It’s All in the Obama Family! Or “As the Boughs Break”

Cross posted with permission.


Exceptional Drama Coming Soon! 


Barack Obama Family Tree - London Times




The ‘Yes We Kenya Clan’ Reality Show

Originally posted at American Thinker
By Jeannie DeAngelis
September 3, 2011

If America thinks Dancing with the Stars featuring Nancy Grace, Chaz Bono, and Carson Kressley is going to be interesting, just think what a hit a reality show starring the eclectic, zany cast of Barack Obama’s Kenyan family members would be.

With the Dunham-Hawaiian/Obama-Kenyan/Soetoro-Indonesian family tree, over the past few years it’s become hard to keep track of all the president’s Kenyan paternal cousins, step-grandmothers, half-brothers, half-sisters, aunts, and uncles.

To remedy that confusion, America may be willing to explore the exotic and agree to overlook molestation, DWIs, and illegal status for a couple of months, invite the Obama clan to a huge mansion in the style of the Bachelor Pad, and before the 2012 election really get to know what ancestral dysfunction shapes Barack’s behavior.

The premise of the “Yes We Kenya Clan” reality show would be to see which family members can ingratiate themselves to the president to the point where he actually acknowledges that they’re blood relatives.

Whoever survives for the duration will get to move out of his or her respective housing project, be granted amnesty, or be excused from jail time or probation.

On the finale, the president, under duress, will “share the wealth” by either inviting the winner to the White House for Thanksgiving, pulling some strings with the INS or British law enforcement, or volunteering to finance their living expenses by doubling his/her income from $1 to $2 per month.

Let’s face it:   for a president supposedly so concerned with fairness, there is a glaring inequity when it comes to relatives. Heck, Marian Robinson lives in the White House, eats kale from the organic garden, and globe-trots with daughter Michelle on the taxpayers’ dime. Yet Barry’s Aunt Janie hasn’t even attended a backyard BBQ or slept over once in the Lincoln bedroom.

The “Yes We Kenya Clan” reality series could premiere with the Obamas piling out of a stretch limo in front of a luxurious temporary home, greeted by Kenyan musicians.

The stars could be interviewed by a Chris Harrison type who can ask all of them how they feel about their famous relative and to give a short synopsis of their I’m-related-to-Barack strategy for the show.

Afterwards the family can all settle into the mansion where Jersey Shore’s Snooki and The Situation could make a surprise visit to coach the stars on what types of scenarios make for successful reality TV.

To loosen up the kinfolk, Aunt Hawa Auma can tell stories in front of the fireplace about her brother, Barack’s polygamist father, a Harvard grad who called himself Dr. even though he got thrown out of the doctoral program at Harvard for womanizing. Hawa can share how, before being killed in a drunken car wreck in 1982, the patriarch who spent his life boozing and bragging about his superior intelligence managed to get around town after losing both his legs in a prior drunk-driving accident.

At family-style roasted goat dinners, step-Granny Sarah Onyango Obama can share memories of Obama’s late paternal grandfather Hussein Onyango Obama. In the book Dreams from My Father, Granny Sarah told Obama that “[e]ven from the time that he was a boy, your grandfather Onyango was strange. It is said of him that he had ants up his anus, because he could not sit still.”

If they agreed to participate, the president’s colorful array of half-brothers and sisters would add texture to the endeavor. There is Malik/Obongo, Auma, and Bernard, all of whom will likely be relatively well-behaved. However, the ladies should watch out if alleged half-brother Abo, also known as Samson, shows up on set, because things could become treacherous for them.

Samson is the Barack-brother barred from the UK after being accused of, but not prosecuted for, sexual assault while living in Britain illegally.

They could also have half-brother Mark Okoth Obama Ndesandjo, brother to David Ndesando (also known as David Opiyo Obama, who lost his life in a tragic motorcycle accident).

Then there’s Obama’s youngest brother, George, who adds the “reality” to the reality show. George is famous because while his flesh-and-blood brother lives in the White House helping the poor with other peoples’ money, little brother lives on “less than a dollar a month” in a “six-by-eight foot corrugated metal shack in slums of Huruma Flats in Nairobi.”

In the crazy uncle department, there’s Yusuf and Sayid and the notorious Uncle Omar. Omar, the president’s half-uncle, lives illegally in Massachusetts just a stone’s throw from sister Auntie Zeituni, another illegal alien living off the Boston taxpayers in a government-subsidized housing project, who was granted asylum by the US.

Uncle Onyango Omar, who has evaded deportation since 1992, was recently arrested after rolling through a stop sign while driving drunk and nearly being rear-ended by an unmarked police car. His blood relation to the president became obvious when, after being pulled over, Uncle O immediately tried to argue that the police officer was in the wrong and should have yielded to him.

Uncle O stands to gain the most if he manages to convince Obama to invite him to the White House, especially after calling while nephew was on vacation in Martha’s Vineyard and finding nobody home. Omar needs bail money; he could also use some amnesty and an extended president-financed stint in rehab.

Who eventually emerges the winner and stands to potentially gain legal citizenship or have their “get out of jail free” card reissued isn’t important. What matters is that America will finally get to intimately know the warm family circle of upstanding Kenyan/British/illegal immigrants that comprise the president’s distinguished lineage on his father’s side.

Sure, Samson will have to be kept away from female camera crew and production staff. And Uncle Omar will have to be restricted from the wet bar and swimming in the heated pool with a cocktail after dark, as well as banned from driving golf carts.

And while the potential is there for a few sleazy Jersey Shore-like episodes and an occasional rowdy brawl, the benefits outweigh the cost. Because just like the promise of “Hope and Change,” whenever Barack Obama is involved there’s always a price to pay. However, this time around, it may be worth it because before the 2012 election, after four years of puzzling behavior, America may want to know beforehand what really makes the man with the “Yes We Kenya” bloodline tick.


Author’s Content


129 responses to “It’s All in the Obama Family! Or “As the Boughs Break”

  1. Zany, indeed. Love that family tree. I notice she has Omar coming to the US in 1962. Wonder what’s the source for that? Since Omar supposedly came with the Mboya Airlift, does anybody recall seeing a list of the names of those who came? Would love to see that.

    • Creative and zany for sure! Jeannie mentions almost all of the alleged relatives of Barack Obama…and they are all characters. Characters or actors are exactly how I see these people. Until we see a real birth certificate, one that has been forensically authenticated, will we know that these people are related and not being paid to play their parts. This person that squats in the WH is like his relatives, they have all ignored our laws, have forged or fake documents, lived off our economy, and thumbed their noses at our immigration laws. They should serve as an example of how our laws work, and deport them from whence they came. Until then, they are all ILLEGAL ALIENS!

      • TY. You’ve helped me decide where to post this comment. Check this out:

        An old article from the now defunct News of the World about Samson Abo Obama. Here’s what’s interesting in light of what we know today:

        1. they say Barry has 11 half-siblings by his “father” with his 4 different partners. 11??!!! Do we know of 11?

        2. when Abo was arrested on suspicion of sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl, “He supplied officers with his mother’s address in Bracknell but gave them a false ID, claiming to be Henry Aloo, believed to be a genuine asylum seeker.”

        3. He tried to slip back into Britain to visit relatives en route to the swearing-in ceremony. The White House was informed. Since Abo was on his way TO the Inauguration, then the Bush WH must have been informed and miraculously, Abo wasn’t charged and was allowed to continue on to the USA. “He was able to do so despite not having a UK visa because he remained in transit and never left the airport.”

        4. “Samson Obama was refused a visa after immigration officers noticed one of the documents he supplied with his visa application was false.”

        5. “All visa applicants are fingerprinted and checked against watchlists. Using this hi-tech system we have detected more than 5,600 attempts to use false identities since December 2007. “Our officers in 135 countries are working with law enforcement agencies and airlines to clamp down on forged passports and visas.””

        Seems these people have more in common than possibly shared genes–FALSE DOCUMENTS and BOGUS PASSPORTS. AND FALSE IDENTITIES.

      • Step mother(s)
        1. Kezia Aoko [Grace] [Kezia Nyandega]
        2. Ruth Nidesand [Baker, Ndesandjo]
        3. Jael Otieno
        4.???? Gal in the Philippines

        Brother(s) None

        1. [Malik] Abongo (Roy) Obama [born c. March, 1958]
        2. Abo Obama [Samson Nyandega, Mustapha Nyandega b 1968 MO Kezia]
        3. Bernard [Otieno] Obama [b 1970] [Sadik Otieno,b 1971]
        4. Mark [Okoth Obama] Ndesandjo
        5. David [Opiyo]Ndesandjo [deceased]
        6. George [Hussein Onyango] Obama [MO Jael]
        7. [Joseph Ndesandjo – he says he is not related]
        [Removed Samson as he is also Abo]

        Sister(s) None
        1. Auma [Marie] Obama born c. 1960
        2. Maya Kasandra Soetoro [Forth, Ny](MO Stanley Ann Dunham)

        [Adopted Sister – Lia Soetoro Sobah – deceased]

        • So somebody can’t count! I double checked and they definitely say 11 half-siblings by his father. There’s only 8 from BHO Sr. Who are the other three?

        • I see the Wayback Machine is getting twitchy and doesn’t want to display the story. Good thing I saved it. Here’s a quote,

          “It is thought that Samson – one of the President’s 11 half brothers and sisters by his father who had four partners – managed to travel on to Washington by boarding a connecting flight to the US from East Midlands.”

          So for partners we have Kezia, Ann, Ruth, and Jael. Remember that her name is Otieno? Reminds me of how Saudis and other Muslims marry first cousins.

        • Bridgette remember Rose S. Obama. Did we ever figure out where she fit in? Maybe one of the 11?

          Daystar University (Nairobi Campus) > 2002 > page: 1 303142 …
          Daystar University (Nairobi Campus) Class of 2002 … Mwangi, Alex (Jogoo) Mwariri, Evah ( Mugo) Nabwire … obama, Rose : obama, rose : okello, vincent (musa)

          • Rose doesn’t ring a bell.

