkwallflower

      Article from past asks good question and poders an answer. Why did Russia think Obama British Spy? Hmmm. O administration worked with UK in Russian Colusion Hoax……..

    • Exactly! I read somewhere about a state that wants the Sec. of State to investigate every candidate to ensure that the person paid all his or her taxes. All taxes, not just federal and state but even property tax, etc. So why not just extend that to EVERY qualification that’s required by law? I mean, the natural born citizenship requirement is IN THE FREAKING CONSTITUTION. Why investigate the truth of paying taxes and IGNORE, JUST TAKE AN AFFIDAVIT (IF ANY), AS TRUTH OF NATURAL BORN CITIZENSHIP?

  9. ~ To: DoughtyOne …..
    + comments on FR …. open more pages @ bottom of pages …. OLD NEWS??? is NEW NEWS once MO’ ….! not SAD @ ALL !!!
    GREAT things might B BREAKING WIDE O P E N ? ….PRAY 4 the SEARCH 2 B EASY ….B 4 WE the PEOPLE EXPIRE!

    They went to Indonesia for Several Reasons:
    1. Stanley Ann Dunham (SAD) was enticed with a long-term job working
    as an Anthropology intern for the CIA.
    2. #1 because the UH East-West Center was a hotbed for sending out young CIA recruits into the Pacific regions. Lolo and SAD were matched up there, in part to be cover for one another’s being sent to Indonesia (Lolo’s home country).
    3. The CIA job would be her ticket to (ultimely) her getting a Ph.D. in Anthropology (despite the lack of any advanced scholarly work that she produced)–just like Barry, frankly.
    4. The CIA was giving SAD and Lolo cover for the latter, who was an assassin involved in the CIA’s overthrow of Indonesia’s first president, Sukharno. In that CIA overthrow, SAD, Barry’s and Fuddy’s go-to social anchor, Subud, was said to have ben complicit, working on behalf of the CIA. Deliana, Antone, & Soebarkah were all examples of pseudonyms that Subud members were encourged to use. (CIA types would all need to be facile in using pseudonyms.)
    5. Barry’s bio mom was from Java.
    6. For reason #5, SAD and Lolo knew it would be poetic & good for Barry to learn “bahasa Indonesia, the official Indonesian language.
    Barry was being groomed by his mother & the CIA his whole life to be:
    a) a future president of Indonesia,
    b) a future president of Kenya,
    c) a future president of the US, or
    d) a future president of Pakistan

    Managing Barry’s present and future (think documents, narrative, pictures, etc.) would become John Brennan’s major accomplishment in life & reason for existence.

    ~ To: akalinin
    “Faking Obama’s citizenship was child’s play for these people.”
    And there are 2 really funny things about this to me.
    If you look at the long form certificate, the name of the birthing center
    that delivered Obama Wasn’t used by that facility Until 17 years later.

    A court case in Fulton Country, Georgia, ignored the subpoena that Obama ignored and without one witness being called for the defense & over a dozen for the prosecution, a judge put in by Clinton said there was not enough evidence to pull Obama from the ballot due to citizenship question ability.
    ……………. Thick as thieves…. <<<< !!!!

  10. ~ To: fishtank …. ^^^^^
    I did not believe Obama was a citizen to begin with and have not changed
    my mind, not too long before the election I watched a tape which covered
    the moslem plot against Americans, I don’t even know where the tape came
    from but one of the big leaders made the statement that We Have to get some one in to the white house.

    Obama got in and I said to my self, yep they got some one in to the white
    house then I started looking for the tape but could not find it.
    It is very hard to even begin to describe the incident but
    it was very strange at the least. …. WOW…

    ~ Zenway…. & I was Watching the TV at my dear friends & a 100%
    “ususper – believer” …when I …as we put out a…Mc Cain poster….ha’
    it was RISKY & un-safe ….to ever not melt 4 the phony BLK.OBAMA’

    RECALL just as TRUMP SAW & SAID he SAW IT …they PUT on Muslims
    DANCING in the STREETS after 911…. ..I SAW it ….SHE SAW IT … TRUMP SAW IT.. ….. & …..
    I DO recall the interview with OBAMA …when asked a ? …he said …ha’
    never was able to TRACK either DOWN … ever……
    … as the azz burn is hard to except THEN & NOW ….NEVER – EVER was
    smart-azz barry EVER “MY” pres’ …..NEVER NEVER!!!

