Veterans Day 11/11/11: Honor Them; Open Thread

Let us take a moment today to reflect upon the sacrifices made by our Veterans and their families.  We thank them for their courage as we honor them for their service to the United States of America.

Today and every day, we thank our brave Veterans.  Hug a Veteran. 

Support them. We owe them so very much

Open Thread.

77 responses to “Veterans Day 11/11/11: Honor Them; Open Thread

  1. If you encounter any veterans today, as I’m sure you will, please remember show your appreciation for all they have done and also for the sacrifices their families have made, in order to preserve, protect, and defend our Republic.

  2. I read something very amusing on Leo Donofrio’s blog. A commenter by the name of Moonlight says about Obama, “I prefer to refer to him as the “President-alleged”.” That was so good that I had to share it.

    • It’s a historic day indeed, when the military can salute theire commander in chief, and say what they really may feel…..”Hale to the Chief” can be said with such exhileration and they can say it without reprocussion…..”H_l_ to the chief ” or maybe ” to H_l_ with the chief ” would be more like it.

  3. Celebrate Veterans Day today
    November 11, 2011

    Today is Veterans Day, when all Americans should honor the devotion, service, and sacrifices of those who have protected our country in uniform. Their devotion to the Constitutional Republic whose freedoms we enjoy has inspired various forms of commemoration today.

    A group named The Veteran Defenders of America, along with co-sponsoring civilian group The Unites States Patriots Union, LLC, have organized and put forth a Call-to-Action for every oath-taker and every true American patriot to rally at the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C. on this 2011 Veteran’s Day (11-11-11). The foundation of this Constitutional Restoration Rally is described in its document entitled A Declaration to Restore the Constitutional Republic (.pdf)

  4. Will Those Who Took an Oath Save our Republic?
    Jim ONeill Monday, October 24, 2011

    “These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.”—Thomas Paine (1737-1809)

    Although my byline is attached to this article, in all honesty I would have to give JB Williams the lion’s share of the credit for it—you might say that I’m simply echoing his sentiments. In any event, here are some further thoughts on the “Restore the Constitution” rally being held on 11/11/11 in Washington DC.

    As conditions in America have worsened over the last few years, in particular since a man with no valid discernible past took up residence in our White House, I have heard the same question asked over and over again with increasing regularity, and dismay—“Where’s our military and law enforcement? Isn’t anyone who took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, going to do something?”

  5. I just came on here wondering if anyone has heard about the Veterans Defenders/Patriots Union today. I’m sure the media won’t cover it.

    • I have been searching for information, but haven’t found anything yet. I can’t imagine that the media would cover them knowing their goals and agenda. Obama was at the Arlington National Cemetery giving a speech. I listened to a little of his speech and he was using his campaign voice ..the choppy voice with his breathy inflections, and peculiar accents.

      If anyone missed knowing about the “Declaration to Restore the Constitutional Republic,” you can read about it at the URL below.

      Breaking! Vets Call for Removal of Obama, Biden, and Cabinet Now! Vets Gather 11-11-11!

      Breaking! Vets Call for Removal of Obama, Biden, and Cabinet Now! Vets Gather 11-11-11!

      • Did you see that Michelle says if her kids decide to go into the military, she’d be proud? Not sure which military she was talking about.

  6. A Veterans Day Message
    Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely, US Army (Ret)
    November 11, 2011 Snips

    On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 an armistice between Germany and the Allied nations came into effect. On November 11, 1919, Armistice Day was commemorated for the first time. In 1919, President Wilson proclaimed the day should be “filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory”. There were plans for parades, public meetings and a brief suspension of business activities at 11am.
    We CALL for ALL citizens who still desire freedom and liberty, to stand with us and carry our demands to right the wrongs against our nation in the preservation of freedom, liberty, justice and the rule of law.

    “We are Facing a Battle That Will Decide our Fate as a Nation!”

    God Bless all of you and God Bless our Nation.


    And we’re SUPPOSED TO BELIEVE that the Poopstockers are “GRASSROOTS” and are NOT a political campaign funded by supporters of the progressive left, including Pelosi, the DNC, and OBAMA. The CBS story doesn’t tell you that she’s speaking on the aircraft carrier USS Yorktown and they don’t tell you that Iran praised the jerks for interupting MICHELLE and infringing upon HER RIGHT to free speech. How did they get in there without vetting? Aren’t they so intelligent? They used their stupid “human microphone.”

  8. Here’s how this administration honors the military:
    “A New Jersey congressman wrote directly to Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta two months ago to raise questions about the Dover Air Force Base mortuary’s longtime practice of dumping troops’ cremated body parts in a landfill, but says he never received a reply.

    The congressman’s letter raises questions about when Panetta learned that the mortuary disposed of cremated portions of remains at the King George County, Va., landfill between 2003 and 2008. His spokesman, George Little, said Panetta was first briefed on the issue Wednesday.

    Rep. Rush Holt (D-N.J.), acting on behalf of a constituent whose husband was killed in Iraq and whose remains were handled by the Dover mortuary, said he sent a letter to Panetta on Sept. 16 “seeking clear and definitive answers” about the mortuary’s landfill practices. Holt said he had raised the issue a few months earlier with the Pentagon’s legislative affairs office but was “frustrated by a failure” to get a full response.”


    Remember those students who couldn’t wear American flags on “Cinco de Mayo” because the administrators of the school thought it would incite violence? Sadly, they LOST their case! Happy Veterans Day.