          • Is this name not interesting – Barrack (Barri) Ouma

            St. Mary’s School > 1999 > page: 1 297572 – … *

            Opiyo, Bernard : otieno, kosch-derek : Otieno, Barrack (Barri) Ouma,
            John Paul : Owino, Fredrick (ZB) Owuor, Andrew : Oyoo, Charles


          • Leza, The names are as follows:

            Otieno, Barrack (Barri)
            Ouma, John Paul

            Look at where Ouma went to school.

            1995 Makini Primary School (137)
            1999 St. Mary’s School (491)
            2004 Peoples? Friendship University Of Russia (83)

            When you click on the first link above for Rose. There is a comment saying she is from Texas.

          • Kathy a comment that say’s Rose is “from” Texas?? I find this when I click on Rose Obama @ the link –

            Rose Obama

            2002 message board Daystar University (Nairobi Campus) (358)

            About Me

            How is you all,i left to my home country immediately with my parent. I have completed my masters and got a job here in texas. Am planning to come back to meet my few friends who we have been communicating together. see you i love you all.

          • Sorry, Leza. That is what I saw. I guess she is in Texas now. On the other links, it might be interesting to click on the schools attended and see who they went to school with. I saw one beautiful girl in a wedding gown. Also, I saw where John Paul went to school a Sariff. I think Renee has been researching that name.

  2. The hole in Ann Dunham’s biography [Should be HOLES!}
    September 07, 2011
    Jack Cashill

    In the last year or so respected publishers have released four biographies by mainstream authors that feature, as a central fact, the birth of President Barack Obama to his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham (Ann), in 1961. Given that there has been a certain controversy about the birth, one might expect that each of the books would, if not settle the controversy, at least deal with it intelligently. None of them does.

    These books include a 2010 biography of the president, “The Bridge,” by New Yorker editor David Remnick; a 2011 biography of Dunham, “A Singular Woman,” by New York Times reporter Janny Scott; a 2011 biography of Barack Obama Sr., “The Other Barack,” by Sally Jacobs of the Boston Globe; and a 2010 multi-generational biography of the Obama family, “The Obamas,” by BBC journalist Peter Firstbrook.

    After the wedding, Dunham disappears from the record. Not one of these authors provides the slightest hint of what she may have done or where she may have gone between Feb. 2 and Aug. 4 of 1961. Nada. Not a word.

    All of these books were published with the eligibility controversy in full flower. The informed reader would expect the authors, especially Dunham’s biographer Scott, to at least comment on the absence of information. None does.

    The reporting on Obama’s birth is, if anything, even more evasive. All four rely on the certification of live birth (COLB) first posted online in 2008 by the Daily Kos. Since the COLB does not specify a hospital, the authors seem to have accepted Obama’s post-election claim to having been born at Kapiolani. Before the election, however, news reports routinely cited Honolulu’s Queen’s Medical Center as Obama’s birthplace.

  3. Abon Go gets special treatment, too, just like Samson Abo got special treatment in the UK–allowed, after the WH was contacted, to proceed to the USA for the Inauguration AS IF he were never in the UK, where he was arrested but not charged for sexually assaulting a 13-year-old! Abon Go got a coverup for his illegal charity:

    “This week, the IRS confirmed to WND that the Barack H. Obama Foundation received a determination letter in June, awarding the group tax-exempt 501(c)3 status, retroactively to 2008. [AMNESTY FOR ABON GO, TOO!]

    When did the foundation file with the IRS?

    Yet, as recently as last May, Alton Ray Baysden, a former State Department employee and director of the Barack H. Obama Foundation, at whose home the charity was founded in 2008, told the New York Post that the foundation had neglected to apply for tax-exempt status with the IRS.

    The New York Post also reported that the foundation was not registered in Virginia at the time the article was written in May, despite a Virginia legal requirement that an organization register before soliciting donations in that state. [Can Barry give Abon Go amnesty from VIRGINIA LAW, too?]

    “Since one of the Obama Foundation’s founders and directors, Mr. Alton R. Baysden, stated publicly in May 2011 that the foundation had not even applied for tax-exempt status, it is inconceivable that the IRS can now claim that the status was granted in June 2011, retroactive to 2008,” Ken Boehm, the head of the National Legal and Policy Center, told WND.”

    NOTHING is inconceivable in the Obamanation.

    More: “This appears to be political favoritism to the president’s brother,” Boehm told WND. “It cries out for an investigation.”

    Boehm said that receiving an IRS determination letter typically takes as long as six months after an organization seeking tax-exempt status has filed a formal application with the IRS.

    The concern of the National Legal and Policy Center was that the foundation may have violated federal and/or state postal and tax laws by soliciting via the Internet and U.S. mail tax-deductible contributions without having made required filings and without having received necessary IRS tax-exempt determinations.

    An automated voice message machine answered a WND phone call to the foundation’s headquarters in Arlington, Va., to seek comment. WND received no return phone call. …
    The Form 990 listed Samuel Andika Obiero of Arlington, Va., and Andrew Mboya of Hackensack, N.J., as directors, in addition to Abongo Malik Obama.

    The Form 990, filed only 12 days after the New York Post article referenced above was published, did not list Baysden as a director.”

    Is it possible for a POTUS to retroactively give his brother a “pardon” from crimes committed, like violation of federal and/or state postal and tax laws, just by backdating a document he never applied for?


    Not in the America we once knew. But it never used to be possible for a POTUS to remain unvetted and to present false documents.

    Sunday, May 08, 2011 8:21 PM

    Another part of the Obama political and financial Criminal Enterprise being run out of the White House? To gather UNREPORTED election money? Pad their own pockets?

    IRS Asked to Investigate Charity Run by Obama’s Brother NLPC (National Legal and Policy Center) by Peter Flaherty Snips

    The Foundation has addresses in Kenya and in Arlington, Virginia [2] to which it asks that donations be sent. Two members of the NLPC staff went to the Arlington address on May 6. It is a commercial mail drop facility where the clerk touted the fact that the address “looked like a real office address” and the facility could arrange to forward mail to any location in the world.

    Isabel Vincent and Melissa Klein report today in the New York Post [3] that there are questions about what happens to the money:

  5. Obama’s half-brother Roy fills traditional role as troublesome sibling
    May 8, 2011

    The National Legal and Policy Center, a Washington D.C., watchdog group, made a formal complaint to the IRS and US Post Office last week alleging fraud.

    Let’s just see if anything happens while Mr. Obama is in power, but don’t hold your breath.

  6. Skip Trace on Obama’s Brother, Abongo Obama, Kenyan National, Shows Social Security Number
    September 8, 2011

    The social security number associated with Abongo was issued between 1985-1987. Did the Social Security Administration issue and mail social security numbers to Kenya?

    Skip Trace on Malik Obama with US Social Security Number via Al

    • Malik, Aunt Polly, Omar, and Barack all have Social Security numbers and not one shows they are naturalized citizens of the US. Omar and Polly were ordered deported and ignored the deportation ruling. Barack Obama has a CT Social security number that was issued to someone else, and Malik got one in his name. How is this happening?

      Both immigration and social security fraud – and if we had an Attorney General worth his salt, he would be investigating. Who will cover up this growing criminal behavior? Watch the news.

  7. The Education Of Auma Obama
    12 September, 2011

    Given the size of Barack Obama’s extended family, Obama-lore is a growth industry. The latest installment comes in The Education Of Auma Obama, a portrait of his half-sister in Kenya.

    By the end, we still barely know her.

    The debut feature doc by Branwen Okpako, premiering when the president’s popularity is at an all-time low, will test the public’s appetite for Obama genealogy, a field first explored in the president’s own best-selling books. While a theatrical release seems unlikely for the story that could use more facts and editing, television in the US and Europe will welcome the German production. So will African channels. For its archival interest, the film will have a solid shelf life.

    The Education Of Auma Obama begins in Nairobi on the day of Obama’s election to the White House in November 2008. We watch relatives celebrate with Auma Obama, born in 1960 to the president’s father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr., and his first wife, Kezia Nyandega.

    Facts are simply missing. We learn that Auma married an Englishman and moved to the UK, where she was unhappy, but we never know what happened to the marriage, which seems over. Nor do we know much about her relationship today to the president who credited her in his books with putting his life on a better course.

    The Education Of Auma Obama introduces us to a woman of confidence and wit, committed like her half-brother to helping the disadvantaged. By the end, we still barely know her. [Family trait..a genetic problem.]

  8. Have we heard of Ben Obama?

    African family photos –

    Abongo, Ben Obama and Sasha Nyandega with Shamim Obama on his shoulders (Ben’s daughter) 5 Nov 2008

    George Obama (L) and Barack Obama’s aunt Hawa Auma (R) 5 Nov 2008

    • I added a screenshot of the photos to the Photo Link above in the header.

    • Do they call Bernard “Ben”? Pretty sure I read that somewhere. Abo is Samson. Bernard is Ben. OMG. A treasure trove of family pics. As usual, more people with multiple names. Good find!

    • Good Photos of Ben and Kezia on their way to the president’s inauguration. I wonder if these poor, poor people had their trip paid for and who gave them all the money for hotels, meals, etc.

      In This Photo: Kezia Obama, Ben Obama
      Kezia Obama and family fly out to attend the inauguration of her stepson Barack Obama. Accompanying Kezia are Virgin Airway staff Candice Theobald and Sam Muddyman.

      (January 15, 2009 – Photo by

  9. ‘My Life with Obama Senior’: The Standard, Kenya
    By John Oywa
    November 11, 2008 Snips

    In 1964, during the famous airlifts organized by late Planning Minister Tom Mboya, Obama Senior left for the United States for further studies. “I remember escorting him to the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, Nairobi, then known as Embakasi airport,” she says. “He asked me to take care of our then only child, Malik Abongo, who was six years old. I was pregnant with our second – Rita

    Keziah says she was happy to have a co-wife, and that her husband kept her updated. He informed her when Barack Obama Junior was born. She says that despite her husband marrying another woman, she still loved him.