    • I’ve often thought that just as soon as Trump brought up Obama’s citizenship problem….that he was considering running back then. I always figured it was then that Brennan and Obama and others saw too it that Trump was a target, to besmirch or discredit OR run some intel on. Can’t have anyone snooping ! I suspect they were looking into Trump as a possible candidate even back then, because people have been talking about Trump running for president since way back.

      • Spot on! Otherwise, how do you explain the fact that this spying was so intense against Trump, which it was, long before he even announced? Trump, they knew, had and still has the resources to buy any amount of and any kind of information that he needs. He may already have the truth. If only he’d reveal it.

        • facebkwallflower

          I think “they” think Trump used his monies and connection and actually has the real birth certs and passports and they want them. Or at least they think he knows something and they want to know what that something is and thwart release of info. They realize he is to smart to not have backups in case of death by suicide or breitbart-style heart attack.

    • I saw it, too, Zen. Everything about that fateful day is burned into my memory. It happened. It was on TV. They have disappeared it, as they’ve disappeared so much.

      What about that WTC flyover?

  11. …… BEND …..OVER BRENNAN ….. the mule
    With the CIA New York Times, now being leaked to, by the Inspector General’s office on their report of the Obama White House spying on Donald Trump, there is confirmation that this is going to the basest of levels, as what kind of security risk is there, in trusting a Muslim Turkish who*e with a CIA operation, overseen by the FBI, with the bringing down of the American Government.

    To understand this, “Some People” named James Comey, Andrew McCabe, John Brennan, Val-erie Jarrett, Susan Rice and Barack Hussein Obama, all signed off on this in it being a great idea in racism to send a hot blonde whore out to seduce the swarthy Greek, who is so controlled by his c*ck, that he would sell out Donald Trump for a fu*k.

    That is the question I really want to hear John Brennan asked on the witness stand in a Grand Jury, and I really want to see the notes in this operation as none of these trained professionals thought this was a breach of security.

    John Brennan’s Muslim Whor*s.

  12. ~ In watergate a president was forced to resign because a couple of liquored up jokers broke into a DNC office to rifle through some campaign papers. Her the FBI, CIA and DOJ used the known fake pee pee dossier to authorize a full blown spy operation on the Donlad Trump campaign. This is a big deal.
    It is larger than that…. ….. Try treason!

    SOMETHING MAJOR is MISSING from Spygate invesitigation:
    Did OBOZO Spy on Romeny in 2012?
    did OBOZO spy on the other 16 Repubs? & ANY – 1 & EVERY – 1 he
    C O U L D ?????????
    I have YET to hear a SINGLE PERSON bring this up-I may have missed it.

  13. TRUMP ~ COULD WIN …….. O’ …YES
    BY A LANDSLIDE’ …. 4 SURE!!!
    Commentator points out at the same time
    Democrats ‘pathetically screech about impeachment’


  14. Ding dong the witch is … well, you know the rest.

    All we owe, we owe to her.

    • Democrats are unnerved. Attorney General Barr is pursuing an inquiry into the Obama administration’s decision to conduct a foreign counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign. The time is now, they figure, to reprise the Ken Starr treatment: the ad hominem withering of an accomplished, highly capable official — in this instance, one who is daring to press questions that would have been answered two years ago if an incumbent Republican administration had spied on — er, monitored — a Democratic presidential campaign.

  15. Busted😁

  16. Pay Attention to Nunes.

    • Well, THAT sounds like grounds for impeachment, doesn’t it? They already think that just by virtue of being elected Trump should be impeached. They’d probably impeach US if they could find a way to do it.

    • facebkwallflower

      The woman is delusional…she mentions candidates that come talk to her like she is the Queen election Guru and still relevant to the party.

      • Didn’t she talk to Eleanor Roosevelt in the WH? Trump admires Lincoln. Imagine if he claimed that Lincoln talked to him! Media meltdown.

  17. O’ Sure ..BIDEN another CLOWN SHOW! get the HOOK PLEASE!
    SMART …as a ROCK??? … GO AWAY .. HAM on RYE! so he thinks!

    as they HAVE 2 DO’ ‘some-THING’ < 2 make us SEE some-thing else

  19. Kimberley a Strassel ….GREAT STUFF … find ? it ?

  20. Books ……..^^^^^^
    In 2006, Strassel co-wrote Leaving Women Behind: Modern Families, Outdated Laws (ISBN 0-7425-4545-8), which argues that government regulation interferes with marketplace initiatives to provide women with economic opportunity. In June 2016, she published a book called
    >> The Intimidation Game: How the Left Is Silencing Free Speech, <<
    in which she "excoriates the left's use of campaign finance laws to stifle
    free speech and free association."[6] ….