  10. Holder finally apologizes to the family of Agent Terry, after refusing to do so under oath at the hearing. But the family is upset that he sent the apology letter to the MEDIA BEFORE the family got a chance to read it. So, who is the apology aimed at? The grieving family or the public and the media, so they can PRETEND TO BE SORRY?

    “Politico claims the letter was dated and sent on Wednesday — but Domino said no member of the family received such a letter on Wednesday or on Thursday. … And, as usual, Justice Department spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler wouldn’t answer when TheDC asked her why she or someone else at the DOJ leaked the letter to Politico before Terry’s family received it.

    Domino said that Holder’s true “coldness” as a person has finally begun to shine through to the American people.”

    [They updated the story and said Holder EMAILED the story to one of Terry’s sisters, not to his mother. EMAILED IT! EMAIL. Can you believe it?]

    Agent Terry’s family is speaking out, which explains WHY he suddenly is apologizing. Hurts Barry’s image. Might hurt his reelection. NO OTHER FREAKING REASON. HE WAS ORDERED TO APOLOGIZE. YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT. YEARS LATER. WHO BELIEVES IT’S HEARTFELT?

    “”I think they are liars and I would tell them that,” said Kent Terry from his home in central Michigan. “What would I say to Eric Holder? They would not be nice words.”

    Terry is in his 70’s, paralyzed and bound to a chair after an accident 17 years ago. His former wife Josephine lives 90 minutes north near Detroit.

    If they never let the guns walk, maybe Brian would not have been out that day,” Josephine said. “I just can’t believe our own government came up with a program like this that (let) innocent people get killed.”

    The Terrys watched Holder’s appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday. Asked if he wanted to apologize to the family, Holder declined, saying only he regretted what happened.

    That shows what kind of a person he is,” Kent lamented. “To me, he is not much of a person. I don’t know if he has a son. But if he lost his, he would think different.”

    I sat in a chair and cried,” Josephine said. “It was so inhumane. An apology to anybody means at least they are trying to fix it. He didn’t.”

    Blasted for his response, Holder did send the Terrys a letter Wednesday saying he was sorry for their loss. [BUT NOT SORRY FOR HIS ROLE IN IT? SO MUCH LIKE BARRY THAT THEY COULD BE TWINS.]

    While Holder chided Congress for “gotcha games” and “political finger pointing” in its investigation, the family disagrees. They say no administration official ever explained why the ATF knowingly sold guns to criminals. Josephine also claims former U.S. Attorney Burke intentionally misled her, saying in March the whistleblowers’ claims were “false,” when documents show he knew their claims were true.

    “Dennis Burke came up to my house and he said, ‘No, none of them guns killed Brian. None of them’.”

    Both parents want Holder to resign, citing his response to a question from Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, who asked if Holder thought it was his responsibility to have known about Operation Fast and Furious.

    There are 115,000 employees in the Department of Justice,” Holder said. “I cannot be expected to know the details of every operation on a day-to-day basis.”

    To which Kent said: “Holder says he has 115,000 employees. That is his job. If he can’t handle his job, he should get out of it.””

  11. God bless the family of Agent Terry. It is brave, unafraid, outspoken AMERICANS like the Terrys who will save us from the Obamanation. NEVER, NEVER underestimate the insight and common sense and backbone of the American people. That’s what these Soros-led Marxists forget when they hatch their plans.

  12. Bachmann calls Occupy Wall Street protesters “ignorant and disrespectful”
    November 11, 2011 12:44 PM

    COLUMBIA, S.C. — Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann on Friday called the Occupy Wall Street protesters who have been disrupting her campaign events “ignorant and disrespectful.” Speaking with supporters at a Veterans Day parade, Bachmann also said of the activists, “Hopefully someday, they’ll come to know the price that was paid for them.”

    The House member from Minnesota was discussing her proposed changes in military spending in Mount Pleasant, S.C., on Thursday, when about 30 protesters stood up and began giving a speech of their own. They also started chanting, “We are the 99 percent,” a movement slogan that refers to studies that show wealth in the United States is concentrated in the top 1 percent of the population. The demonstration continued for five minutes while a flustered Bachmann stood by.

    Some of her supporters in the crowd yelled “Sit down!” to the protesters and chanted “Michele! Michele!” Bachmann left the podium with a police escort at Thursday’s event but returned a few minutes later to finish her speech.

    Bachmann said at Friday’s parade, “If they understood the heavy price that was paid for that 1st Amendment right, they’d be much more respectful. Because I was surrounded by heroes yesterday on the USS Yorktown who paid a big price for them, and they’re just ignorant, that’s all. They’re ignorant and they were disrespectful, but someday hopefully they’ll come to know the price that was paid for them.”

    • I heard Michelle on the radio saying that these protesters are Marxist Socialists and Obama supports them. She was embarrassed because they were seated in the front rows and were totally disruptive. She was giving her speech on the USS Yorktown, and she was surrounded by military heroes and these unruly ignorant kids stand up yelling their little in unison slogans in front of them and the day before Veteran’s Day. She adamantly said she is totally against the Marxist socialists like Obama and those that makeup the OWS protesters. She was saying it like it is…and few have done so…Marxists and Socialists! She should have added “Paid for” by Soros and Tides, etc.

      They are a disgrace to our country and what it stands for. I wonder who allowed these anti-Americans onto the York. Did they lie to get on board? They have no clear agenda and yet they continue to cause problems. It would have been great for military men to surround them and walk them out and off the ship…kicking them in their Marxist behinds on the way.

  13. Well, I sure wish that we could find out what went on in DC. I have been working and looked off and on, but I can’t find anything. Maybe someone will at least have a write-up about it later.