    “He used to send me gifts, money and clothes through the post office. Many people envied me,” she said. “He returned to Kenya at the end of 1964 and we moved to Shauri Moyo estate in Nairobi,” she says. She gave birth to two more sons – Mustapha Nyandega and Sadik Otieno, born in 1968 and 1971 respectively.

    Life continued to be good for them until things took a turn in 1984 when her husband died in a car accident in Nairobi. Keziah says she was devastated and that from then on, life was never the same. For example, she had to relocate to be with her daughter Auma in the United Kingdom where she has been undergoing treatment.

    • Sooooooo…………….Was Auma born in 1960 or 1964/65 as stated above? No ones stories check out!

      • Good question, isn’t it? Besides these people all having multiple names, they have fungible birthdates. Kezia was supposedly pregnant with Auma when BHO Sr. left for the USA, but of course it’s not exactly pinned down precisely WHEN he came to the USA. The usual range of dates. Take your pick, folks! It’s like the index with Barry’s birth has a range of five years. Why? Some say Auma was born before her father left. Others say Kezia was 3 months pregnant with her. But look what else Kezia says. Roy/Malik was six years old when BHO Sr. left. That must mean he was born in 1954, not 1958. (Assuming the reporter is wrong on the 1964 date. We know BHO Sr. was at Harvard by then.) But Kezia says Malik was 6 and she was pregnant with Auma. So that means that between Malik, their first, and Auma, their second, there’s a gap of over 6 years. Seeing as how Kezia is supposed to be BHO Sr.’s first and only wife until SADOS in Feb. 1961, does it seem likely she had no other children between Malik and Auma?

        • It looks like they all must lie about their ages to make the dates work for O.
          His dates are the changed ones. Theirs cover his I think.

  10. Happened across an old article and saw something new:

    “Obama Sr. and his third wife had two sons, Mark and David, before their bitter divorce. Their American mother then married an affluent and genial man who had moved to Kenya from a different African country, had sons of their own, and all the boys were educated at a prestigious international school in Nairobi.”

    The UTN and Ruth had sonS. We’ve talked about that before, but I don’t remember if this was the article. Joseph and who else comprise sonS?

    • Look at the photo….. Joseph and Obama really do look alot alike! Brothers???!!

      • Which photo, AOne? There are so many. He looks like Mark, too. I think. If they all had the same mom …

          • Is it just me or does that poor kid in the red shirt look like Godfrey Cambridge?

            I can see a resemblance among Barry, Mark, AND Joseph. You know what? In that photo, Mark looks more like David. The eyes.

            Joseph looks more white than the others, if you know what I mean. Check out how LITTLE any of them resemble the other “Obamas”. Malik looks like BHO Sr. He looks more like that guy next to Barry than Barry. Malik’s kids look like their mother. Malik also looks like Kezia.

            When you get to Barry, Mark, Joe–none of them look like their father OR their purported mothers. IMHO.

            Who is the guy next to Barry? Is that Bernard or Samson?

      • You know what else is strange? How Malik goes around specifying that he’s the “first born son” (but he’s not the Junior. Why not?) and that he’s NOT Barack’s UNCLE. Who ever said or thought that Malik was Barry’s uncle? So why make a point of saying that he’s his brother? Malik isn’t that much older. Just 3 years, if you believe when they say they were born.

        Did anybody ever figure out who Val is? You know, that black girl who’s standing in a photo with Auma Marie and Barry? Btw, WHO’S Auma Marie? It’s not his sister. If it’s his aunt, then is she BHO Sr.’s sister? See the photo:

        Wait! Bridgette said Auma Marie is his cousin. So who are her parents? And who is Val? (The younger girl in the middle.)

      • Yes they do AOne. Brothers I say.

  11. Last Of A Dying Breed: Investigators Wayne Madsen and Robert S. Finnegan at Obama statue in the courtyard of the public school he attended as an INDONESIAN CITIZEN. It was illegal for ANY foreigner at that time to attend ANY public school, and Madsen now has the Indonesian Law Statues to prove it, along with the documentation to prove Obama’s attendance. So just exactly what WAS Obama’s citizenship when he attended school here?

    August 12-13, 2011 — DATELINE: JAKARTA — Two contrived histories combine to insulate America from the truth about Obama

    The official histories of Indonesia and the Obama administration would have everyone believe that in 1965, Indonesian army general Suharto put down an attempted Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) coup attempt that saw six senior Indonesian military officers plus a first lieutenant mistaken for General Nasution brutally shot by PKI partisans and dumped down a dry well. The official time line continues by suggesting that a lowly enlisted man, Lolo Soetoro, re-called from a scholarship at the University of Hawaii and drafted into the Indonesian army about five months before the PKI coup attempt, was sent into the field to fight anti-government guerrillas. Two years later, in 1967, along comes Soetoro’s American wife, Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro, along with her six year-old mulatto child by a Kenyan father, Barry Obama, to take on a series of odd jobs and help raise her son in practical poverty. Ann Dunham, a free-spirited hippie type, eventually uses her anthropology degree to assist Javanese villagers in marketing their batik textiles and be entrepreneurs by taking out micro-loans.

    These “official” time lines of history works for those who also believe in the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, and Santa Claus.

    The actual history of Indonesia is that General Suharto, the head of the army under President Sukarno, conspired with the CIA to topple the nationalistic Sukarno, who was opposed to the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, United Nations, US Agency for International Development (USAID), and U.S. Peace Corps presence in Indonesia. The abduction and execution of the six top Indonesian military officers was carried out by Suharto’s men and then blamed on the PKI as a reason to carry out a coup against Sukarno and a bloody pogrom against the PKI, an operation that saw between 800,000 and 1 million Indonesians killed by Indonesian military and intelligence officers over a period of time that included Dunham and her son’s arrival and residence in Indonesia.

    Lolo Soetoro, a reserve Indonesian army officer called back into service in the army in 1965 from his CIA-supplied scholarship at the East-West Center at the University of Hawaii, was a foot soldier in the putschist cabal of Suharto, the man who the CIA designated as the leader of the 1965 coup. Lolo Soetoro was one of some 4000 Indonesian army officers who were trained in the United States between 1958 and 1965 and the CIA and Pentagon ensured that these officers would be available for the long-planned overthrow of Sukarno.

    Barry Obama Soetoro’s mother, Ann, was dispatched from Hawaii to Indonesia in 1967, along with seven year-old Barack Obama, to infiltrate villages in Java to carry out a CIA survey of political leanings among the Javanese population. Those unfortunate enough to be tagged as Communists or Sukarno supporters were targeted for elimination by the CIA, which turned the target lists over to Suharto’s army officers, including Lolo Soetoro. During the Cold War, the use of anthropologists by the CIA and Defense Department in the collection of ethnographic and cultural intelligence was commonplace. In Indonesia, the CIA/Pentagon program to infiltrate villages and report on political allegiances was called Project PROSYM.

    However, the Suharto government, taking its cues from the CIA, carefully re-wrote Indonesian history. The official history of Indonesia has been directly and effectively used by Barack Obama and his handlers to avoid Obama having to admit the role of his mother and Indonesian step-father in one of the bloodiest chapters in the history of modern Asia.

    • A communist Ann tagging communist for death? uh huh….Right! I call B/S on Madsen’s “theory” where’s his proof?. I’m sure Madsen’s commie grandma Victoria Madsen knows trick’s are for kid’s! I myself have put many hours into researching this exact theory Madsen suggests, it doesn’t add up. in my book 2+2 must = 4. Ann (or) anyone from the “family” being CIA anti-communist is a -10. For god sake’s the whole family is communist or Muslim helping lead the communists / Muslims to carry out their agendas!


      Background and Early Life

      His grandmother, who emigrated to the U.S. with his father after World War II was Victoria Madsen, a Danish communist party official and newspaper reporter who, during World War II was a leader in the Danish resistance movement which was involved in organising the smuggling of Danish Jews to Sweden.[6][7] In the 1950s Victoria Madsen was deported by the FBI after attempting to organise hospital employees into a union.[8]

    • Barry did want to be Suharto. That’s why he memorized his speeches and imitated them, forcing adopted sister Lia to stand behind him for hours, playacting at being his thug bodyguard.

  12. I guess Jack Cashill has figured it out too! Some of his facts are wrong.

    Obama’s fictionalized family history

    September 20, 2011

    In November 2009 President Barack Obama toured China on an official state visit. During that tour, Obama spent roughly five minutes with his half-brother, Mark Ndesandjo, and Ndesandjo’s Chinese wife.

    Ndesandjo, the son of Barack Obama Sr. and his American-born wife Ruth Baker, had been living and working in China since 2002. CNN did a short piece on his meeting with the president. [Need to review that video and see if Ruth, his mother, is mentioned!]

    What this clip reveals is Obama’s chronic failure to keep his story straight. The reason for this failure is becoming obvious: Much of Obama’s biography has been fictionalized, and much of that fiction has been written by other people.

    As a result, Obama appears not to remember what has been written under his name. So far, given the media’s indifference to the truth, it has not really mattered. That may change.

    In his 1995 memoir, “Dreams from My Father,” Obama goes on at great length about his first meeting with [Mark]Ndesandjo, who was born in 1965, four years after Obama. In “Dreams,” Obama places this meeting in 1988 during his first trip to Africa. This timing works well in the book because it follows Obama’s introduction chez Jeremiah Wright to Christianity, or something like it, and immediately precedes his enrollment at Harvard Law.

    Like most reporters, Obama’s most influential biographer, David Remnick, accepts the 1988 date. In his 2006 visit to Kenya, however, Obama spoke to a large gathering at a Kenyan University and placed his first visit to Africa in 1987.

    To complicate matters, traces Obama’s first Kenyan visit to 1983, the summer after college graduation, “when he had come to mourn his late father.” In that Barack Sr. died in late 1982, this makes sense. An early Obama biographer, the usually reliable David Mendell, also puts this first visit in 1983.

