Butt Wouldn’t This Be a Funny Browser Extension?

moki_snake_dancers - Copy

Have you ever heard of the Millennials to Snake People browser extension? It’s software that you can download to your device so that whenever the word millennials appears in text on a webpage, the  program changes millennials to read snake people (or person). So, for example, this article would begin,

Snake People in Adulthood: Detached from Institutions, Networked with Friends.

The Snake People generation is forging a distinctive path into adulthood.

Other playful apps exist. The Wall Street Journal points out an extension that changes every image on a webpage to a photo of actor Nicolas Cage.

Here’s an extension that caught my eye: Cloud to Butt. As the story explains, the software

changes the omnipresent tech phrase “the cloud” into “my butt.”

Imagine the fun we could have with an extension that changes cloud to Michelle’s butt.

A story chosen at random and run through our imaginary Cloud to Michelle’s Butt extension would now read,

“Michelle’s butt” is one of those trendy tech terms a lot of people use but can’t clearly define. What is Michelle’s butt? When do you encounter it? How can it benefit your business?

Let’s try another:

What is Michelle’s butt? Where is Michelle’s butt? Are we in Michelle’s butt now? These are all questions you’ve probably heard or even asked yourself.

No, I haven’t! Never. Let’s hope nobody ever has to ask or answer question number three.

One thing about the Snake People generation: They sure do know how to have fun. How about it? Can you imagine any other browser extensions that might amuse us?


73 responses to “Butt Wouldn’t This Be a Funny Browser Extension?

  1. A list of 9 such “wacky” extensions. I would go for #6: No Cyrus. http://mashable.com/2014/03/31/weirdest-chrome-extensions/

    • I know women who go to barbers because they cut their hair for cheaper than in salons. Now THERE’S some discrimination for you. Same with getting shirts cleaned. They charge more for women’s shirts. Why?

  2. would TRUMP …. serve just 1 term ??? It may be all he needs 2


    • I don’t need a stinkin narrative to go along with every shooter to know the dude shot someone who he needn’t have. Narratives are for the media and any fool that cares to join in the mass judgement. Other than that diaries and narratives are propaganda from the works of people like the CIA and spooks. A court can decide his punishment without looking at a bunch of words after the fact, on the fact that the dude took someones’ life and the other guy is dead as a conch, without life.

    • And apparently they’re still hiding stuff, including 911 tapes, from Charleston.

      • The irony is that Roof is alive and to be tried. Vester’s not. They say they’re not releasing the Charleston 911 tapes because of the upcoming trial which may be compromised if they reveal the evidence. AND YET, why didn’t they suppress the “manifesto”? So with Vester, he’s gone. So why hide the evidence? Everything should be open because there’s no trial to compromise. It seems to be going down like with SH, where everything was hidden.

    • Its still in rough draft format, that’s why.

    the FOOLS …that made US SICK…. STAND UP YOUNG-IN’S


  4. the BOO’S R …4 the BOOBS .. nothing MO’ … BRING IT ON
    the Plastic Crowd ….R so BLINDED…. from all the SELFIES


  5. Rosemary Woodhouse

    Haven’t thought about him in awhile. If memory serves, he was in the same graduating class as Barry purportedly was.


  6. ~ AmazingGrace6 95p · 14 hours ago
    Some good quotes in this story. Sheriff Arpaio’s BFF in Polk County FL

    Subject: Died of Natural Causes

    Looks like Florida has a sheriff like Arizona has . . .
    Polk County Florida Sheriff – “You kill a policeman it means no arrest… no Miranda rights… no negotiations… nothing but as many bullets as we can shoot into you…PERIOD.”


    An illegal alien, in Polk County, Florida, who got pulled over in a routine traffic stop, ended up “executing” the deputy who stopped him. The deputy was shot eight times, including once behind his right ear at close range. Another deputy was wounded and a police dog killed.
    The murderer was found hiding in a wooded area. As soon as he took a shot at the SWAT team, officers opened fire on him. They hit the guy 68 times.
    Naturally, the liberal media went nuts and asked why they had to shoot the poor, undocumented immigrant 68 times.
    Sheriff Grady Judd told the Orlando Sentinel: “Because that’s all the ammunition we had.”
    Now, is that just about the all-time greatest answer or what!
    The Coroner also reported that the illegal alien died of natural causes. When asked by a reporter how that could be, since there were 68 bullet wounds in his body, he simply replied: (BEST QUOTE ever) . . .”When you are shot 68 times you are naturally gonna die.” ….ha’

    Read more at http://www.birtherreport.com/2015/09/watch-live-donald-trump-and-25-notable.html#ikI0rpsjrg6SkC2r.99

  7. Watch Live Here: Donald Trump And 25+ Notable
    Americans Speak Out Against Obama’s Iran Nuke Deal

    You can watch the Stop The Iran Deal rally on the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, DC, right here:

