Obama Mystery Theater: Stanley Ann’s Passport Renewal of 1968 (Part Two)

SADSpassport2 - CopyClick image to enlarge, then click again.

This is the second part of a closer look at Stanley Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro’s passport records. In part one, we examined a portion of a passport renewal application dated August 13, 1968, nearly two years before her passport, issued July 19, 1965, would have expired. We looked into the background of the “vice consul” who processed this passport-renewal: Mr. Alphonse F. La Porta. Because no passport records for “Ann”  Soetoro dated before 1965 were found or released, we speculated about whether the 1965 passport was the first-ever passport for Ann, or whether she had a previous passport, perhaps one issued five years before July 19, 1965.

Subsequently, one of our new commenters shared an insightful observation.   The page below comes from a memo found in Immigration and Naturalization (INS) records relating to Ann’s first husband, Barack Hussein Obama Sr. (BHO Sr.), which were released as a result of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

BHOINSwifeinphilippines - CopyClick image to enlarge, then click again.

The notations were all made in late April, 1964, which is little more than a month after BHO Sr.’s divorce from Ann was finalized by a court in Honolulu.  BHO Sr. was living then in Cambridge, Massachusetts, allegedly attending Harvard University. He was applying to extend his stay in the U.S. for a year. See here and here. The memo displayed above was necessary because BHO Sr. didn’t fill out the extension request fully–he left out his marital status and his employment. This entire process apparently took place in Boston. For the purposes of our current discussion, the pertinent portion of the memo reads as follows

After alien stated he was married, he said he was separated and that they may get a divorce.  The wife in the Philippines from whom he is separated is a U.S.C. [U.S. citizen].

That same memo mentions BHO Sr.’s wife in Kenya (Kezia) as well as the fact that Miss Frost, of Harvard, stated that “authorities” at the university suspected that he was already married to yet another woman there in Cambridge. Perhaps this was Ruth, but if so, there’s a discrepancy: BHO Sr. and Ruth Beatrice Baker were said to have married in Kenya in December 1964, and to have first met in June 1964, according to Sally Jacobs. However, the part of the memo that mentions a wife in Cambridge is dated April 29, 1964. If that wife was Ruth, then BHO Sr. was a bigamist right here in the USA, if he married her before his divorce from Ann was finalized–a divorce that he seemed not to even know about in April 1964.

The two pages of the extension request, linked earlier, show different handwriting, as if some information was eventually added to the form by consular employees.  A comparison of handwriting alone, across all of these documents, could make a series of posts.

So what can we conclude from this?

If “the wife in the Philipppines” in April 1964, was Ann, then she must have had a passport prior to July 19, 1965.  (h/t Martha555, and Papoose for reminding us of these files).

As noted in part one of this analysis, the government claimed to have lost or possibly even destroyed the application that Ann submitted for the passport she received in 1965, and no other earlier records for her were released.  How could she go to the Philippines, however, without a passport?  The records must have existed, if Ann is the wife who was in the Philippines in 1964.

What might those records have revealed?  Much, most likely, which is probably why they were disappeared. If Ann was not the wife in the Philippines, then BHO Sr. had another U.S.C. wife, who may have been the “Mrs.” mentioned as the mother of his “son” born on August 4, 1961, in Honolulu; and so, as we’ve said before, that announcement proves nothing, even if it’s not a forgery.

Now, some pro-Obama true believers claim that the consular employees in Boston must have been confused and accidentally wrote “the Philippines” instead of “Hawaii”, where Ann allegedly lived and attended school, along with her soon-to-be second husband, Lolo Soetoro, both of whom were students at the University of Hawaii’s East-West Center.

According to a friend of Ann’s, the East-West Center recruited students from the Philippines and beyond and even sent representatives by ship to the Philippines to shepherd students back to Hawaii, giving them “shipboard orientation” (pp. 25-26). The ships also picked up students who had been doing internships or field work in Asia, so it’s as likely as not that Ann might have been in the Philippines either helping to recruit and orient new students, or else as part of her anthropological studies.

Returning again to the specifics of that first page of the passport renewal application, seen at the top of this post, note that Stanley Ann Dunham’s birth certificate (p. 91 of her husband Lolo’s immigration records) states that she was born in the city of Sedgwick, Kansas, in the county or township of Wichita. Sedgwick is also a county. The city of Sedgwick straddles both Harvey and Sedgwick counties. Wichita township may include Sedgwick city, but St. Francis hospital (now Via Christi), where Ann was born, does not appear to be in Sedgwick city, but rather in Wichita itself. Her mother’s residence is listed on the birth certificate as Augusta, Butler county, Kansas. So was she born in Wichita, as the passport application states? It might seem like nitpicking, but there are standards for entering place names on U.S. passports. Arcane, perhaps, but worth considering.