    As Obama tells the story in “Dreams” – and nowhere else – he spent eight weeks on this first journey, an inexplicable luxury for a chronically broke young man no matter what the year. His first stop was allegedly Europe. I say “allegedly” because most of the specifics sound like they were pulled from a Michelin Guide and the others from Bill Ayers’ memory banks.

    “I hear you’re at Berkeley,” said Obama upon first meeting Ndesandjo, allegedly in Kenya on summer break that year, whenever year it was. “Stanford,” Ndesandjo corrected. Obama adds accurately, “His voice was deep, his accent perfectly American.” “I’m in my last year of the physics program there,” Ndesandjo told Obama. If this account is even close to correct, it would rule out the 1983 date for Obama’s first visit.

    Another detail, however, argues for an earlier date. This first meeting is at Ruth’s home. Obama remembers her current husband, Ndesandjo’s stepfather, bouncing his and Ruth’s son, Joey, on his lap. Joey was born no later than 1980. Do the math.

    After a lengthy meeting with Ndesandjo and his mother, Obama reportedly called his half-brother the following week, and the two had a heart-to-heart over lunch. The details of the discussion ring true. Ndesandjo, who grew up with Obama Sr., was so appalled by his father’s behavior that he took his stepfather’s name after his parents divorced and turned his back on Kenya.

    “Don’t you ever feel like you might be losing something?” asked the forever patronizing Obama, then noisily trying to reclaim his own Kenyan roots. “Understand, I’m not ashamed of being half Kenyan,” Ndesandjo answered. “I just don’t ask myself a lot of questions about what it all means. About who I really am.”

    The Ndesandjo CNN interviewed in 2009 seems consistent with the one Obama described in “Dreams.” Ndesandjo self-identified not as Kenyan, but as Jewish, his mother’s faith and ethnicity. At the time of Obama’s visit in 2009, Ndesandjo was marketing a semi-autobiographical novel about growing up with an abusive father. In fact, he told the Washington Post that he wrote the novel in part to raise awareness about domestic violence.

    Still, Ndesandjo spoke movingly of his meeting with the new president. He was clearly proud of his “big brother.” The sentiment did not seem to be reciprocated. When interviewed by CNN about Ndesandjo, Obama answered dismissively, “Well, you know, I don’t know him well.” Obama then added the kicker that deepens the Obama mystery, “I met him for the first time a couple of years ago.”

    If Obama met Ndesandjo in Africa as claimed, that first meeting would have been more than 20 years prior. In “Dreams,” they met twice, at length both times, and in some depth. These meetings, whenever they were, apparently had no lasting impact. “[Ndesandjo] stopped by with his wife for about five minutes during the trip,” a seemingly annoyed Obama told CNN. “I haven’t read [his] book, but it’s no secret that my father was a troubled person.” Obama may not have read his own book, at least not recently. There should be no forgetting the two poignant, detailed visits with a new-found brother, visits that consume three pages of book space.

    In sorting through this story, it is hard to know what is true. Best guess: Obama visited Ruth and pulled a few details about Ndesandjo from this visit and from his half-sister Auma’s recollection. Ayers filled in the blanks.

    This kind of fictionalization would not be particularly troubling were it an anomaly. It is not. It is the norm. No one really knows where the lies begin and end.

    As the media begin to turn on Obama – they are already starting – they will wonder why no one alerted them to the greatest con in American political history and look for someone to blame.

    • Wow. Everything WE’VE pointed out for years. Finally getting with the program. BUT… Did we find Mendell? That name doesn’t ring a bell. What book did he write? This is as I wrote in the Malik article: WHEN did Barry first go there? In the one photo, where he carries a sack over his shoulder, standing with a middle-aged Granny Sarah, he looks just out of his teens. They are lying about when he first went to Kenya FOR A REASON. He was there for two months?!!! Good point. Where did the dough come from? What was Ann doing in 1982-3? What PASSPORT did he travel on? Did he go there to re-up/confirm his KENYAN CITIZENSHIP? Is that why they lie?

      As you read these self-proclaimed FICTIONAL “memoirs” (faulty memory for sure), you begin to realize that all the little details are put into the very stilted conversations for a reason–to obfuscate and to try to lend CREDIBILITY to the bogus backstory. This is typically what liars do when they’re telling a big one–they add little details to make it SOUND true and convincing.

      But the details that others add, people with no reason to lie or be “mistaken,” argue otherwise. Like the African relatives who remember him from 1982. Who remember him visiting Kezia at her sister’s house. People in the village who thought he was David when they first saw him. But David would have been long dead by 1988, so why would the people mistake him for a ghost? Why did Ruth hide her true identity for years (if this recently revealed one is even the truth)? I certainly remember us pointing out that it’s unlikely that young Joey, age 8, would be bounced on his dad’s knee.

      And we pointed out that Barry said he met Mark only a few years ago. So what’s up with this guy? If Ayers made it all up, then who exactly is it that the African relatives remember meeting? Barry or DAVID? David Opiyo, firstborn of TWINS. That’s what his name means. Are they going to suddenly pull out of the hat a second born who died at birth? Why did the villagers have to be told, “No, that’s not DAVID, it’s Barry?”

      Who is this man? Three years after and we still don’t know THE TRUTH.

      • They use Dr. Rita Auma to run interference for Barry, but she can’t keep her stories straight, either. Nor can Malik or the rest of them. Cashill is no doubt correct that Barry may have never met Mark, and Mark, for some reason, won’t disagree with Barry’s recollections. It’s not for nothing that Barry put the disclaimer right there in the book–that timelines are fudged, that characters are composites, that people have pseudonyms. Mark does the same in his “novel” where Mark calls himself David.

        Since Mark does say that Barry is his “older brother” and insists upon calling him his “brother” and NOT “half-brother”,

        since other than the pock marks Barry and Mark resemble each other quite a bit (especially body type, shape of head, long hands),

        since Barry also resembles Joseph, when he should not because they should not be blood relatives at all,

        since David Opiyo (the ELDER of twins) mysteriously “died”,

        since villagers mistook Barry FOR David,

        since like Barry, David ALSO embraced his “real” father, his “African-ness” and possibly Islam (very much UNLIKE Mark),

        since David and Malik were close, like Barry and Malik,

        since David, like Barry at Occidental, blew off school (David actually dropped out),

        since David, like Barry, got involved with drugs right around the same age,

        since right after BHO Sr. died, Barry had a sudden epiphany, straightened himself out, decided to go to Columbia, somehow got in (where he knew Ayers), and

        since right about the same time of Barry’s sudden change of life, David mysteriously died in Kenya:

        Given that all these strange details EXIST, they might allow someone to convincingly argue that Barry IS David.

        But David was born in Kenya. David’s mother Ruth was a long-time expatriot. Married to two successive African citizens. She has lived in Africa for decades. Most of her life, actually. Would David be eligible for the presidency? No, he would not. Most assuredly, he would not.

        Why would the African relatives cover for him? Because of all the goodies that can flow to someone related to the POTUS. All of them have cashed in and continue to cash in. Even “unrelated” Joseph.

    • If you play the interview CNN had with Mark, notice how he says, “What I CAN say…..” So, Mark, what is it that you CAN’T say? What are you helping him to hide?

      Second, notice that mole on the opposite side of Mark’s nose. Mark’s right side. About 29 seconds in.

      Barry clearly says, no mistake about it, that he first met Mark a few years ago. It all depends upon what the meaning of few is.

    • I found the Mendell book. It’s called (menacingly) Obama: From Promise to Power

      Here’s what he says about the trips to Kenya: “This was Obama’s third trip to the small rural compound of his father’s family. He visited just after college in 1983 and then again after Harvard Law in 1991 in order to research his Dreams memoir.” This guy was among the “press gaggle” that went to Kenya with Barry in 2006. He was there when Barry and Odinga spoke. Gibbs, Axelrod, and that photographer, Pete Souza, were there, too. No surprise. 2006 and Mendell said Barry was running for POTUS then. I scanned on “Nidesand” and “Ndesandjo”–nothing. No Mark, Malik, Roy, or David Opiyo, either. Just Auma.

  13. Starring in the documentary…Marsat Osumba Onyango. Who is this person? Related to Omar and Auntie Polly Z?

    Toronto – The Education of Auma Obama (Docu – Germany)
    Sep. 20, 2011 Movie Reviews

    A Filmkantine presentation ..
    With: Auma Obama, Kezia Obama, Elke Brenstein, Marsat Osumba Onyango. (English, German, Luo dialogue)

    One branch of President Obama’s fascinating family tree reveals its own compelling story in Branwen Okpako’s “The Education of Auma Obama.” Born of the same father but raised by a different mother in the family’s Kenyan homeland, Obama’s half-sister Auma describes a life of intellectual inquiry and social activism that mirrors the future president’s. Blessed with remarkable access to the Obamas during the 2008 election, the modestly made docu has little style but is engaging enough to lure fest interest and tube buyers.

    Auma’s tale begins with mother Kezia, who recalls her 1965 meeting with her eventual husband, Barack; his father was a tough taskmaster, but provided a standard of living above those of most neighbors. Auma’s viewpoint on her father’s departure to America, and the new life he made for himself, is colored with pain, but the separation was eventually healed with her half-brother’s Kenyan visit (shown in some lovely homemade footage of a younger Obama, later revisiting with wife Michelle). Auma’s university years in Heidelberg and eventual teaching career prove to be personal triumphs, making pic a positive study in female African achievement.

    • Who is Marsat Osumba Onyango? She is BHO’s Paternal Aunt

      Obama’s Kenyan Family Show Their Pride *
      March 21, 2008

      “The Obama family is Muslim,” Barack’s paternal Aunt Marsat explains. “Our father is Muslim, Grandma Sarah is Muslim, Uncle Said is Muslim, but Barack – the Senator – is Christian.”…

      • How Obama magic has changed life in sleepy Kogelo
        June 8, 2011 Snips

        The compound is guarded by police for 24 hours and visiting hours have been posted at the gate, between 10 am and 5 pm and 10 am and 4 pm for Saturdays. However, visits were restricted following the recent killing of terror mastermind Osama bin Laden by US Navy Seals.