  21. YEP …as they CLEVERLY .. Twist the meaning of Helping U & ME’ …
    I served MY country? SO? WHO ASKED U 2? ….your still a man with
    a man! nothing you say MAKES it OK WITH SOME MORAL FOLKS…
    a man & a woman YES! .. THAT is WHAT IS RIGHT! … U R TWISTED
    FORCE US 2 “FEEL ..DIRTY “…because ..U R WRONG? …NOPE
    DRESS it UP …PLAY with OUR HEADS …. U want to CHANGE ME???
    NOPE … be GAY … IT’s always going 2 BE WRONG! … 4 EVER !
    SPEAK your MIND TEXAS! …I GET IT! .. F’ them PUSHERS of show’in
    OFF …being GAY GAY GAY … it’s DIRTY GAMES they PUSH! Y E P !
    I’M …past SICK …of it in MY FACE …the same as BLACK ..PUSHERS!
    FREEDOM .. Of FREE’ SPEECH <<< only works 4 U GUYS? NOPE!

  22. May 6, 2019 ….ha’ they got 2 got 2 win …BIG .. so she says… ha’
    Claiming to fear Trump, Nancy Pelosi lets the Cat out of the Bag about
    her Real Fear: Her own party. …??? …”SLICK” .. is @ it AGAIN!!! ha’
    …. By Monica Showalter
    Orange man Bad, orange man Scary. Orange man will Steal Y O U R
    election if it’s close.<<<>>>> doing such a thing.

    Pelosi’s fear for Trump is fake as Botox, <<<< & Thrush should have Challenged her on it, which He didn't.
    "Own the center," she admonished the Democrats, according to the Times. She targets the wild overreach of the Democrats' far left — Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib — on their socialist Utopian schemes, unmistakably referring to Ocasio-Cortez based on her old-hag characterization of Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal as 'exuberances.' She also has it in for another branch of her party: Rep. Adam Schiff and his crazytown flailing to impeach President Trump instead of pass legislation to please voters. Anti-Semitism in her party wasn't even brought up, but that's obviously another issue for Democrats whose party is plagued with extremists on this front.

    Pelosi is apparently so desperate these days about her Democrats that she's now picking up that meme as a cudgel to bat at the crazies in her own party. She must know that fanatics don't listen to reason
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  23. ..ha’ .. 2 BUCK’s CHUCK … is now $3 BUCKS! ..U couldn’t PAY ME!
    & even $2 for this tripe is a RIP-off. SELL’s HER SOUL? nah…never had 1
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  24. Judicial Watch: FBI Admits Hillary Clinton Emails Found in …..
    >>>>Obama White House <<<>>> Huma Abedin. <<

    E.W. (Bill) Priestap, assistant director of the FBI Counterintelligence Division, made the disclosure to Judicial Watch as part of court-ordered discovery into the Clinton email issue.

    • They probably were hanging out in the same location as those Rose Law Firm records were, previously, in the past, before they reappeared, magically, on a table.

  25. …KIDS will B… K I D S ?… REALLY ? NOW WHAT’s NEXT?
    “some-thing” ….. is >>> going 2 HAPPEN SOON?

    • Any time and every time they’re caught in an HONEST moment, it’s a “mistake.” Nothing to see here, (or hear here), folks, Move On.

  26. facebkwallflower

    Where has Reggie Love gone?

    • When will they ever learn? Oh, sorry. For some reason your question made me think of Peter, Paul, and Mary.

  27. Kamala Harris: Trump ‘Isn’t Trying to Make America Great — He’s Trying to Make America Hate’
    Sunday at the 64th annual NAACP Freedom Fund dinner in Detroit, 2020 presidential hopeful Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) said President Donald Trump wasn’t “trying to make America great.”
    Instead, she accused him of “trying to make America hate.”

    .KAMEL face …WTP think that WAS ..USURPERS OBAMA’S LEGACY …
    U just can’t get ALL …. your ‘men’ straight!
    Harris said, “This guy in the White House Said neo-Nazis were FINE people when they marched on Charlottesville. ….
    & SOME R!!! give them a BREAK just like them BLACKS that STEAL STEAL & STEAL …some R fine or NOT so FINE???

