George Clooney Against “Hate”

whphotoclooney-copy-2While in France, receiving a César d’Honneur (apparently a French Oscar “equivalent”), actor George Clooney gave what Yahoo! describes as an “Anti-Trump speech.” On foreign soil, no less. Such patriotism!

Clooney said to the French audience,

As we stand here today the world is going through some pretty momentous changes, not all for the best. As citizens of the world we’re going to have to work harder and harder not to let hate win.

To be fair to Clooney, he didn’t mention our President (at least in the quote from Yahoo!), although his co-star, French actor Jean Dujardin, did single out President Trump by name.

It’s entirely possible that Clooney intended his own comments to be a plug for whoever is running against Marine Le Pen for the French presidency. Le Pen, like President Trump, is also falsely and frequently accused of “hate” by leftists (communists, socialists, progressives, take your pick. Basically anyone who disagrees with Trump’s or Le Pen’s political views.)

If Clooney was, however, referring to our recent election, I’d like to assure him that We the People did not “let hate win.” That’s why

Hillary Clinton is NOT our president.

In the USA, hate lost. Thanks be to God.

President Trump is making America great again, safe again, and work again. That’s not “hate,” it’s love. Love of country, the United States of America. Love for its people. Patriotism. It’s not a dirty word.

Donald Trump is our president, Mr. Clooney. Get over it. He’s your president, too, whether you consider yourself to be a citizen of the world or not.

p.s. Oscars tonight. Are you going to boycott?


171 responses to “George Clooney Against “Hate”

  1. 😀

      • Oh, sorry, Zenway. I’m reading your comments backwards, trying to catch up, so I didn’t see you’d already mentioned this issue, before I commented about it somewhere else.


            BRILLIANT!!!! Schumer AND McCaskill consorting with the enemy. RESIGN NOW!!!

            Somewhere, I read that someone actually asked whether any DEMONCRATS met with Russians during the run-up to the election or afterwards. Now that would be interesting to know, wouldn’t it? How about whether any of them met with this ex-UK SPY who put together that rather convenient and full-of-lies “dossier.” That’s COLLUDING WITH A FOREIGNER and a potentially still working “intelligence agent” to undermine the sitting president of the USA (or, depending upon WHEN the communications happened, to undermine his candidacy). Is anybody in the CIA/FBI/NSA conducting a “counterintelligence investigation” into potential collusion of DemoncRATS with UK current or former SPIES to take down President Trump? Are they conducting a COUNTERINTELLIGENCE INVESTIGATION or a CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY INVESTIGATION into collusion between the DemoncRATS, the media, and “current and former” DEMONCRAT “officals” in the government who are attempting to overthrow the duly elected and legitimate president of the USA by leaking classified (basically stolen) information? Enquiring minds would LOVE to know. NY Times reports that Obama and his minions were racing the clock to “preserve” intelligence information about so-called collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians. Does that mean that they’ve stolen the data and secreted it at the shadow WH where they live now with ValJar? What did Obama DO with the “preserved” information? Supposedly it had to be preserved to keep Trump from destroying or hiding it, so does that imply an off-site storage place, outside the government, thus potentially breaking laws (in the same way Hillary did when she took classified data HOME to her home server)? Is there a home server at the shadow WH?

        • may-B so …since I MAX .. out the BOARDS …^^^ how can any-1
          keep up … with zen the speed FREAK!!! ha U ROCK no matter!

    • I tend to agree with the guy’s take on what Trump did and did NOT do. But maybe there’s more to it than meets the eye. There really aren’t any black colleges anymore. They cannot discriminate, if whites apply to attend. At least, I know of one land grant, historically black university that had to desegregate and is now, last time I heard, over 70% white, because it’s located in a rural, mostly white area. Don’t know about places like Howard. Could be whites don’t apply. They certainly appear to discriminate if the leaders are all black, though.

      A judge gives a restraining order against a BLM activist who threatens a BLACK LA Police Commission member and the BLM folks cry “racism.” It’s to keep the BLM “activists” from going to people’s homes and threatening them, but the activists have the gall to say the restraining order is “intimidating” to the perps, not the victim! So let’s figure this out. They can go to people’s homes, deliberately make people “uncomfortable” wherever they are (restaurants, concerts, Broadway shows), and they can stop traffic to menace drivers, and yet to get a restraining order against THEM is “intimidating,” AS IF THE INTIMIDATORS CANNOT THEMSELVES BE INTIMIDATED.

    • As they corrupt the story of Beauty and the Beast by ADDING IN A HOMOSEXUAL LOVE ANGLE between Gaston and his minion. This is a DISNEY movie, presumably aimed at children. Disney has been totally corrupted and perverted. And to make the corruption even more thorough, the movie stars the girl who played Hermione in the wholesome Harry Potter movies. Like Hannah Montana, anyone admired by wholesome little children must be corrupted. Bieber? Him (or her), too.