  14. OT but pass it far and wide:
    During Barack Obama’s tenure as the president of the Harvard Law Review in the late 1980s, at least two male student editors complained to colleagues and senior university officials about inappropriate behavior by Obama, ultimately leaving their positions at the journal, multiple sources confirm to THE KANSAS CITIAN.

    The men complained of sexually suggestive behavior by Obama that made them angry and uncomfortable, the sources said, and they signed agreements with the university that gave them financial payouts to leave the journal. The agreements also included language that bars the men from talking about their departures.

    In a series of comments over the past 10 days, Obama and his administration repeatedly declined to respond directly about whether he ever faced allegations of sexual harassment at the journal. They have also declined to address questions about specific reporting confirming that there were financial settlements in two cases in which men leveled complaints.

    • I updated our JustiaGate post to take into account this new information about Carl Malamud and Cornell’s law website. Sorry, Leza. 😦

      • Miri, I just got in from a very long weekend and just saw your up date re; JustiaGate. A bit of good new’s? I had tired of waiting for you ( to post the info. re; Carl Malamud I had discovered, so I had posted most of the research I had done at wtpotus research site, so we did have the information posted re; Carl Malamud just not at your Justia link / post. 😉

        Research starts here:

        • Oh, goody! I’m sorry that I couldn’t pull it together in time. I’ve been down with the flu AND I lost most of the post I was writing when my browser crashed before I saved it. I’m glad you posted it on the research blog. I got bogged down in all his connections. There are just TOO MANY to digest. It was hard to pull together. In retrospect, I’m glad Leo did it!

          The funny thing is that I searched both blogs yesterday using the WordPress search for “Malamud” but neither showed your research, so I was bummed that it wasn’t “on record” that you were the first to find it. The WordPress search is annoying because sometimes it just doesn’t work!

          November 1, 2011–Leza scooped everybody!

  15. Hmmmmmm…….I wonder what he is up to? WND is reporting today that things are heating up with his possee!

    Obama’s In Hawaii For Summit (VACATION)

    Posted on Sunday, November 13, 2011 12:16:08 PM by Dubya-M-DeesWent2SyriaStupid!

    The only “news” on this is from USA Today and can’t be posted.

    Summit really means another Hawaii Vacation.

    • LOL…………..He still did not name the hospital! Hummmmmmmmmmm…. Why do they print this crap!

      Obama on his Hawaiian hospital

      “I can actually show you the hospital if you want,” Obama said. “If you want to go down there.”

    • yeah, I am wondering if anyone still owns his grandma’s place on the 10th floor. remember yu guys said there looked to be 12 floors to that building. I think someone may own several rooms together up there. I am sure they won’t show him going there, but I bet there’s still “a room at the inn”. Or wonder if he’ll stay in Jill Tate’s lavish condo again, or maybe visit the old pink Royal Hotel, where lots of dignitaries go. Nope, we’ll probably just see him golfing. Or maybe he’ll make amends at which ever hospital will claim him now. I’m hopeful he’ll drop by the department of health to make sure no one has tampered with his “birth certificate”. Wouldn’t it be funny if he checked by and someone claimed it was stolen. That would be a nice way to end the questions of what was actually on it, wouldn’t it?
      I’ve been out of computing commission for a bit, Oh, but I’ve been looking back over and organizing my notes and wow, lots of things are meshing quite nicely……you know ….names, more connections, more consolidating some tips. Glad yu guys are still following up on stuff……..I’m still on the conundrum of Mark Obama(jewish,muslim,rabbi metzger/glenn beck, ruth connections), I am trying to figure Boeing into the picture, but hey there’s a method to my madeness……warren buffet and his wife a Thompson..his jewish economist from harvard buddies…his connections with Lloyds of London…. and checking how connected his Geico insurance is to Gov.(I’m checking). I know I’m running at the mouth, but you guys already know I am probably always a bit off the straight and narrow,but I find some real interesting connections, and I am going to prove some way that Mark and O are very, very connected,as well as Ruth whoever she is.

  16. JustiaGate: Justia Unjustified?

    An update to the Justia post, which links back to Leo Donofrio’s latest, where he PROVES that the Cornell database similarly was conveniently corrupted to hide the SCOTUS RULING ON THE DEFINITION OF “NATURAL BORN CITIZEN”: One born on US SOIL to TWO US CITIZEN parents.

    This cannot logically be a single programming error or a mistake. NOT when it occurs across several websites, affects only those cases that cite the SCOTUS DEFINITION (which RULES OUT OBAMA), and is the result of different programmers and software systems. WHAT’S COMMON TO THESE ERRORS? The CONNECTED INDIVIDUALS WHO SUPPORT BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA II.

    • Miri, I am looking into CORNell now….quite interesting…

      • I posted this at CW’s site on January 17, 2011 at 9:41 pm:

        I was looking at the Cornell University Law School site. Appears that disinformation operatives are everywhere.
        “Natural born citizen”

        “A phrase denoting one of the requirements for becoming President or Vice-President of the United States. Anyone born after the adoption of the U.S. Constitution in 1787 must be a “natural born Citizen” of the United States to constitutionally fill the office of President or Vice-President. See U.S. Const. art. II, § 1; id. at amend. XII.

        Some debate exists as to the meaning of this phrase. Consensus exists that anyone born on U.S. soil is a “natural born Citizen.” One may also be a “natural born Citizen” if, despite a birth on foreign soil, U.S. citizenship immediately passes from the person’s parents.”
        [click on ‘For example’]

        “Bob’s parents are British citizens. Bob is born in Hawaii and is subject to the jurisdiction of that state.