For birthplaces within the United States and its territories, it contains the name of the state or territory followed by “U.S.A.”.

While this was only a renewal request, U.S.A. was not specified, and the city was specified, when it is not supposed to be. It’s undetermined, however, when these standards were first imposed, nor do we know what eventually ended up on her passport. There are some indications that the standardization took effect later, in 1980.

But why was Ann renewing a passport that would not expire for another two years? As noted before, the page shown at the top of this post requested a renewal, not an amendment. Let’s look at the fine print from that page:

application1968fineprint - Copy (2)Click image to see another format and then click that image to enlarge it.

Note the phrases surrounded by boxes; the potentially pertinent excerpts come down to this:

… no other person included or to be included in the passport … has … been

(1) naturalized as a citizen of a foreign state; …

(2) made a formal renunciation of nationality either in the United States or before a diplomatic or consular officer of the United States in a foreign state;

(3) ever sought or claimed the benefits of the nationality of any foreign state

If any of those stipulations apply to Ann

OR to any other person included in the passport or documentation, the portion which applies should be struck out and a supplementary explanatory statement under oath (or affirmation) by the person to whom the portion is applicable should be attached and made part of this application.

We’ll discuss the implications of the above paragraph in the next part of this series. Another new commenter, JC, noticed the importance of those instructions, with regard to this passport renewal request. We can’t move on to the next page, however, without first considering the stipulations delineated above.

Let’s call the stipulations the three tests that Barry, in particular, must pass, and then examine whether or not Barry could have ever (1) naturalized as an Indonesian citizen; (2) formally renounced his presumed nationality (U.S.) either back in Hawaii or before a diplomatic or consular officer in Indonesia; or (3) ever sought or claimed the benefits of the nationality of Indonesia.  Let’s take the tests in reverse order, beginning with Test 3:

Did Barry ever seek or claim the benefits of the nationality of any foreign state?

The answer would seem to be, “Yes.”

In January 1968, Barry was allegedly enrolled in the first grade at Santo Fransiskus Asisi, a Catholic school in Jakarta. Barry was 6. He was listed on the school paperwork as an Indonesian citizen, the son of “L. Soetoro”. Barry’s name was given as Barry Soetoro. The paper indicated that his father worked at the Department of Geography, in the [Indonesian] Army’s Topographic Directorate. There was no mention of the names Obama or Dunham, or even of a mother.

Although it was a Catholic school, Barry was a Muslim student, according to the school registration, and he took Muslim religion classes. The founder of the school, Father Bart Janssen, says that all classes were taught in Indonesian.

At some point, Barry transferred to SDN Besuki, a Muslim public school run by the Prince Raden Saleh Foundation. From this link:

The school was founded in 1934 as Carpentier Alting Stichting Nassau School (CAS) by the Dutch colonial administration and was reserved for the children of the Dutch and Indonesian nobility. The Indonesian government took over administration of the school in 1962, and it was then run by the Raden Saleh Foundation.

Among its students have been children of Bamban Trihatmodjo, the son of former president Suharto, as well as the grandchildren of former vice presidents Hamzah Haz and Try Sutrisno.

We’ve documented previously that Lolo raised his children as members of the Indonesian royal family.

At the public school, Barry Soetoro was considered Muslim, had to be an Indonesian citizen to attend, and took mengaji classes, something only the most devout and fundamentalist students did.  The classes involved memorizing the Quran in Arabic.

Although it is likely that a Kartu Keluarga for the Lolo Soetoro family existed long before, it is beyond doubt that it existed at the point that Barry was registered at the public school.

… As the children of Indonesian men married to foreign women are, in most cases, Indonesian citizens, all the children and the foreign wife need to be listed on the husband’s Kartu Keluarga (family card). The Indonesian husband is considered to be the Kepala Keluarga. If your husband is still on his parent’s Kartu Keluarga, you need to arrange for a separate Kartu Keluarga for your family unit after your marriage. The document is obtained through your local RT/RW/Lurah and is the basic document on which all other documents are based – KTP, passport, etc. Be sure to have your children added to your husband’s Kartu Keluarga after birth. …

Barry was listed as the son of Lolo Soetoro on his school registration records because under Indonesian law, an adopted child becomes as if he were the natural child of the father.  In addition, his religion becomes the religion of his father.