  2. yep…fact CHECK … ha

      • Good one! This why they’re doubling down on the Russian BS. 76% (or was it 79%?) of people approved of his speech and felt hopeful. So they have to somehow counter that with more and more lies. They knew polls would show his approval rating soaring, so they had to come out with more false allegations to keep them down.

  3. WILLIAM “RYAN” OWENS ..his wife is CARRYN with 3 CHILDREN!

  4. Someone name of Dan Grillo got fired for sending out a very stupid tweet about Ryan’s wife at the first State of the Union speech.
    Where do I know that name? I am sure he was something to do with obama, and he was in the news previously because I made up some joke about being at “the grillo pad”.

  5. Why you might not want to stream digital music from the Net. See Dave’s post at this link:

  6. I should have reassured that the recordings made in recording studios are to a much higher standard with faster sampling rates and much higher resolutuion. So the digital masters are good. The trouble is that they have to be downsized to put on CD or released to the Net. If people demand better someday, the masters will be able to provide it.

  7. Also all the stuff that was recorded to magnetic tape (multi-track tape machines) is very fine too but with one important reminder.
    Magnetic tape has limited shelf life because it is made by gluing very small particles of iron to the flexable tape.The iron is the magnetic bit, the tape just holds them in place.
    Glue doesn’t last forever. After about 25 years you can play an old tape that is in storage – once,
    then you have to clean all the iron “dandruff” out of the replay machine
    and hope you made a good copy.
    OK, back to politics.

    • Dave, would you like me to or would you mind if I put this together and ran it as a post by a guest author–you? Just let me know and I’ll do it, if you want. I need a little time because I’m tied up with personal issues lately. So, in a way, it would be doing me a favor. More people might read it that way. I haven’t even had time myself to read it all. It looks great and really interesting, which is why I want to have more time to read and digest it. It’s a topic new to me.

      • ok Miri,
        that is what I was thinking.
        Please be my guest.

        • Will do, Dave. I won’t make it an open thread, so people who want to comment on your article will do so and it won’t get cluttered with politics. If you want to write any more posts, be my guest. 🙂 If you don’t want them previewed in comments, you could just paste them into the “contact us” box and I’ll copy them into a post from there. Then everybody can read them at the same time. Thanks for writing it!

    • Great rant!

      Did you see this? McCaskill the twit claims that SHE has never met with or called the Russian ambassador. Whoops!

      The VERY SAME GUY who Sessions talked to at some convention, along with 25 OTHER ambassadors from countries NOT Russia.

      • I know its just my imagination but a certain Senator from Illinois went on a 2 week World Tour meeting with heads of State during his presidential campaign in 2008…

        • Yep. You didn’t imagine it. And, didn’t he visit Russia at some point, so that they could infamously detain him in the airport over his questionable “papers?” I seem to remember him colluding with a thug in Kenya, too, as he illegally campaigned for him, interfering in Kenyan elections. Is that the guy you’re thinking of?

  8. JUST LOVE IT! the thin man.. “ALINSKY INSTITUTE” ..24/7 ..4 SURE!

  9. ~ typistjan ….. @drkatesview
    I think there would be a couple of things to stop this Dem Crap.
    #1 – delete obat’s 1st Ex Order & Open his Records.
    #2 – Arrest a few people that were involved in obat being Pres.
    #3 – Arrest Sorros & Val Jarret. Also, Michael obama for hiding the truth
    #4 – Fire the top three tiers of all of the agencies that were obat appointees
    I guess the list could go on & on.
    Oh, & one big thing, expose all of pizzagate

    ~ Heather
    I totally agree–open his records we need to know who he is a& what he’s hiding. Drain the entire dem swamp & bring charges against all those involved with barry soetoro. Get rid of the republican rino’s as well.

    Never under estimate President Donald J Trump. He takes it all in & releases to the people the dirt & lies that the dem’s throw at him.

    The dems are not contributing anything but lies & investigations about russia & this & that so why do we need them! Send them back to their states & let them learn to use their phones so we can track everything they say & do. I am sick of their dirty crap and their treasonous ways against our country & citizens. They are truly dangerous.

    • I hope it’s true that Trump is on this but I’m beginning to wonder when he’s going to slap back. So far, nothing’s happening with regard to catching the leakers or fighting BACK, so far as I can see. If I’m wrong, please let me know.

    • So there’s 317 ILLEGAL ALIENS WHO VOTED there, and 80+ caught actually voting in, iirc, Ohio. How many more? Especially in places like CA, NV, AZ, TX, etc.?