        Under 8 U.S.C. § 1401(a) (2008), Bob acquires U.S. citizenship at birth. Therefore, Bob is a “natural born Citizen” of the United States.”

        • So obviously a lie, huh, Gordo? There is NO consensus that anyone simply born on US soil is a natural born citizen. Anyone who calls himself or herself a lawyer OUGHT TO KNOW BETTER, and so the only conclusion must be that they deliberately lie. Of course, using an example of British citizens with a son born in Hawaii is almost a DEAD GIVEAWAY. Huh?

          First of all, surely these lawyers know that children of ambassadors born in the U.S. aren’t natural born citizens. And it’s certainly debated whether a child born in the USA of TWO NON-CITIZEN parents is even a CITIZEN of the US, much less natural born. Obviously, that child has no allegiance to the USA, which is the entire purpose of the requirement. Just the fact that another requirement is 14 years residence in the USA is proof that the Founders wanted the person to KNOW and love this country and no other. Someone at Leo Donofrio’s blog brought up an interesting point about that grandfather clause. If you take age of majority plus 14 years (the residency requirement), you come up with 35, which just happens to be the age requirement. So the commenter reasons that the Founders wanted to ensure that every grandfathered-in person had lived in the USA all the time from when he (or she, now) reached majority until the person ran for POTUS. He said this was to ensure that the person was not a royalist (i.e. for King George and against the USA).

          Their example is furtherly [is that a word? 🙂 it is now! ] stupid BECAUSE it says “Bob” is subject to the jurisdiction of the STATE (of Hawaii). That’s not even what the Constitution says! Here again, I wish I were a lawyer. I remember reading a long discussion (in Minor v. Happersett?) about how a person can be a citizen of a STATE and subject to the STATE but not to the FEDERAL government. I meant to ask a lawyer what this means. I think what it means is that a state can give a person “citizenship” in the STATE but the person isn’t necessarily even a citizen of the USA. Anybody know?

    • CORNell………..


    An amazing story about how CBS deliberately tried to marginalize Michele Bachmann at the CBS debate. Is that jerk Gregory from CBS? Nope. NBC. I saw him talking down to Bachmann this morning on the news. He was SO disrespectful that I wanted to slug him. His voice dripped with condescension. And he kept interrupting her to prevent her from making her point but she did a good job, standing her ground and made him listen. He’s the jerk who recently apologized after referring to the Grand Wizard of the Republican party. The one who doesn’t exist so can’t throw Cain out of the race.

  18. Author of “Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder”, Lawrence W. Sinclair has died tonight near his home in a purported car accident. It was apparently a hit and run. Police say the other driver got away and there was no sign of the other driver or his car.

    • If this is true it is EXTREMELY frightening.

      I just read in one of the Kenyan papers that motor vehicle “accidents” were the preferred method of getting rid of inconvenient political enemies back around the time BHO Sr. died. Please keep us apprised of what’s happening. In what city did Sinclair live? It should be in his local paper.

    • Kidding me ?

      Author of “Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder”, Lawrence W. Sinclair has died tonight near his home in a purported car accident.

        • Dominique Gaston André Strauss-Kahn (French pronunciation: [dɔminik stʁos kan]; born 25 April 1949), often referred to in the media,[1][2] and by himself,[3] as DSK, is a French economist, lawyer, politician, and member of the French Socialist Party (PS). Strauss-Kahn became the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on 28 September 2007, with the backing of his country’s president, Nicolas Sarkozy, and served in that role until his resignation on 18 May 2011.[4]

          He was a professor of economics at the Paris Institute for Political Studies (“Sciences Po”) and was Minister of Economy and Finance from 1997 to 1999 as part of Lionel Jospin’s “Plural Left” government. He belongs to the right wing of the PS (which is on the center-left of French politics) and sought the nomination in the primaries to the Socialist presidential candidacy for the 2007 election, but he was defeated by Ségolène Royal in November 2006.

          • Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund
            In office
            1 November 2007 – 18 May 2011
            Deputy John Lipsky
            Preceded by Rodrigo Rato
            Succeeded by Christine Lagarde
            Minister of Finance of France
            In office
            4 June 1997 – 2 November 1999
            Prime Minister Lionel Jospin
            Preceded by Jean Arthuis
            Succeeded by Christian Sautter
            Personal details
            Born 25 April 1949 (1949-04-25) (age 62)
            Neuilly-sur-Seine, France
            Nationality French
            Political party Socialist Party (1970s–present)
            Other political
            affiliations Communist Party
            (before 1970s)
            Spouse(s) Brigitte Guillemette
            (m. 1984–?, divorced)
            Anne Sinclair
            (m. 1991–present)
            Alma mater School of Commercial Advanced Studies, Paris
            Paris Institute of Political Studies
            Paris West University Nanterre La Défense

      • Redpill, I just commented on a Crocker last week.It was not Betty either…

        UPDATE: 900am CST 11/14/11

        Are you good at sleuthing out where things like this “Larry Sinclair is dead” story originate?

        It looks like there’s a new thread going over at Free Republic now where people are trying to figure out who started the ball rolling on this.

        Here’s comment #15 on that thread:

        To: magslinger is a private (anonymous) registration. Traceroute leads to which has this registration:
        Hoop Group
        Sean Crocker
        1930 Heck Ave. – Building 3
        Neptune, New Jersey 07753There is a Sean Crocker who posts on
        That may be the same as this Sean Crocker:
        Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach at Washington and Lee University (from LinkedIn).