        Before the restrictions, Ms Marsat Onyango, who controls her diary, says Mama Sarah received up to 100 people daily.

        Kogelo now has electricity, an ICT centre, schools and a health centre.

        There is also a recreation centre built by the president’s half-brother Malik Obama.

        • Controls her diary? Why, so they can make sure it never has any TRUTH in it, lest it fall into someone else’s hands? Maybe they mean appointment book?

          In one of the stories I read while researching Malik, they talked about how the compound was broken into and somebody searched the home. Looking for PROOF of something? Huh?

          Granny Sarah had to give consent for Barry to marry Michelle? Why? (In the Sky News story Bridgette linked.) Ann died in 1999? Huh? Isn’t that wrong?

          Marsat Onyango. So she’s Omar’s sister? Zeituni’s sister?

          “Indeed, no sooner is the interview finished than Daphne overhears Obama HQ on the phone from Chicago – desperate to find out exactly what the family have said. … his strategists know they must get the perception of the reality of his roots right if America is to have its first African-American president.”

      • Initiating a Program for Orphans in Kenya and their Caretakers to Grow Their Own Fruits and Vegetables.
        Richard Brodsky MANRRS.ORG, February 2009 Snips

        The members of the Kisumu World AIDS Marathon Group and my wife Jodi and I had a delightful dinner with Mama Sarah and her daughter, Marsat Onyango, the evening before the World AIDS Marathon.

        Mama Sarah loves children and she also cut the ribbon at the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new children’s playground at Jomo Kenyatta Sports Stadium in Kisumu. The playground was donated from funds raised from the 2007 World AIDS Marathon.

        • Her daughter? Is she Akumu’s daughter or Sarah’s? I really do think Akumu is the first to meet an untimely end. Everybody’s mum about what happened to her. And the wife doesn’t get to keep the kids when there’s a divorce–they go with the father, so Sarah ended up with them, no matter how Akumu “left”. btw, I can’t find anything that says Akumu means mysterious birth. I found that it’s a Japanese name or an Australian name and one implied that it means “Grace”, which kind of fits with the numerous “Graces” we see in that family.

  14. Great connections! Here’s somethin I don’t know where to put and still perplexed with the connections…..But I’m putting it here maybe it should be moved. Link

    First,you notice the address. I have asked this before but does anyone know why a configuration of an url has false at the end?

    Anyway I find this Barack Obama Awouche with Agnes Odinga and Edna Awouche in the matter of husband Lawrence Awouche who died in 2007. It’s sort of puzzling to me that Raila Odinga’s wife Ida has either a mother or aunt with that name. In looking up the other names in relationship to these people, they don’t seem to really exist. Ida’s Aunt (names always vary) is a Agnes Nigala Odinga (who was appointed something by Raila in administration.

    The only other prominent Agnes Odinga is a historyProfessor at U. of Minnesota. A very prominent person, I have found. Her historic writings cover everything from Luo history, health, to Mau Mau. It is interesting to note ,I remember Raila made some appearances at U. of Minnesota around 2008, while Obama was somewhere close/I remember looking at the time to see that I think they crossed paths. There are news clippings of that time? Anyway I just find it curious that there is another Barack Obama______ here. Wonder what it is. I found this while looking at other Kenya Gazette notices and came on it by accident.

  15. It is cause number 1913

  16. Shrink: Obama Suffers ‘Father Hunger’
    October 14, 2011

    The abandonment by his father when he was an infant and by his stepfather at age 10 has left President Obama with a “father hunger” that influences everything from why he distances himself from pushy supporters, to his strong desire to compromise and bring people together, to his aggressive campaign to kill Osama bin Laden, says a psychoanalytic book out next week. In Obama on the Couch, George Washington University professor Justin Frank also reveals that Obama has spent much of his life seeking out father figures, but most, like Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Vice President Biden, have disappointed him. “Obama searched for a father, for someone to relate to who could help him—a strong man who knew what to do,” Frank writes.

  17. Here’s a new one..Obama went to France while in college! I wonder if he was on or off the teleprompter?

    Obama went to France while in college?
    November 04, 2011
    Jack Cashill Snips

    On Thursday, while in Cannes for the G-20 Summit, President Barack Obama casually said the following: “The last time I was in the South of France – or the first time, rather – was as a college student, and I’ve never forgotten the extraordinary hospitality of the French people and the extraordinary views that are available here.”

    To Obama followers, this comes as news. In his 1995 memoir, “Dreams from My Father,” Obama gives the distinct impression that his first trip to Europe came in 1988 when he was a 26-year-old community organizer. As told in “Dreams,” Obama spent eight weeks on this 1988 journey, an inexplicable luxury for a chronically broke young man. Europe was allegedly his first stop. I say “allegedly” because most of the specifics sound like they were pulled from a Michelin Guide. The one exception is a sojourn to the Spanish boondocks that even Obama’s worshipful biographer David Remnick concedes is “not an especially convincing sequence.”

    Its details, in fact, sound like they were pulled from the memory of Bill Ayers, the “neighbor” who – I argue in my book, “Deconstructing Obama” – more or less wrote “Dreams.”

    After a couple of weeks wandering around Paris’ Luxembourg Garden and other tourist staples – no Cannes – Obama finds himself awaiting the night bus at “a roadside tavern about halfway between Madrid and Barcelona.” While waiting, he shoots pool at what might be the only pool table in any bar in Europe. Need I mention that in Ayers’ memoir “Fugitive Days,” he tells us that he was a pool player who, during his merchant seaman days, frequented roughneck bars in this part of the world?

    Whether he actually went to Europe or not, Obama realizes that this side trip was a “mistake.” Says Obama of the experience, “It wasn’t that Europe wasn’t beautiful; everything was just as I’d imagined it. It just wasn’t mine.”

    Nowhere else in “Dreams” does Obama mention going to Europe and, even on this trip, he does not mention going to the South of France. In his 656-page review of Obama’s life, biographer Remnick makes no reference to any Obama trip to France at any time.

    • Unbelievable! I saw this morning in the paper that today is the hajj and tomorrow is a big Muslim holiday. I wonder if AF1 made a stop in Mecca? But then again, figured Barry did the hajj when he went to “Pakistan” in the early ’80s.

      Did the reporter ask Barry what passport he traveled on? Why in the south of France, when he was supposed to be the poor son of a single mother, raised by middle-class Granny? All that international travel. Just like ALL children of poor single mothers.

      I didn’t even know Barry was in Paris for “a couple of weeks” (weeks?!!) and then in Spain. Sounds like Ayers AND Obama have a Hemingway fetish, too.

      As with all things Barry, who knows what’s true? EVEN BARRY DOESN’T KNOW TRUTH FROM FANTASY–THAT’S THE PROBLEM WITH PEOPLE WITH HIS DIAGNOSIS. Apparently Remnick missed the trip to the south of France AS WELL as that weeks-long sojourn in Pahk-eee-stahn.

  18. Kenya: The Pub Where Obama Senior Sat Sipping His Whisky Years Ago
    17 November 2011

    Obama Senior used to drink at the Hotel InterContinental’s Safari Bar, only it used to be called the Big Five bar back then. Big Five sounds like a corny name for a bar now, yes, but still a celebratory one in the ’70s, no doubt. “I bet Obama senior sat there, at the bar, rattling his ice cubes in his glass of whisky,” Barnabas of The Hotel Intercontinental joked recently as he pointed with his chin at the petite, but quaint, bar across the room.

    • “The phrase Big Five game was coined by white hunters and refers to the five most difficult animals in Africa to hunt on foot.[1] The term is still used in most tourist and wildlife guides that discuss African wildlife safaris. The collection consists of the lion, African elephant, cape buffalo, leopard, and rhinoceros. The members of the Big Five were chosen for the difficulty in hunting them and the degree of danger involved, rather than their size.”

      Do you think this is the Big Five the bar’s named after?


    I’m going to put this on the O Timeline, too, because of the biographical data in it. We can discuss the biographical data he cadges from the BHO Sr. bios on this thread.

    “Converting to Islam, he became Hussein Onyango in his mid-twenties. Frustrated by his first wife’s [Helima’s] inability to have children, he abducted a second, Akumu Njoga, who became Habiba with her own conversion. Baraka (‘blessing’ in Arabic) was born in 1936.

    Baraka was petted and adored even by his father, who ignored the boy’s sisters. He became Barack at six, when he converted to Christianity.” [A child converts to Christianity?]

    “When Habiba withdrew from him, Onyango turned to other women, including the one who became ‘Mama Sarah’, a surrogate grandmother to the president. He also took to beating Habiba. One night, after he nearly killed her, she fled to her family in Kolonde. Barack and his sister were heartbroken.”

    “He [BHO Sr.] met his first wife, Grace Kezia Nyandega, on the dancefloor. They were married in 1957 under Luo customary law, by communal consent.”

    “Among the activists in Nairobi was Sara Elizabeth Mooney, a 43-year-old Texan and literacy teacher, who offered Barack a job as her secretary.”

    Invited to discuss a proposed East-West Center with the university president at a posh cocktail party, he [BHO Sr.] glimpsed the world he wanted to inhabit. For relaxation, he hung out with the aspiring intellectuals who constituted a would-be counterculture. One of this group, Neil Abercrombie (later a US Congressman and governor of Hawaii), recalled Barack discoursing on colonialism and its aftermath, but also that he had no patience with those he deemed inferior, which was almost everyone; he talked past them, jabbing his pipe.”

    “The East-West Center encouraged global ambitions and enticed the hopeful young. One of them was a girl from Seattle called Ann Dunham, who became Barack’s wife and the president’s mother. Her father Stanley was restless and ineffectual, a furniture salesman full of big plans and bad jokes; her mother Madelyn was ambitious and competent, a bank vice president whose favourite colour, according to her daughter, was beige. The couple started out in Wichita, Kansas, where Stanley Ann was born in 1942. (The name was a homage to her father but also to Bette Davis, Madelyn’s favourite actress, who played a character called Stanley in a movie released that year, In This Our Life.)”