    The event speakers include, but not limited to:

    Donald Trump
    Sen. Ted Cruz
    Gov. Sarah Palin
    Mark Levin
    Rep. Trent Franks
    Glenn Beck
    Brigitte Gabriel
    Rep. Louie Gohmert
    Jenny Beth Martin
    Rep. Mo Brooks
    Rep. Ted Yoho
    Gov. Jim Gilmore
    Rep. Jim Bridenstine
    David Bossie
    Gary Bauer
    Frank Gaffney
    Rep. Mark Meadows
    Niger Innis
    Ryan Mauro
    Rep. Steve King

    And many more …
    The event is scheduled to stream live today(9/9) starting at 1:00 PM ET [Levin says 12 PM] ,,, right here ,,,

    • I’d be interested in Rosemary’s take on this.

      • Rosemary Woodhouse

        Thank, Miri. I have to withhold opinion until after the pope is in the US. I have written many times that I believe the USA IS Babylon the Great, if not NYC, specifically.

        As to the clones/head wound…….clones have been mentioned on this site many times. It’s certainly plausible. Then, there is that…..scar to consider (cough, cough)

        Why Judah will not side against Jerusalem is because Judah IS the tribe which became the Jewish people/Israel.

        Forget the date setting (Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only) and the awful stretch about the date on the clock, but the comparison to CERN……interesting, to say the least.

        • Rosemary Woodhouse

          For the record, 9/23 will probably be like Y2K.

        • Thanks for the comment, RW. It’s just that you are far more expert at these parts of the Bible than I am, so I defer to your opinion. What I wanted to know is what you think of the author’s allusion to it being Trump? I thought that was rather obvious, what she was getting at. Thanks for the video, too. I’ll watch when I can.

          • Rosemary Woodhouse

            Anything is possible. The antichrist will be an excellent orator (Trump is not. Blunt, yes. An orator, no) and will take over during a time of chaos when the world is begging for a leader to emerge (check) Again, anything is possible. Doesn’t make it probable.

            At this point, we watch, wait and pray.

  8. That was a great rally.
    But it will change nothing, Iran will get the Nuke. 👿

    • Rosemary Woodhouse


    • Yes, you are probably right. My hope is that the event will at the very least awaken our dozing countrymen and inspire courage in those who have been afraid to speak. I hope it will sound the alarm. And, I hope it will be relentless as one impromptu midweek rally is not enough.


  9. http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2015/09/good-luck-with-that-dem-activists-to-release-were-all-mexicans-song-to-combat-donald-trump/

    “Grammy-winning producer Emilio Estefan has enlisted an all-star small army of famous friends — including Shakira, Carlos Santana, Thalia, Pepe Aguilar and his wife, singer Gloria Estefan — to combat the spate of anti-Mexican rhetoric that Donald Trump sparked earlier this summer.

    Estefan, 62, tells Billboard exclusively that, after listening to a TV talking head make false and vindictive anti-Latin statements on TV, he has rounded up dozens of Latin celebrities to record “We’re All Mexican,” which he describes as a musical “celebration of Hispanics and our accomplishments.” …”

    No, we’re NOT “all Mexican,” but we’re supposed to all be AMERICANS (meaning CITIZENS of the USA and no other country).

  10. http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2015/09/report-49-of-legal-immigrants-in-us-use-welfare-programs-this-is-against-federal-law/

    49% of legal immigrants in the US use welfare programs – This is against federal law. Does anyone care? …

    This is against the law…
    It is against current immigration law to be admitted to live in the United States, or allowed to stay if you are, a public charge — meaning dependent on welfare.

    It is a law ignored wholesale by the federal government. So the Treasury is being illegally plundered.

    Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) issued a statement in February 2013 accusing the Obama administration of waiving of federal law with respect to welfare restrictions for immigrants.”

    I care. Sessions and Trump apparently do. The American people do.

  11. http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2015/09/popular-conservative-sen-jeff-sessions-meets-with-donald-trump-releases-pro-trump-statement/

    “Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) met with Donald Trump again today while he was in Washington DC for the rally against Obama’s Iranian nuclear giveaway.

    SENATOR SESSIONS: “Wages are lower today than in 1973. We accumulated $442 billion in trade deficits last year alone. The Census bureau projects that new immigration into the U.S. will break all known records. Countless Americans, including millions of African-American and Hispanic workers, are hurting. The record admission of new foreign workers, combined with a weak trade policy that sends our jobs overseas, have decimated middle class incomes. But America’s global elites continue to push trade and immigration policies that further reduce wages, increase joblessness and destabilize our communities.

    Mr. Trump has outlined trade and immigration policies that serve the national interest, not the special interests. Anyone who wants to sit in the Oval Office must promote trade and immigration plan that improve jobs and wages for Americans.””