        It’s hard to say whether Sean Crocker the basketball coach created people-in-the-news or wrote the Larry Sinclair story or not.

        15 posted on Monday, November 14, 2011 7:38:06 AM by palmer

        Does anyone who is really good with computers know how to sleuth this out further?

        It’s interesting to see if this hit on Larry Sinclair originated in the Left, and if so who ordered it.

        Read more

      • Isn’t that something? It’s a very good question: How did this false story get past their moderation at Free Republic? Supposedly, they don’t publish posts until they’ve checked them out. It’s relatively simple, I would think, to verify if a fatal car accident took place. What an awful thing to “hoax”. As Bridgette said, maybe it’s a not-too-subtle warning to Sinclair. On the other hand, maybe somebody is hyping the upcoming interviews. Ya think? Nah. That could never happen.

  19. Dominique Strauss-Kahn was born in the wealthy Paris suburb of Neuilly-sur-Seine, Hauts-de-Seine. He is the son of lawyer Gilbert Strauss-Kahn, who specialised in tax law, and journalist Jacqueline Fellus. Strauss-Kahn’s father was born to an Alsatian Jewish father and a Catholic mother from Lorraine; Strauss-Kahn’s mother is from a Sephardic Jewish family in Tunisia.[5][6]

    The family settled in Agadir, Morocco, in 1951, but after the 1960 earthquake moved to Monaco, where his father had a legal practice. While the family was living in Monaco, Strauss-Kahn went to school at the Lycee Albert 1er. The family later[when?] returned to Paris, where he attended high school at the Lycée Carnot. He graduated from HEC Paris in 1971 and from Sciences-Po and ISUP in 1972. He sat and failed the entrance examination for École nationale d’administration, but obtained a degree in public law, as well as a PhD and an agrégation (1977) in economics at the Université Paris X (Nanterre

    • Anne Sinclair (born Anne-Élise Schwartz, 15 July 1948) is a French television and radio interviewer who hosted one of the most popular political shows for more than thirteen years on TF1, the largest European private TV channel. She is heiress to much of the fortune of her maternal grandfather, Paul Rosenberg. She covered the 2008 US presidential campaign for the leading French Sunday paper Le Journal du Dimanche and the French TV channel Canal+.

  20. Sinclair was born in New York to Joseph-Robert Schwartz (changed to Sinclair in 1949) and Micheline Nanette Rosenberg, French-Jewish parents who fled from Nazi persecution of Jews during World War II.[1] She is the granddaughter of Paul Rosenberg,[2] one of France’s biggest art dealers. A few years after her birth the family returned to France.[3] She majored in politics at the Paris Institute of Political Studies and in law at the University of Paris.


    Anne or Helen Sinclair was on the guest list for the dinner Dubya gave for Prince Charles and Camella Parker BOWLES…Di called her the ROTHWEILER.

  21. This is important
    Iran will have five nukes by April 2012. Only 2-3 months left for military option
    DEBKAfile Exclusive Report November 14, 2011, 3:13 PM (GMT+02:00)
    Tags: Iran nuclear Barack Obama Israel missiles Intelligence
    Iran’s late missile chief Brig. Hassan Moghadam

    According to the briefing given to a closed meeting of Jewish leaders in New York Sunday, Nov. 13, the window of opportunity for stopping Iran attaining a nuclear weapon is closing fast, debkafile’s sources report. It will shut down altogether after late March 2012. The intelligence reaching US President Barak Obama is that by April, Iran will already have five nuclear bombs or warheads and military action then would generate a dangerous level of radioactive contamination across the Gulf region, the main source of the world’s energy.

    Sunday, too, President Barack Obama said the sanctions against Iran had taken an “enormous bite” out of its economy. He also said that the “US is united with Russian and Chinese leaders in ensuring Iran does not develop an atomic weapon and unleash an arms race across the Middle East.”
    He spoke after talking to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Chinese President Hu Jintao at the Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Hawaii about the new evidence submitted by the International Atomic Energy Agency that Iran was engaged in clandestine efforts to build a bomb.

    He said both shared the goal of keeping a bomb out of Iran’s hands.
    As to sanctions, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a news conference that sanctions against Iran had been exhausted and “now the problem should be solved though diplomatic channels.”
    debkafile’s analysts note that tough sanctions are pretty much off the table now. In any case, it is obvious that they failed to slow down Iran’s work on a bomb as confirmed by the latest IAEA report.

    The road of diplomacy, favored by Moscow, has proved worse than ineffectual. Its only result was to buy time for Tehran to carry on with its military atomic project free of international pressure.

    Obama went on to say Sunday that, while his strong preference was to resolve the Iran issue diplomatically, “We are not taking any options off the table. Iran with nuclear weapons would pose a threat not only to the region but also to the United States.”

    This was the first time the US president had called a nuclear-armed Iran a threat to the United States. Until now, official statements limited the threat to “America’s regional interests and influence.”

    The Jewish leaders meeting Sunday were informed that the Obama administration had intelligence data that the US and Israel have no more than a couple of months left for striking down Iran’s military weapons development by force. This will not longer be viable after Iran is armed with five nuclear bombs or warheads.
    debkafile’s military and intelligence sources refute the wild rumors alleging that the American CIA or Israeli Mossad was responsible for the massive explosion Saturday at a Revolutionary Guards base west of Tehran in which Iran’s missile chief Brig. Hassan Moghadam was killed.
    While both organizations have formidable capabilities which Iran has experienced in the past, there is no way – even with a UAV – they could have hit a single missile warhead in the middle of a Guards base at the very moment that IRGC chiefs were gathered around considering how best to improve its precision.