    “This mythic scene [where BHO Sr. wakes Ann who fell asleep waiting for him], which their son recounted in Dreams from My Father, supposedly embodied Ann Dunham’s approach to life, as a friend described it: ‘to just be herself in the world … just leave yourself open to the world when you’re sleeping.’ Her awakener was a big shot at the East-West Center, famed for his fearless intellect and heavy drinking. He frequently passed out at parties, where departing guests would have to pick their way around him. But Ann knew nothing of this, at first.”

    By early November, about the time Kennedy was squeaking out a victory over Richard Nixon, Ann became pregnant. She was still a few weeks shy of her 18th birthday. They were secretly married on 2 February 1961 in Maui, but it is unclear how long they actually lived together. … If the food she served displeased him, he would hurl his plate against the wall. Life with an African patriarch began to look less appealing. Even before Barack Jr was born, on 4 August 1961, Ann had already moved back in with her parents.”

    “In 1961 he applied for admission to graduate economics programmes in the United States, concealing his white wife and baby, mentioning only Kezia and their children in Africa.”

    “Dunham learned about his escapades [with women] and filed for divorce early in 1964. The problem, for her, was not so much the girls as the money he spent on them rather than on his son.”

    “…Ruth Baker arrived. She was a Simmons College graduate who had fallen in love with him in Cambridge, and whom he had promised to marry if she joined him in Kenya. When she showed up, he asked his friend Samuel Ayodo, the minister of natural resources, to ‘tell Ruth that my father is a king and my family is very, very important.’ Barack was painfully eager to impress Ruth, and to impress everyone else with his white wife. He had no intention of living ‘like an African’, he told his friends, with more than one wife in his household at one time. Kezia would not be included.”

    All of the above is from his review of Sally Jacobs’s book. Now for his review of Janny Scott’s book about SAD:

    “Dunham was a resourceful single mother attracted to exotic brown men. Having returned to the East-West Center in 1963 to study anthropology, she met Lolo Soetoro, a Javanese graduate student who was easygoing and patient – the opposite of Barack Sr. They were married in March 1964. Little more than a year later, after a right-wing coup brought the Suharto regime to power, Indonesians studying abroad were required to return for military service. Lolo complied, then sent for his wife and stepson. They joined him in 1967, after Ann had taken her degree. Barry was six years old. The couple gradually veered into different social worlds. Barry’s stepfather took a middle management position at Union Oil; his mother, refusing the ornamental role of corporate wife, took a job teaching English and ‘business communications’ in a management school for non-governmental organisations, funded by the United States Information Service – a characteristic enterprise of the Kennedy era, intended to create a pro-Western Indonesian elite. Worlds apart, in Cambridge and Jakarta, both parents were participating in a common atmosphere of confident Cold War liberalism.”

    The book mentions Ann’s friend, Elizabeth Bryant.

    “Co-workers and her houseboy Saman say Ann spanked Barry and even hit him with her father’s military belt; the president denies it.” [He denies a lot.]

    Ann used her parents’ connections to get Barry a scholarship to Punahou Academy in Hawaii.” [I thought they scraped and saved to pay those “fees”. Parents’ connections? What connections did “ineffectual” unemployed Stan have?]

    “The separation was hard for a ten-year-old boy, though he was going to a familiar place to live with his grandparents. [How could it be familiar when he hadn’t been to Hawaii since age 6?] But his mother and his baby sister Maya soon joined him. Lolo stayed behind while Ann returned to graduate school in anthropology at the East-West Center. Pursuing a PhD while she raised biracial children with different fathers was ‘unusual and dangerous and difficult’, Scott writes, even if she could depend on her parents for financial support. [Parents? That would be her mother.] Her mentor was Alice Dewey (John’s granddaughter), who had been part of the Harvard team that included Clifford Geertz in Indonesia during the 1950s.”

    In 1975, Ann left for fieldwork in Indonesia, taking Maya with her.”

    “Ann gravitated toward the Population Studies Centre at Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta, where E.F. Schumacher came to lecture and small was still beautiful. Lolo, sick with liver disease, lived apart from Ann: their relationship ‘had ceased to be a functioning marriage’, Scott writes, though their divorce did not become final until 1980.”

    Returning to Hawaii for Barry’s senior year of high school, she was troubled by his apparent aimlessness. … By autumn 1979 Barry was a freshman at Occidental College in Los Angeles.”

    Ann returned to take a job with the US Agency for International Development in central Java. She was less an anthropologist than a community organiser, supporting cottage industries, arranging the kind of small-scale lending that would later become known as ‘micro-credit’. This was the beginning of a series of jobs, later with the Ford Foundation and the People’s Bank of Indonesia, that placed her in the midst of the transition from government-sponsored development liberalism to market-driven neoliberalism.”

    “Having transferred to Columbia University and graduated in 1983, he wrote to her from New York that he was ‘working for the enemy’: Business International Corporation, a consulting firm supplying information about foreign countries to potential investors. Within a few months he would head for Chicago and more congenial work as a community organiser.”

    “When her son moved to Chicago and made what she saw as a ‘professional choice’ to identify as black, Dunham felt he was distancing himself from her.”

    A PhD at 50, Dunham pursued a career in microfinance that led her to a poorly paid job in New York at Women’s World Banking. She became the ‘village elder’ for younger colleagues: ‘She could be kind of a fat lady with big hair and a bohemian, but she was trying to do the right thing for the right reasons,’ her boss admitted. Life in New York was cold, hard and expensive. Soon she fled back to Jakarta for a better paying job with the Indonesian State Ministry for the Role of Women, but it didn’t last long. The stomach pains that had been troubling her for months continued even after an appendectomy. Eventually she returned to the US for a diagnosis of cancer and protracted, ineffectual treatments. In November 1995 she died.” [Sounds like malpractice to me.]

    By then Barry was Barack Obama, [Who was he before?] and was launched on a career of careful striving. His chief collaborator and confidante was Michelle Robinson Obama, an African American with roots in working-class Chicago, a fellow graduate of Harvard Law School and an attorney at the Chicago firm Sidley Austin. He had a summer job there in 1989; she was assigned to be his mentor. They married in 1992. When he ran for state senate in 1996, he softened her scepticism towards electoral politics…”

    • Did we know that Alice Dewey is the granddaughter of John Dewey?

      “In 1894 Dewey joined the newly founded University of Chicago (1894–1904) where he developed his belief in an empirically based theory of knowledge, becoming associated with the newly emerging Pragmatic philosophy. His time at the University of Chicago resulted in four essays collectively entitled Thought and its Subject-Matter, which was published with collected works from his colleagues at Chicago under the collective title Studies in Logical Theory (1903). During that time Dewey also initiated the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools, where he was able to actualize the pedagogical beliefs that provided material for his first major work on education, The School and Social Progress (1899). Disagreements with the administration ultimately caused his resignation from the University, and soon thereafter he relocated near the East Coast. In 1899, Dewey was elected president of the American Psychological Association. From 1904 until his retirement in 1930 he was professor of philosophy at both Columbia University and Columbia University’s Teachers College. In 1905 he became president of the American Philosophical Association. He was a longtime member of the American Federation of Teachers. … Dewey is considered the epitome of liberalism by many historians, and sometimes was was portrayed as “dangerously radical.” Meanwhile, Dewey was critiqued strongly by American communists because he argued against Stalinism and had philosophical differences with Marx, despite identifying himself as a democratic socialist.

      Historians have examined his religious beliefs. Biographer Steven C. Rockefeller, traced Dewey’s democratic convictions to his childhood attendance at the Congregational Church, with its strong proclamation of social ideals and the Social Gospel. However historian Edward A. White suggested in Science and Religion in American Thought (1952) that Dewey’s work had led to the 20th century rift between religion and science.”

      He was apparently an atheist, a “humanist”, and a socialist.

      With his second wife, he adopted two Belgian orphans. He had six children with his first wife.

      This Clifford Geertz dude appears to have been a proponent of “cultural relativism“.

      Dewey’s acolyte Geertz, as well as being a fan of cultural relativism, particularly studied Sukarno’s ISLAMIC “theatre-state”. (page 96 of that Google book preview)

      Dewey has been praised by Noam Chomsky!

      More about who Dewey was:
      Dewey’s great themes are progress, democracy, and the experimental method (or the scientific understanding of humanity) leading to what he calls the “reconstruction” of American society. … Dewey clearly articulates the fundamentally different understanding of freedom at the heart of Progressivism (and liberalism). What the Founders called liberty Dewey dismisses as a mere formal freedom, an essentially empty idea. If we are to truly speak of freedom, formal freedom must give way to real, effective freedom.

      Effective freedom requires two preconditions: (1) the necessary material means to fulfill one’s desires, and (2) developed mental capabilities allowing one to use foresight and make proper decisions without being subjected to baser desires.

      The implications of this redefinition of freedom are momentous. Men and women are no longer free by nature—they must be made free. Freedom, as Dewey wrote in Liberalism and Social Action, is “something to be achieved.” And it requires not only material means but also enlightened decisions.

      Hence, to use a contemporary example, the freedom to use the Internet means nothings unless you have access to the Internet and possess the “powers of intelligent self-control” to make intelligent use of it.

      Building on his redefinition of freedom, Dewey argues that we must reconstruct society to allow for attainment of effective freedom in “The Future of Liberalism.” Here Dewey embraces “the idea of historic relativity” and translates it into a methodology—a “continuous reconstruction” of vast experiments to socialize individuals, to make them more cooperative. The ultimate aim is “full freedom of the human spirit and of individuality.”

