Tag Archives: Pew Research Center

Don’t Listen to the Liars: Obama’s Sequestration Lies (Open Thread)

© Miri WTPOTUS February 22, 2013

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This week, we were “treated” to the ridiculous spectacle of a grandstanding president of the United States giving a campaign-like speech against his own ideas and policies.  Barack Hussein Obama II referred to the upcoming “sequestration“, which was his idea, as like taking a “meat cleaver” to the economy.

The sky is falling!  People will DIE!  Millions will lose their jobs!  Meat won’t be inspected!  Children will have nobody to watch over and care for them!  National security will be at risk!  The border will be overrun! (As if it’s not overrun now, by design of the Obama administration.) Airplanes won’t fly! Unemployment will necessarily skyrocket!  Mind you, $44 billion is what our government spends about every 9 days. Continue reading