    All the evidence garnered in the two days since the attack indicates that a single warhead blew up by accident while it was being handled, rather than by sabotage.

    reported here in msm

  22. SCOTUS is going to rule on Obamacare next year (we hope). CNS has WHY Kagan MUST recuse herself:

    “On Sunday, March 21, 2010, the day the House of Representatives passed President Barack Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, then-Solicitor General Elena Kagan and famed Supreme Court litigator and Harvard Law Prof. Laurence Tribe, who was then serving in the Justice Department, had an email exchange in which they discussed the pending health-care vote, according to documents the Department of Justice released late Wednesday to the Media Research Center,’s parent organization, and to Judicial Watch.

    “I hear they have the votes, Larry!! Simply amazing,” Kagan said to Tribe in one of the emails.

    The Justice Department released a new batch of emails on Wednesday evening as its latest response to Freedom of Information Act requests filed by and Judicial Watch. Both organizations filed federal lawsuits against DOJ after the department did not initially respond to the requests. originally filed its FOIA request on May 25, 2010–before Elena Kagan’s June 2010 Supreme Court confirmation hearings.

    The March 2010 email exchange between Kagan and Tribe raises new questions about whether Kagan must recuse herself from judging cases involving the health-care law that Obama signed–and which became the target of legal challenges–while Kagan was serving as Obama’s solicitor general and was responsible for defending his administration’s positions in court disputes.

    According to 28 USC 455, a Supreme Court justice must recuse from “any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.” The law also says a justice must recuse anytime he has “expressed an opinion concerning the merits of the particular case in controversy” while he “served in governmental employment.””

    In cahoots with Laurence Tribe, of all people.

  23. Who was it who speculated that there would be astroturfed attacks on Barry to win sympathy? Was that the WH Insider? How about this story:

    “The Secret Service says the man wanted in connection with Friday’s shooting near the White House has been taken into custody.

    Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez was arrested at the Hampton Inn in Indiana, Pa. at about 12:35 p.m. Wednesday and is in the custody of Pennsylvania State Police. …He was sought by federal authorities after reports of gunfire near the White House on Friday night while President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle were away on a trip to California and Hawaii. Witnesses heard shots and saw two speeding vehicles in the area. An assault rifle was also recovered.

    No one was injured in the shooting, but officials are investigating two bullets that hit the White House, one of them apparently cracking a window on the residential level where the Obama family lives.

    The Secret Service said it discovered the bullet holes Tuesday and the bullet that hit the window was stopped by ballistic glass, but that it was not certain the cartridges were connected to Friday’s shooting. … U.S. Park Police identified the suspect in Friday’s shooting as Oscar Ramiro Ortega, 21, and obtained a warrant charging him with carrying a dangerous weapon, a felony. A Secret Service spokesman identified the suspect as Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez, saying that is the name on his driver’s license.

    After the Friday gunfire was reported, police said they found an abandoned car Friday night near the Theodore Roosevelt Bridge that crosses the Potomac River to Virginia.

    U.S. Park Police spokesman Sgt. David Schlosser said items found in the vehicle connected it to the suspect, who hasn’t been linked to any radical organizations but does have an arrest record in three states.”

    Two obvious questions not answered:

    Poopstocker? Illegal alien?

    • Whoops! How’d I guess?

      “Late update, Nov. 16, 2:11PM: The Secret Service announced the suspect was taken into custody in Pennsylvania.

      The Secret Service searched Occupy D.C. on Monday for a man suspected of firing bullets at the White House on Friday, one of which was stopped by the building’s ballistic glass.

      Protestor Ralph Wittenberg told TPM on Tuesday evening that authorities came through “searching for a so-called terrorist who shot at the White House, with no warrant, they went into everybody’s tents.”

      A person handling media requests for Occupy DC confirmed the searches and said they were led by the Secret Service. The agency did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

      Police have been trying to locate 21-year-old Oscar Ortega Hernandez, a mentally ill man from Idaho who authorities say is connected to the incident, which apparently took place on Friday.”


        It was Ulsterman and WH Insider: “All major media outlets are now reporting on an apparent attack directed at the Obama White House. A high powered assault rifle is believed to have been used. At present the primary suspect is Oscar Ortega-Hernandez. MSNBC this morning took significant time in their reporting to indicate Ortega-Hernandez has a prominent “Israel” tatoo upon his neck.

        Initial reports are indicating that a suspect or suspects fired at the White House, then left a gun on the ground while fleeing the scene. No reason has yet been given why the perpetrators of the shooting would leave a large assault rifle at the scene that would make it far easier for authorities to implicate them in the crime.

        It is interesting to note that as soon as the story broke earlier this morning, comments poured in sympathetic to President Barack Obama – almost as if a group was at the ready prepared to manufacture those comments when given the order.”

        That was Ulsterman commenting. Now, it is curious. Why leave the gun behind? Aren’t those suckers expensive, btw? Anyway, not coincidentally, there’s a new call for better “gun control” on the border. They pulled in people from the Giffords shooting in Tucson to help make the call. This, of course, is the ENTIRE reason for Fast and Furious gunwalking. So, I expect to see them trace the gun to someplace that they’ll then use as the reason why they just HAVE TO crack down on gun dealers.

        “Insider: All the ingredients are in place. Falling approval ratings. A big uptick in divisive racial talk…the GOP primary race gettin’ on, which has upped the anti-Obama rhetoric. Occupy Wall Street stuff. An aborted terrorist attack in America. The president crisscrossing the country talking the same old sh-t, except playing the victim card even more than before…don’t tell me for a second some of this isn’t all being played out for a very specific possibility. If needed, they will try and pull it off. I got no doubt about it now. None.