      While sounding perfectly in line with American thinking, Dewey’s truly free individual is thoroughly socialized and democratized—incapable of living freely in the Founders’ sense. The new American understands himself not as someone reflecting self-evident truths about human nature, liberty, and happiness but as someone who has come to be of, by, and for liberal experimental social policy. To achieve its aims, the new liberalism will be guided by an elite composed of social scientists. He speaks of “the maximum reliance upon intelligence.”

      While Dewey may not be around anymore, his demands that society provide everyone with all the means to full self-realization—coupled with his trust in the rule of benevolent experts—still make up the undercurrents of contemporary liberal thought.”

      Sound familiar? From the Heritage Foundation:


      • Miri,
        Alice Dewey – UH Anthropology

        Mar 9, 2009 … Alice Dewey, PhD. Professor Emeritus. Background Research Interests Publications Courses Taught. Background: B.A. (1950), M.A. (1955) …

        • Miri, I think she is the one with the very messy office that we posted on long ago. There was a pic of her in her disorganized office. Anyone remember her ?
          Ann Dunham in the News – UH Anthropology
 – Similarto Ann Dunham in the News – UH Anthropology

          May 6, 2011 … Anthropology Colloquium Series · Occasional Seminars … Soetoro, mother of Barack Obama, as a student of Anthropology at UH; Alice Dewey …

        • Renee, that was a rhetorical question. I know she’s supposedly Ann’s mentor. I’m asking who exactly she IS. Who are HER parents, if Dewey was her grandfather? Why is there so little about that? Did ANN really write that dissertation and the posthumous book? All the interests that are ascribed to Ann are actually the interests of Dewey’s grandfather and his acolyte Geertz. Alice Dewey was in Indonesia with Geertz. Doing everything ascribed to Ann. It’s just convenient. Supposedly (remember?) Maya found her mother’s “research” on computer disks in her mother’s desk after she died in the mid-90s (oooh, right around the time Barry decided to research his fab family and write those invented memoirs). Originally, weren’t we told that she didn’t get the PhD while alive? That it was awarded posthumously, too?

          • Must be a family connection then Miri ? No personal info on John. Hummm…

            • There’s some personal information on John. He had two wives. He has 7 biological kids with first wife and two adopted kids with second wife. One boy was named, Gordon, who died in childhood. I’m simply curious which of his sons is the father of Alice, assuming it was her dad who was Dewey’s son. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be named Dewey herself.

          • Oh Miri, I may have an answer to your question….
            Go Ask Alice | Wtpotus Research Blog Renee | January 5, 2012 at 7:33 am | Reply
            Miri, Who is Alice Dewey REALLY ?
            Renee | December 28, 2011 at 9:44 pm | Reply
            The White Mischief Murderess: 70-year-long mystery over murder …
            Sep 23, 2010 … Julian Lezard, another of Alice’s lovers, had always suspected her, and had said as much to friends in later years. Mary Leslie-Melville, a …


    • ABDUCTED ?

      • Yeah. Isn’t that cute? Just have to put on our “cultural relativity” hats and NOT JUDGE. That’s the Muslim/tribal way. Abduct and rape the girl, then voila! She’s your wife. For honor’s sake. Whether she wants it or not. Else, just beat her. Apparently, BHO Sr. was “abused”, too. And he was an abuser in his own right. What gets me is that the author claims that Onyango doted on his son (singular) BHO Sr. and ignored his daughters (plural). But then, after Akuma/Habiba gets “lost” (did she run away or did one of those beatings get out of hand?) BHO Sr. and his sister (singular) are heartbroken and Granny Sarah raises them. But BHO Sr. supposedly had a brother named Yusuf/Joseph and one sister named Sarah. Why didn’t Onyango dote on Yusuf and who are the others from that plural “sisters”?

        We can just rely on “historical relativity”, too, and make up a history for their family. Why not?

        We’re living in a “theatre-state” as we speak. Barry learned his lessons well–from the “anthropologist/socialist/progressive” elites and from the likes of Sukarno and Suharto.

  20. Re: Shcumacher mentioned in “as the bough breaks”……..
    on page 23 there is a connection with De Wolff..

    Click to access B_The_Swiss_and_the_Royal_House_of_Naples-Sicily.pdf

    Also, Schumacher is also one of the old money Long Island …another estate, … next to Whitneys, Grace, Vanderbults, Quakers, United Nations places, and the birth of Eugenics in Cold Spring Harbor…….

    “Senator Craig Johnson was able to obtain a capital grant for the Town to improve and restore the Schumacher House in the amount of $500,000!………

    “The Cornell/Van Nostrand/Schumacher house is a rare piece of heritage ……. built by members of the famous Cornell family about or before 1750, at a time when New York was under British rule, before the Constitution was written, when democracy, as envisioned by our founding fathers, was decades away. This house witnessed and overheard family members discussing events and figures—small and large—Washington, Revere, Nathan Hale, Saratoga, Yorktown, Valley Forge, countless others—that helped gain American independence. ,,,,,,

    ……As well, when the house became part of Sperry-Rand, it also became part of the history of international diplomacy. Sperry used it as a guest house from 1941 to 1947 and then as a nursery school for children of United Nations personnel when the Sperry building was the Security Council headquarters from 1945 to 1951.

  21. I guess it’s time to pull out the relatives for the upcoming election. Obama worked for a priest in Chicago? Was this written in German and translated? Auma is also starting the Morning Talk Show circuit.

    Obama’s sister recalls meeting Barack
    She grew up in Kenya and only met the future U.S. president in the 1980s
    April 29, 2012 updated 1 hour 19 minutes ago

    Auma Obama, sister of President Barack Obama, grew up in a remote village in Kenya. In her memoir “And Then Life Happens,” [2012] she writes about her life and her relationship with her brother, who she met for the first time in the 1980s. Read an excerpt. [snip]

    We had parked in front of a building that looked like a church community center. Barack explained to me that he worked for a priest and that his office and his colleagues’ offices were in this community center. We went in through a side entrance, and shortly thereafter, we stood in a large, very simply furnished room teeming with people. Barack went from one person to another and introduced me to his colleagues. Everyone greeted me very warmly. Afterward, he led me into a room. He wanted me to meet his boss, an older white man with a charismatic aura. Finally, he showed me his own small workstation.

    • Monday’s Talk Shows
      Los Angeles Times

      (N) 7 am KCBS – Today – Ryan O’Neal; Diane Keaton; Auma Obama; Bobby Flay; Kristine Carlson. (N) 7 am KNBC Live With Kelly Donald Trump.

    • Would that be the radical Pfleger?

      • That’s the only white priest I know, but he wasn’t an older white man the 80’s. Or would he be considered older to those young-ins? There is no date given. I wonder if that book is on Amazon for more of a preview.

        I am trying to think of that older man that taught Alinsky tactics – I remember a video of him teaching, but that could be a totally different person too.

        Obama used anti-white priest to push race politics
        Chicagoland reverend has long trail of racist rants

        Photo of Pfeger

        President Obama once utilized controversial Chicago priest Michael Pfleger to push a racial agenda.
        Pfleger famously claimed during the 2008 campaign that Hillary Clinton cried in public because she thought being white entitled her to the Democratic presidential nomination.

        The Roman Catholic priest, a practitioner of black liberation theology, is known for anti-white rants and is close to the Nation of Islam and its leader, Louis Farrakhan. He has been a guest lecturer at Obama’s former church, Trinity United Church. He is a colleague of Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr.

      • This might be the guy…he’s dead – left his parish when dying of cancer.

        Obama calls late Chicago priest a ‘voice for justice and dignity’
        Abdon M. Pallasch
        No Date on this publication – 2012 at the bottom of the page. Snip

        President Obama Saturday lamented the passing of a Chicago priest he worked with closely during his community organizing days.

        “Father Tom Kaminski was a true friend and a voice for justice and dignity in Chicago. He spent his entire life living out the Gospel mandate to help the most vulnerable among us. He’s an inspiration to all who serve, and he will sorely be missed,” Obama said.

        Kaminski, 70, pastor emeritus of St. Helena of the Cross parish in Washington Heights, spent an hour or two every Tuesday or Wednesday sitting at his kitchen table with Obama plotting strategy to fight poverty and unemployment. Kaminski, despite disagreeing with the president on abortion, came to Obama’s defense when some elements of the Catholic Church protested the president giving the commencement speech at the University of Notre Dame.

        Kaminski died Feb. 12.

  22. Auma Obama
    May 4, 2012 by kxan

    Auma Obama grew up in Kenya, and it wasn’t until she was an adult that she met her younger brother, Barack. She spent 10 days telling Barack about his father. She is in the US raising money to build a water well in Kenya.

    When they met BHO Jr. wanted to know about his father, he was told things by his mother.

    “We spent basically the whole ten days that I was there…just talking and talking and talking.”

    How did that information affect him? I hope that it helped give him a sense of identity.

    Turk Pipkin – Nobelity Project – Austin has worked with her.
    Built trees and schools in Kenya.


      This one says that Auma was neglected and abandoned by her father! In truth, she left her mother to go live with BHO Sr. in RUTH’S mansion, where Ruth was the only mother she really ever knew! Again, see the O Timeline and this post. What lies! This is because they know that the story will be out that BHO II LIED and his biographers LIED when they said BHO Sr. and Ann were together for 2 years. They’re going to make out like he abandoned ALL his kids.

      Oh, it’s more that she was “misunderstood” because she was the only girl in the family. She can’t explain WHY Barry understood her (as a woman)?!!! Hmmmm. They just “clicked” (like lots of girls find good friends in gay men)?

      She spent a MONTH in America. This woman from that poor family in Kenya. She stayed with Barry only 10 days because she was afraid she wouldn’t like him. Where’d she stay the other 20 days? With Malik in DC or with Omar in Boston? Or was Auntie Zeituni here already, too? Or maybe with Mark? Was Mark here yet?

      Ann Curry is nauseating with her breathless, fawning language. She quotes from Barry’s book that Auma met him for the first time in Chicago. I captured some new photos from this video. Will post in a minute. They show MOST of the same old, same old photos we’ve seen for 4 years. Could it be possible that Barry is HER twin, which explains their “instantaneous connection?”