  12. http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2015/09/trump-was-right-20-of-illegal-immigrants-caught-at-the-border-have-criminal-record/

    “TRUMP WAS RIGHT: 20% of Illegal Immigrants Caught at the Border Have Criminal Record …

    In June Donald Trump upset many liberals and Mexican officials when, speaking from his Trump Tower in New York, the 69-year-old property tycoon launched into a tirade against Mexico.

    Trump remarked,

    When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best they’re sending people that have lots of problems. … They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists… And many of them are good people”

    For as much flack at Trump received from the liberal media it ends up he was right.

    Border agents say 20% of the illegals captured at the border have criminal records.”

  13. Huma, Huma, Huma: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/09/10/state-department-only-turns-over-fraction-requested-documents-about-clinton/?intcmp=hplnws

    “The State Department has delivered only seven of nearly 70 pages of documents that a federal judge identified as potentially responsive to an Associated Press request for documents relating to Hillary Rodham Clinton’s hiring of longtime aide Huma Abedin as a special government contract staffer.

    In August, Leon gave the State Department 30 days to produce records regarding Abedin, which he noted “have been estimated to be approximately 68 pages in total.” Leon ordered the agency to deliver, between this month and March 2016, thousands more pages that include Clinton’s schedules, the department’s oversight of military contractor BAE Systems and emailed references to surveillance and counterterrorism programs. …

    Justice Department lawyers working on behalf of the State Department said more than 16,500 new requests for Clinton-related files have been filed since September 2014 and there are now 87 court challenges pending in federal courts.

    The department urged U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras to give it until January 2016 to schedule the release of the records. The judge had ordered it to begin producing those emails by Sept. 1, but the deadline passed with none released. Contreras rejected a previous State Department plan to release the documents in January.

    Both the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary are scheduled in early February. Under the proposed State Department schedule, it is not clear whether any documents would be released before then, and it could take months more to process and release them.

    The State Department’s latest push to delay release of the Clinton-related emails came as an agency spokesman said Wednesday there was no conflict of interest in the decision to appoint a retired diplomat, Janice Jacobs, to oversee the State Department’s handling of information requests even though she had made a $2,700 donation to Clinton’s presidential campaign in June. …”

    More games.

    • Huma, Huma, Huma, again: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/sep/9/huma-abedin-formally-investigated-embezzlement/

      “Federal investigators formally investigated top Hillary Rodham Clinton aide Huma Abedin for the crime of embezzlement after confirming she took a “Babymoon” vacation and maternity time at the State Department without expending her formal leave, resulting in thousands of dollars of pay she wasn’t entitled to receive, The Washington Times has learned.

      The probe also gathered evidence she filed time sheets charging the government for impermissible overtime and excessive hours after she converted from a full-time federal employee to a State Department contractor. …”

      Much more at the link. She has studied at the knees of a master (entendre intended). She blames Wiener for the excess $33 THOUSAND plus that she raked in. Also, like her master, she doesn’t recall (besides, what difference, at this point, does it make)? The story says the inquiry was CRIMINAL and WAS referred to PROSECUTORS. But, let’s see if there’s a snowball’s chance in hell she’s going to be punished AT ALL. Oh, wait! Yes, the story goes on to say that they might have been able to charge her but it wasn’t worth the resources, so they “declined” to prosecute her and just asked for the money back. How wonderful for her. They also said it wasn’t an exoneration. BFD. Would anyone even know about it if not for FOIA? There was also, then, a cover-up, wasn’t there? There’s “missing paperwork”, too. Sound familiar? Some animals are just more equal than others, right?

  14. Speaking of butts, check this out.

    Wondering what happen to the First Flaps.


  15. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/bratton-defends-cops-tackled-tennis-star-james-blake-article-1.2354973

    The media is, of course, playing the rogue white cop and the race card, but check out the resemblance! And BOTH are Brits. What are the odds? This is about the white cop who “body slammed” a famous tennis player instead of the ringleader of an ID theft ring. Unfortunately for the cop (isn’t an Italian a person of color), the half-white/half-black (apparently) tennis player told the media and the race (pun intended) was on. Really, though. Look at the photos. They say everybody has a double. Which reminds me, have you ever heard of this site? http://www.twinstrangers.com/

    You can sign up and see if anybody’s registered who looks just like you!

  16. Intellectual Froglegs 8/30/15


    Farrakhan calls for boycott of Christmas
    ‘So that those who give us pain, can receive some pain in return’
    Published: 22 hours ago
    Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/09/farrakhan-calls-for-boycott-of-christmas/#fZQZP935g06bqStF.99

  18. Shows Candidate Timetraks/ Weather Modification

    Candidate Timetraks/ Weather Modification


  19. ~ acidulous • 13 hours ago ^^^

    You’re right. This guy has got to have been stashed in a pile of mothballs
    for the last decade.
    He is so out of touch on so many things that his candidacy is a punch line.

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