        Ulsterman: So what is it? Pull what off?

        Insider: A manufactured threat against the President of the United States. Something easily digested by the media and the American public. Not a real threat – something totally of their own making. They will use it if they need to – got no doubt whatsoever about that. Jarrett has approved the idea…and did so a long time ago. There were whispers of it during the 2008 campaign. McCain was so god-awful it never reached a serious consideration…but the plan was discussed. If needed – they were willing to go that route. It would be the ultimate use of the race card in the history of American politics. And…it would likely work if they got away with it.”

        Yup. Looks like it. They picked a time when they knew Barry wasn’t in the WH. What was the guy’s point? Why shoot at the WH when everybody knows they’re not home? Why shoot at the WH in the first place, one might add? It’s lame. Of course the guy’s nuts, probably, so who can get into the mind of a loon? They try to get into Loughner’s mind, too. The thing is, IF they staged this, would they pick a guy who the cops are looking for at Poopstock and a guy with a Hispanic name? But the “mentally ill” meme is exactly what was in the Wall Street Journal today, when the people from Tucson called for better background checks. Incrementalism and nudge, nudge, nudge.

  24. Making up for forgetting about getting rid of the Dept. of Energy! I like it.

  25. Here is what the HONEST people of the USA are up against. Here is just how freaking depraved the DemocRAT party has become:

    Planning to collect names of cemetery headstones to put onto petitions to recall the Wisconsin governor. Remember, too, how Franken didn’t REALLY win the election, but like Barry (ineligible), he’s still sitting there in OUR HOUSE.


    Citzen Wells has a long article about a guy whose deposition might mean trouble for Barry. So long as he doesn’t disappear like Rezko. Did they ever locate him, btw?

    “On Tuesday, the 60-year-old onetime Chicago cop is set to appear before a federal judge for sentencing after pleading guilty in February in a $4.4 million bank fraud.

    The scheme appears to have no connection to Rezko, the Wilmette businessman who was once a prolific campaign fund-raiser for politicians including the current president, Barack Obama, and the recently convicted former governor, Rod Blagojevich.

    Still, federal prosecutors are seeking a reduced sentence for Frawley — of a year and a half in prison, rather than the 35 years he could face — apparently because Frawley has been secretly cooperating since at least 2006 in their investigation of Rezko, who was found guilty in June 2008 of having used his clout with the Blagojevich administration to enrich himself and his business associates. … The deposition outlines how he secretly recorded Rezko, and it raises a new and unsubstantiated question about Rezko’s once-close relationship with Obama — an issue that dogged the then-U.S. senator during his presidential campaign four years ago. … “I’m assuming the information is about the payments made by Rezko to Obama, so we know we’re talking about the right conversation, right?” Konicek asks Frawley.

    Frawley doesn’t answer. So Konicek presses him: “Am I correct it was about Obama being paid by Rezko?”

    Frawley replies: “I’m not answering that question, based upon my attorney’s instructions.”

    Nobody directly involved with the deposition — including Frawley and his lawyers, Weaver and his lawyers, and the FBI and U.S. attorney’s office — would comment.

    Ben LaBolt, a spokesman for Obama’s presidential campaign, called Konicek’s suggestion that Rezko might have made any cash payments to Obama “utter nonsense.”

    Besides the Rezko-Obama issue, Konicek also asks Frawley during the deposition, without any explanation, about “the $1.5 million from Rezko.””

    Read the whole thing for the entire picture. I hate to even begin to believe anything will come of this. We’ve been disappointed so many times.




    “November 17, 2011 (Gateway Pundit) – Rep. Allen West blasted the corrupt media for shirking their responsibility and ignoring the devastating policies of President Obama.

    CNS News reported:

    Congressman Allen West (R-Fla.) called on the media to “stop being afraid” of President Barack Obama who is “destroying this country.” West made his remarks on Tuesday at a press conference in support of the TransCanada Keystone XL pipeline.

    “It’s about time that I asked this from the media: Stop being afraid of this president,” said Rep. West. “Stand up to him and call him out on the shirking of his duties and responsibilities. The House Republicans are passing pieces of legislation, after pieces of legislation about jobs.”

    “And here we got a president that’s gone off to Australia, playing golf in Hawaii, and you guys allow him to make this decision to shut down this Keystone XL project,” said West. “The media needs to call out this president and stop coming over here to the House Republicans and telling us what we’re not doing. We’re the ones taking action. The guy sitting at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is destroying this country.”

    View Video Here:

    Rep. Allen West To Media: “Stop Being Afraid” And “Stand Up” To Obama

    November 17, 2011 TPATH
    Read More Here:

    * * * *


    By Daniel Doherty
    Web Editor,
    November 16, 2011


    “What is particularly worthy of note, however, is that as a retired Army officer and combat veteran, Congressman West explained firsthand how hard earned American taxpayer dollars are invariably sent to OPEC to fund “despots, dictators, autocrats and theocrats.” These appropriated funds, he asserts, are in turn used to kill American men and women serving in the armed forces. Thus, by taking immediate action to ensure energy independence, in his view, the United States government can finally stop financing terrorist organizations that endanger our citizens.

    But his most memorable lines are directed explicitly at the media:

    “Stop being afraid of this President, stand up to him and call him out on the shirking of his duties and responsibilities,” he said. “The House Republicans are passing pieces of legislation after pieces of legislation about jobs. Stop allowing this President to demagogue and use the big microphone that he has. Call him out on what we see happening right now.”