    He’s attacked communities of color & leaders of color by name.
    SO WHAT ..if IT’s TRUE … it’s TRUE! .. color has no CLOUT or does IT K.?
    He’s denigrated entire countries on the continent of Africa with Foul
    language NO president should speak.” <<<< R U 10? really… as U SAT …& DRILLED … OUR RESPECTED MEN … on CAMERA? hot' STUFF???
    …says WHO? U say SO??? this is 2019 …. & SOME of them ha' ha' NEW 'fire' WORDS …were USED by OBAMA … LONG-LONG ago!!!
    WTP'S BUTT' …SO U MUST have 4-GOT? smokin' 2 MUCH kammy ?

    She added, “Let’s Speak Truth here & today. ???This president isn’t trying
    to make America great. He’s trying to make America hate.” <<<
    is the MOST …EVIL HATE … WTP have EVER SEEN … so SHUT-UP!

  28. Have you heard the News?
    (It’s not good rocking tonight)
    The Pope demands one world supranational government. Nation states must lose their freedom.

    but that is one source, you can do a search and it is all over the place.
    At the same time the BBC ran as their top story all day yesterday that a
    new report by over 500 UN “experts” that all life on our planet will soon end because us humans are making millions of species extinct and that only
    truly drastic change by all the countries on earth can save us.
    This is agenda 2030.
    The BBC did not explain the little fact that the UN says population must
    be reduced by 90%.
    Look at your family and pick one survivor, That is what they want.
    (For you, not for the London elite of course)
    The remaining 10% will be forced to live in urban containment centers to
    let “nature” reclaim most of the land. This is agenda 2030 – the Launch.
    Simultaneously there are other stories about how buying clothes is the most destructive thing we do, or eating meat, etc etc etc.
    I call this Evil.
    The creepy thing is the timing agreement between the pope and the un.
    I guess global worming didn’t work and enough of us weren’t scared enough to surrender all of our freedoms. So now we have a new attack.
    The BBC warned us that this danger is a hundred times worse than global warming and for those of us who don’t believe that. then I guess the pope can tell you of your spiritual doom.

    I don’t believe any of this.

    In 1000 million years the Earth will not sustain any life because natural processes in our Sun will have increased it’s output too much but there is still another 6000 million years before the Sun exhausts it’s fuel.

    In this case science is our answer. There is a straightforward way to move the orbit of the Earth further from the Sun. A couple of University of California astrophysicists explain. I repeat their idea to help keep it alive:

    You know the gravitational slingshot effect wherein a close pass by of two celestial objects can transfer momentum from one object to the other.
    It will be easy to nudge an asteroid out of place to do an exact pass-by of the Earth. All the energy gain is provided by the gravity field of the Sun as the asteroid falls towards it. The asteroid whips around Earth and slightly increases our orbital velocity.

    They estimated this only needs to be done once every 1000 years or so to keep the Earth climate stable until the Sun novas. Hopefully we could be somewhere else by then.

    We have plenty of time.

    We have plenty of time unless we surrender to the Human-Haters that are trying to seize control. We have the right President for now.
    Canada Free Press uses as their online tag: Without the USA there is no free world.

    For our future, we need to stay strong.

  29. Now, repeat after me: There is no white genocide taking place. Again.
    There is no white genocide taking place.

    News of his death was confirmed on Facebook by Howes’ father, artist At Botha, reported the South African daily national newspaper The Citizen.

    “I just want to let all my friends know tonight that my youngest child Pieter has passed away – I’m struggling to process it, & know that with all my
    FB friends, I won’t be able to answer your messages. I know you care, & that’s enough. Love, At,” he wrote in Afrikaans.

    Howes also wrote for the U.S.-based website …^^^^^ The Inquisitr.

    He founded The Enwhitenment Project, The Citizen reported, described on Twitter as “a social collective that aims to build awareness of all things related to Whiteness in order to bridge the racial divide.”


    • How can someone “oppose whiteness?” Does anyone “oppose” blackness? Or yellowness? Or redness? yadda yadda yadda.

      Sounds like self hate.

      The question is: Are all those people who rant and rave about “malignant whiteness” and “white privilege” and hatred for and of “whites” NOW RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS MAN’S DEATH? What part of his self-loathing is the result of all the hatred against “whites” that is spewed daily by “people of color” and progressives around the world? Does BLM play a role? How much is Ilhan Omar responsible, when she blasts across the world statements like, “this will never be the country of white people?”

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