      They didn’t mention a year for when they first met.

    • They’re all asking the same question: What affect did the info she gave Barry about their father and Barry’s “identity” have on him becoming the great achiever that he is? Talking points? A script for ALL of them? Sounds like it. She’s on a mission. No, we are NOT all fascinated with her story. Sorry. Turk Pipkin. Who is he?

      Oh, her project is to help young people realize their “identity.” She’s against the young students being in uniform. Architecture for Humanity designed the “space” for them? A pilot program in Kenya that she wants to be global and bring to America! Sounds like indoctrinating ALL KIDS to be activists. So they have their “own voice.” She wrote the book in German for some reason.

  23. An article from Time – Entertainment.

    Auma Obama on Her Famous Brother, Their Instant Connection and Her New Memoir
    By Andrea Sachs | May 4, 2012 Snips

    She was born in Kenya; he was born in Hawaii. They could have easily spent their lives never crossing paths. But they had a major tie: they shared the same father. Barack Obama and Auma Obama, his older half-sister (by one year) finally met face to face in 1984 when they were both in their 20s. The President later brought Auma to public attention when he wrote about her in his bestselling book, Dreams from My Father.

    TIME: Did you father talk about the President while you were growing up?

    Yes, all the time. We knew I had a brother in America. My father used to call him Barry, we all called him Barry, which he doesn’t really like, so we don’t call him that anymore. He made that clear right from the beginning that he’s Barack. And my father and his mother were in touch, so she would send his school reports to my father because my father was a very keen advocate of education. She would send photos, so I had photos of Barack. [Let’s see those Auma! He was called Barry by his father?]

    TIME: You met the President initially in Chicago when he was a community organizer. What was your first impression of him?

    I felt a kinship with him automatically. I was very nervous and worried about not connecting immediately and then having to be in his home—because I was going to be staying with him. But when I met him it was so easy. We just started talking as though we’d known each other always, and that was actually something really special. [What home was that where she stayed?]

    TIME: You worked on his campaign, correct?

    I did a stretch in Iowa and in South Carolina.

    TIME: What is it that makes him so special politically? What do you think that the appeal is?

    I think if I could put it in one word, my brother is authentic. He really believes in what he is trying to do. So there’s no hidden agenda. In that sense, he really is an open book. And I think that authenticity, that passion, and the image and the drive—it resonates with people.
    [Gag me! – authentic? No hidden agenda? ]

    TIME: Have you visited the White House on this trip?

    I visited, yes, at the beginning when I came. We both have tight schedules, but as much time as we have, we visit each other. Nairobi is very far, but when I’m here I try to see the family.

    Auma Obama on Her Famous Brother, Their Instant Connection and Her New Memoir

    • She’s NOT a year older than Barry. She’s a year and 8 months older. Born around January 1960, except they lie about her age, too. See O Timeline. It just might be the same mother that they share. TY. So now we have yet another year for that first trip to Kenya, or did he meet her in London?

    • She is reinforcing the same few stories that we have heard time and again. Barack Sr. got the report cards. He carried photos of Barry. Ann and he were in touch. Ann and Kezia became friends. They didn’t meet until the mid-80s. Wait! They first met IN CHICAGO? WTH was Auma doing in Chicago? That’s not what her mother says. They met in Kenya, when he came after his father died (or maybe it was after David died, except nobody knows for sure if David even existed or, if he did, when he died. But there are so many different versions. Maybe David was a composite, too! Of Barry and his REAL identity.)

      She really should get her stories straight with Barry’s old girlfriend. Genevieve via Maraniss says Barry was living with GENEVIEVE in NYC until March 1985. He didn’t move to Chicago until June 1985. So somebody’s been “misinformed,” to quote Bogart in Casablanca. Kezia said that Barry went to KENYA in 1985 and that’s when she met him. Whoops! Who’s lying? Genevieve, Kezia, or Auma? Again, see the O Timeline for sources.

      Auma worked on Barry’s campaign? Is that legal, for a foreigner to come to the USA to campaign? I know it’s NOT legal in Mexico. Is it legal for a British subject to go to another country to engage in politics? I wonder how the UK feels about this? Or is Auma still a Kenyan citizen?

      OMG. I’m gagging along with you. The phoniest president ever is “authentic”? Auma shares that snark gene with him.

      Did they ask Auma if she has composite characters in her “memoirs”? With made up conversations and incidents? Like the others who “wrote” memoirs? Like George and Mark? Somebody should “channel” David and write his memoirs, too. This story says Auma is 3 years older than Barry. And this is from her recent trip to the US, too! Auma says she was Moochelle’s bridesmaid. Did we know that? I guess I didn’t recognize her.

      • I thought Auma was a German citizen – not a UK subject from Kenya. She seems to be working in Kenya and came here to promote her new book and to fill her coffers for building water wells in Africa. How much money has been given to Kenya so far, and they still don’t have the basic necessities? Wasn’t it Malik who was begging for money for latrines? I wonder what happened to the IRS investigation into his foundation that was illegally taking US money without the proper designation or authority (fraud)?

        I also thought I read that Auntie Z wrote a “blockbuster” book recently. I don’t know if I read it here or elsewhere. I wonder if it is titled, “How to illegally get into the US and con their welfare system – a primer.” Co-authored by Omar Onyango Obama. The book jacket entices the reader: Visa do’s and don’ts, Getting your first social security card, Ducking deportation orders, Housing – Section 8 – paid for by the US., Food Stamp applications, How to complete applications for Medicare and health insurance, Tax evasion techniques, Sanctuary cities, Passing tests for a Driver’s License, Forget taxes, and Immigration Attorneys in Various States. A must read for all illegal aliens planning to stay without applying for citizenship in the US.

        • Auntie Zeituni has her own web page now too. Nice new wig!

          Tears of Abuse is a new memoir by Zeituni Onyango exploring the timeless human issue of abuse in all of its forms. This horrific topic raises many societal and moral questions, which explore and place value on a woman’s worth. Only $19.95! [No doubt, a real page turner! Following in the footsteps of the other “family” members who have written their books with the help of someone who can keep the timeline and stories straight.]


          • OMG. Another bogus “memoir”. They’re turning this into a regular franchise! Get it now! The latest fictional autobiography from the Obama clan. How many jopsss saved or created for ghostwriters? And who says Obama didn’t do anything to help the economy? Think of all the bookstores, clerks, baristas, bookbinders, truckers, shelf-stackers who owe their salaries to Barry and his Kenyan clan of bloviating memoirists. They actually call her “Auntie Zeituni”?

        • Don’t cry for Auntie Zeituni
          By Howie Carr
          Friday, May 11, 2012 Snips

          Auntie Zeituni has written a book. It’s called “Tears of Abuse,” on account of how tough she’s had it.

          Have I read it? Of course not. Have you read her nephew’s best-seller — Dreams from My Ghostwriter, I mean Father? No one has — it’s sold millions of copies, but until two weeks ago, not a single reader got far enough into it to learn that Obama was a dog-eater with “composite” girlfriends.

          Anyway, I have the press release on “Tears of Abuse,” which describes Auntie Zeituni’s journey to the United States “where she faces the unthinkable; failing health and quarantined in a hospital while on vacation in a foreign country.”

          Vacation? Surely she meant to say “welfare.”

          “As her story unfolds she becomes a resident of (a) homeless shelter and a subject of deportation.”

          How dare they! Just because she’s an illegal alien, they want to deport her.

          Have they forgotten the immortal words of Marsha Coakley: “Technically it is not illegal to be illegal in Massachusetts.”

          • We talked about the Barack H. Obama Foundation multiple times, but this comment is above when they gave retroactive status back to 2008 for Malik via the IRS to the Foundation. The web site stated that donations were tax deductible and that was fraud because the Foundation wasn’t classified until this ruling by Tim Geithner’s IRS. He got away with fraud. Another criminal in the family that suffers no consequences. They are a family of cons and they should be convicts.

            Miri | September 8, 2011 at 9:40 am

            It’s All in the Obama Family! Or “As the Boughs Break”

            This was the website address where he wanted money for the latrines. To bad he is in Kenya, or we might be able to see how much money he has bilked from citizens in the US. He supposedly stopped using the fraudulent Arlington VA address that turned out to be a mail forwarding service address, and in 2011 the site no longer stated it was tax deductible. I didn’t look at the web site to see how he is advertising today. He seemed to make enough money to be flying back and forth to the US and have another address in the US.


        • 🙂 You just wrote an excellent post there!

        • I forgot that she’s a German citizen! Three citizenships for her, too? Here’s my post about Malik. Do we have one for his bogus foundation? I can’t find one. We must have talked about it in comments.

    • “I think that’s part of the reason why we get along so well—he’s compassionate about those sorts of things and I’m compassionate about them. The coincidence is that we happen to be in the same family, and we met because we’re siblings and not because we worked together and were colleagues. Up until that time, and you’ll read it in my book, I had really nobody in my family whom I could talk about these things with. This passion for making a difference, the passion for helping young people find out who they are, gain strength in their own identity, those were things I was struggling with as well. I realized very young that if I don’t do it myself, nobody can really do it for me. I think young people need to be helped toward that realization.”

      Uh, didn’t she have her step-grandmother? BHO Sr.’s (HER FATHER’S) stepmother, who herself is involved in helping ORPHANS for over 4 decades? Didn’t she have Malik, who also claims to do charitable work?

  24. Lies from Obama’s Past

    Glenn Beck reviews the amazing lies this President has constructed about his past.

    Lies about Selma Alabama, his father being a goat herder, Kezia, etc.2004 Nomination speech, love his parents shared improbable with Ann Dunham, BHO Sr. and Ann never shared the same residence,

    • Maybe this is why Auma’s all over the place, talking about being abandoned and neglected by her father. And how Barry didn’t know anything about their father until she told him. So maybe he just got his stories mixed up. Huh? Sounds plausible if somebody is COMMITTED TO BELIEVING ANYTHING HE SAYS.

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