    If this doesn’t get one fired up, I don’t know what will.”

    Read More Here:

    Allen West – Obama is Destroying This Country!


    By Boyd Richard Boyd
    August 19, 2011


    “Obviously something is rotten on Pennsylvania Avenue; no intelligent American president would do the things Obama has done. There has been talk of his inexperience, incompetence, or just plain stupidity to explain his Bizarro-administration. However, Obama is not incompetent; he is an intelligent anti-American president. Obama is not a failure at his job — his job is the failure of our country.”

    Read More Here:



    By Dr. Laurie Roth
    October 28, 2011



    By Dr. Kate
    ©2011 drkate
    November 13, 2011

    New World Order on the Run

  32. Obama Oops: Here in Asia, er, Hawaii
    Wednesday, 16 Nov 2011

    Perhaps it was jet lag, or the fact that President Barack Obama had Asia on his mind because he was bringing closure to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit he hosted in Hawaii. Whatever it was, it provided an oops moment when Obama confused his birthplace state with Asia.

    During the summit’s wrap-up news conference near Honolulu Sunday, Obama answered a question about budget cuts thusly: “When I meet with [21 presidents] world leaders, what’s striking — whether it’s in Europe or here in Asia — [he was in Hawaii] the kinds of fundamental reforms and changes, both on the revenue side and the public pension side, that other countries are having to make are so much more significant than what we need to do in order to get our books in order,” Obama said.

    Although Hawaii floats between Asia and the United States, the island chain has been the 50th state, since 1959.

    Obama: Hawaii Is In Asia, Not The United States – [sounds like the bumbler in chief was without his teleprompter..stumble, uhhhh. But he is the most intelligent pres to ever usurp the White House!]

    • he’s right if we spread our burdens around we won’t even notice that we’ve been taken again by the one and only government of mass proportions. And where else to say this cause Hawaii/Asia is more acceptable to the socialist commy attitude. This is like the comments he made about those credity card company’s shouldn’t make it so hard on you to borrow money and spend that money that yu don’t actually have in yur pockets. He says we need to keep making it possible to keep borrowing and spending someone elses money. It would be a novice idea these days to be able to spend some money that was ours in the first place, from our own pockets, but then people like O. aren’t looking to make us dependent.
      In O.s mind this is Asia (asian pacific). He’s probably practiced these teleprompterless speeches till he doesn’t know where he is, but it fitts nevertheless in Hawaii.
      He’s saying come on take your dose of medicine people, it’s not that hard to swallow…just hold your nose, we’re almost free of that menace of a constitution and free thinking and such nonsense as that. Pretty soon he’s going to run out of ways to say his bullsh– and maybe without his teleprompter he’ll tell it like it is, then finally maybe somebody from the milksop media will report it like it really is.

    • The flub that won’t be reported, huh? We’re treated to endless stories about Perry’s mistake or Cain’s mistake, but yet again, Barry screws up. First, he thought the USA had 57 (or 58) states. NOW he doesn’t even know that the state he was allegedly born in is part of the USA. It’s NOT ASIA, that’s for sure. If anything, it’s Polynesia. It’s NOT Asia. I heard NOTHING about this in the news. Did you?

  33. I mean independent….

  34. Obama’s Kenyan move
    Administration loosened abortion laws in African nation

    November 17, 2011 snips

    The Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report Monday confirming Obama administration meddling in the drafting of controversial provisions of Kenya’s constitution, which were ratified last year. Officials funneled $18 million in taxpayer cash to a number of groups, at least one of which openly worked to reverse the African country’s ban on killing the unborn. U.S. law prohibits lobbying for or against abortion with foreign aid money.

    The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) skirted the ban by using grant recipients to help re-write the country’s charter. “The groups that were supported are the pro-abortion groups in Kenya – not just some group that may have an interest,” Rep. Christopher H. Smith told The Washington Times. The New Jersey Republican was one of the three members who asked government auditors to perform a full investigation of how taxpayer funds were spent.

    In 2008, the government of Kenya charged a “committee of experts” with drafting a new constitution that would be presented to voters for approval. This committee’s original draft only stated that “every person has the right to life.”

    The International Development Law Organization (IDLO), which took $400,000 in administration cash, provided “input” to the committee. The next draft allowed abortion when the “health of the mother is in danger, or if permitted by any other written law.” This language made it to the final, ratified constitution.

    The loophole essentially gives the government the freedom to grant abortion on demand. “Health can be defined to be virtually anything,” said Mr. Smith.

    It’s bad enough President Obama is pushing a hard-left agenda on the United States. He shouldn’t use taxpayer dollars to spread his “change” overseas as well.

    • How the Democrats spent more taxpayer cash…$18 million more to KENYA to change their constitution to allow abortions! They don’t have enough deaths there via famine, tribal wars, and other atrocities. Obamanites want population control done their way too. No one has a right to life with the Marxists who want to determine who will live and who will die! Eugenics at work in foreign countries.

    • lest we forget this $823,000

  35. It begins…………..say a prayer…………..

    Update: Elections Complaint Against Obama to be Heard in New Hampshire on November 18 »

    Update, November 17, 2011: The Post & Email has confirmed via Orly Taitz’s website and a statement directly from New Hampshire Rep. Laurence Rappaport that he has joined Tatiz’s election complaint and will be present at the hearing on Friday, November 18.

    Update: Elections Complaint Against Obama to be Heard in New Hampshire on November 18

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