      And the DemoncRATS have said for years that there’s no “evidence” of vote fraud or illegals voting. That’s because nobody’s looked before.

  10. WHEN U DON’T DO .. YOUR JOB…so fired BUTT’ got another shift?
    Now IF it WAS the Black group getting switched OFF that STAGE
    BOY …NO tellin’ what could have HAPPENED that NIGHT! A RIOT?

    • Interesting thought. How would it have gone down had the movies been reversed? I didn’t see either movie (no desire to, either) but did you know that the winning one was not only about blacks but gay blacks? No surprise. I wonder and ponder–did the switcheroo happen because the tallies didn’t show what they WANTED them to show and this was the only way to reverse to the politically correct result once they knew it wasn’t the one that really won? If they could have, they would have made Hillary the “winner,” too, wouldn’t they?

  11. Jeff Sessions,
    I would have preferred Trey Gowdy for that job, still would,
    important to not give even an inch back to the obamacratic party,

    but Rush has an extremely accurate post on this subject today:
    This story is not about Jeff Sessions. This story is not about illegal talks between Trump and his campaign people and the Russians. This story is about Barack Obama and the Democrat Party attempting to sabotage the Trump presidency and do everything they can to either render it meaningless and ineffective or to get him impeached or force him to resign. That’s what the story is. And that is what has to be attacked, not defended.

    Let’s assume that it is possible to remove Trump by some combination of these obamacratic tactics. That means you’d get Pence as President and I guess Paul Ryan as VP, I’m not sure about that last statement.

    No obamacrat wants Mike Pence to be President either,
    so what have they got on him?
    Or does none of that matter anymore anyways?

    I favor letting Gowdy have the job, not because appeasment works,
    it doesn’t, not in war, and war is what we now have. I favour rendering these battleship guns silent long enough to begin aggressive prosecution of the co-conspirators involved in this soft coup. Trey Gowdy knows how to do that.

    • I’ve have a sickening feeling that the reason Pence is being so front and center is that somebody (maybe a lot of somebodies on both sides of the aisle) hopes for a President Pence (soon) and that he’s auditioning by going to Jewish cemeteries, etc. At best, he’s getting a lot of face time with the media and puff stories to set himself up for 2024. Anyway, I would have liked Gowdy, too, although some think he’s maybe not as reliable and maybe more of a grand-stander than Sessions. I totally agree with Rush. They CANNOT allow the DemoncRATS and the media to continue picking off the good people in the cabinet, one by one. It’s a plan. It’s also why Coats isn’t in there yet. And why Schumer is dragging his feet on everything. They’re saying it may be JUNE before Trump gets all his people in place. It is LONG PAST TIME for them to start rooting out the traitors in the government. WHO is leaking this stuff, even if it’s not true? At best, it’s only true in so much as they can use innocent FACTS to create and maintain a totally false impression to damage Trump.

      I’d like to see a counterintelligence investigation into Brennan’s and Obama’s contacts with the Muslim Brotherhood before, during, and after Obama’s first election. I’d like to see a counterintelligence investigation into Huma Weiner’s contacts with the Muslim Brotherhood and Sisterhood before, during, and after Hillary’s time as Secretary of State and ESPECIALLY during this most recent election. What did Hillary promise the Saudis, for example?

      WHY isn’t Sessions going after these leakers? WHY isn’t Trump getting rid of all the holdovers from Obama’s administration ASAP? It would be BETTER for their seats to be EMPTY than for them to be filled with potential traitors. Now an Obama appointee is going to be running the so-called investigation into the so-called Russian ties.

      BTW, I believe that NOTHING gathered through NSA spying can be used in criminal prosecutions of American citizens. I may be wrong, but it’s an impression I got from reading a lot of articles about how the NSA spying was set up in the first place. FISA and all that. This is why they only publish innuendo. They know it can’t go anywhere but can be used, like in communist countries, against political enemies, in conjunction with the “state media” to harm people politically. Read this one:

  12. Folks We are in the fight between Good and Evil. PRAY!!! ❤

    History of Meeting and Exchanging Gifts… ??? GIFTS??? REALLY?
    Basic Formula For Every ‘Shocking Revelation’…
    Prosecutor Obama promoted would oversee probes…

    FLASHBACK: Valerie Jarrett’s Daughter Hired At CNN To Cover Trump DOJ…


  14. & workin’…ON another 64’s .4 sure! OBAMA’S GAME is SHIT!


    just HOW LOW can they GO? … THEY HAVE NO BOTTOM EVER!

  17. HUNTER BIDEN .. PONDER this FOLKS!!! WHAT was UP with THAT???

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