Many obfuscate by saying that Barry had to be under the age of five to be adopted by Lolo Soetoro, under Indonesian law. However, this is false. If the adoption took place in Hawaii, under U.S. law, then at the point in time that Barry entered Indonesia, he became Lolo’s son under Indonesian law.  Yes, he (possibly) had U.S. citizenship as well as Indonesian citizenship, but Indonesia did not allow nor recognize dual citizenship. At another blog, commenter zhou tay (October 31, 2008) offers a concurring opinion and more insight, from an Indonesian perspective. (Keep in mind that the year that Ann and Lolo married is in dispute. She may have married him as early as March 5, 1964, when Barry was 2. If we accept the later date of March 15, 1965, then Barry was still only 3.)

If, as seems possible, Barry was adopted by Lolo in Hawaii, then the entire issue of his original birth certificate becomes clear. Upon adoption, a new birth certificate is created, listing the adoptive parents as if they are the biological parents and the previous birth record is sealed.

An Indonesian citizen could not, by government regulation, attend international schools, unless certain conditions were met:

Because the children of these marriages follow the father’s citizenship, they are Indonesian citizens, and therefore in the past have not been allowed to attend international schools in Indonesia (this was a government regulation, not the school’s). The only exception to this rule was when the mother had a work permit or the parents were divorced. In these instances, the children could attend an international school, through the mother’s sponsorship. If the mother’s status is ikut suami and she is sponsored by her husband, the children must attend Indonesian schools or be home schooled. There are no restrictions for children of foreign nationality to attend Indonesian schools, when both parents are foreigners.

Barry was both home schooled for a time as well as eventually enrolled in public school. The Catholic school was not an international school. Father Janssen indicated that the children at his school came from the surrounding rural area and were Indonesian; therefore, given the strict police state at the time and Indonesian laws concerning compulsory education of citizens, it’s probable that even the Catholic school was overseen by the Indonesian government. (So far no independent evidence has been found to support the claim that Janssen founded the school.)

Ann’s daughter by Lolo, Maya, attended international school before she herself was sent to Hawaii to attend Punahou. Was this after Ann’s divorce from Lolo? If so, then Ann had to create a Kartu Keluarga for herself and her child(ren). We learned earlier that Lolo bought a second home for Ann and the children, after their separation. Were they divorced in Indonesia before Ann filed for divorce in Hawaii? Find the Kartu Keluarga and much will be answered.

At the point that Barry entered public school the stories diverge. Some stories indicate that Barry transferred to the public Muslim school in 1970 for third (or fourth) grade; some say he was at the Catholic school for two years, or three years.  If three, that would leave scant time for any significant tenure at the Muslim school. A story from the Jakarta Post, from 2007, says that Barry was at Besuki in 1968.

Obama was in the third grade at SDN Menteng 01 — then named SDN Besuki — in 1968 when Ibu Karim was principal. … Prior to SD Besuki, he attended Catholic School Fransiskus Assisis.

Now this is puzzling because he wouldn’t have been old enough in 1968 to be in third grade, not if he really were born in August 1961. As puzzling, a photograph of Barry and a friend place him back in Hawaii, at Noelani Elementary School, in third grade, around Christmas 1969.

The school year begins in Indonesia in mid-July and runs to mid-June, with the first semester ending in December and the second beginning in January. Students get several weeks off school for Muslim holidays (Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr, e.g.). In 1969, Eid al-Fitr ran from Dec. 11 through Dec. 17, so perhaps Barry was visiting Hawaii during Ramadan, although Scott refers to him as a classmate.

Barry’s records at SDN Besuki were allegedly destroyed in a flood, which is another amazing coincidence, because Barry’s kindergarten records in Hawaii were also somehow lost. An alternate story says that the Muslim school records were eaten by bugs.

Why is it important to know exactly when Barry attended the public school?  Because if he was required to be an Indonesian citizen to attend SDN Besuki, then he indeed accepted (claimed) benefits of the nationality of a foreign state (Indonesia). And if he did so prior to Ann’s renewal of her passport in August, 1968, then she was required to explain that to U.S. officials in Jakarta, according to Test 3, above, provided that he was already included on her passport or she intended to include him on her passport. Was he included on her passport already? If not, then how did he get to Indonesia? On his own passport? On his father’s (Lolo Soetoro’s)?  We’ll come back to that question later. Now let’s look at Test 2:

Did Barry ever formally renounce his presumed U.S. nationality, either in Hawaii or before a diplomatic or consular officer in Indonesia?

Perhaps Mr. La Porta would know. There are many who say that it’s impossible for this to have happened. However, they appear to be wrong. The pro-Obama true believers like to point out that parents cannot renounce a minor child’s U.S. citizenship and that only the child, upon reaching the age of 18, can do so. While it is true that the parents cannot renounce a child’s citizenship through their own actions, it is also true that the child himself can renounce his citizenship, so long as the diplomatic officer before whom he makes the formal renunciation believes that the child understands what he is doing and chooses to proceed.

Although parents cannot renounce U.S. citizens on behalf of their minor children under 18 years of age, minor children can renounce their U.S. citizenship by convincing a U.S. diplomatic or consular officer that they understand the consequences of renunciation and that they are not relinquishing their U.S. citizenship under undue duress or influence. Minor children can have their U.S. citizenship reinstated by informing DOS within 6 months of their 18th birthday.

See also here and here.

Ann planned to remain in Indonesia, which for the most part she did, for the rest of her life. If Barry was an Indonesian citizen, then he had to attend public school or be home schooled. Ann may have found that continuing to home school him put a crimp in her career. If Barry was adopted in Hawaii, making him a dual citizen, Indonesian authorities may have objected when Lolo tried to enroll Barry in public school. At that point, the authorities may have required Barry to renounce his U.S. citizenship (if any) before he could be enrolled in SDN Besuki. Or Barry may have renounced his U.S. citizenship earlier, back in Hawaii, in order to obtain an Indonesian passport, upon which he traveled when he and his mother joined his new father in Indonesia. Perhaps they gave Barry the choice to go with them to Indonesia or remain in Hawaii with his grandparents.

Whether or not Barry fails Test 2, depends upon the facts, which are sorely lacking, but it is possible that he did renounce his U.S. citizenship. This brings us to Test 1:

Did Barry naturalize as a citizen of a foreign state?

If he was adopted legally by Lolo Soetoro, either in the U.S. or in Indonesia, then it appears that the answer to this question is “yes”. Everything we’ve seen so far appears to point to the fact that Barry was adopted by Lolo. His birth certificate in Hawaii is and/or was sealed. His sister Maya at least suggested that her father adopted Barry. Barry’s school records from Indonesia indicate that he was an Indonesian citizen, something which was required in order to attend public school. Barry’s name was Barry Soetoro, and he was listed on official records as the son of Lolo Soetoro.

Once again, absolute proof is hard to come by because records have been hidden, sealed, lost, destroyed, “cauterized”, eaten by bugs, gathered up and/or bought, if not destroyed by floods. There’s a reason that Barry’s passport files, in particular, had to be “cauterized” by an employee of John Brennan.

As we see, Barry did fail Test 3 and arguably failed all of the tests. He appears to have naturalized in Indonesia, under their laws, by virtue of being adopted by Lolo Soetoro. He may have had to renounce his U.S. citizenship (if any) in order to enroll in public school or obtain an Indonesian passport. He most definitely did at least seek as well as claim benefits of Indonesian nationality, by virtue of attending a public school. If Ann had added him to her U.S. passport already, or wanted to add him to her passport in August 1968, then she was required to include with the passport renewal application an explanation of Barry’s status:

… a supplementary explanatory statement under oath (or affirmation) by the person to whom the portion is applicable should be attached and made part of this application.

But no such supplementary explanatory statement was released under the FOIA request, nor was there any indication that such a statement was withheld under exclusion B(6), to protect the “privacy” of the person in question–that being Barry. Either the explanatory statement was withheld from the public or it was never offered with the renewal application, suggesting that at the time Ann renewed her passport in August 1968, Barry was not already included on her passport, and she did not intend to include him at that time.

Which brings us to the second page of her renewal application, as seen below:

SADSpassport1 - CopyClick image to enlarge, then click again.

Here’s where the story skids further sideways.  Soebarkah?

Who is Soebarkah?

We’ll try to deduce the possible answers to that question in part three.  Stay tuned.


204 responses to “Obama Mystery Theater: Stanley Ann’s Passport Renewal of 1968 (Part Two)

  1. New post. I can make this story go even further sideways by asking the question: Was Barry adopted by Lolo or by SAD? Why was she teaching Barry ENGLISH at home, preparing him to go to school in the USA? How was he able to learn Indonesian so quickly, such that he could attend school where classes were taught in Indonesian? If she married Lolo in 1964 when Barry was two or in 1965 when Barry was three, is this not the same time at which a toddler Barry suddenly appears in Hawaii, on the beach, in his cute little cap and shorts? Suddenly photographed with his “grandfather”? Remember how Barry resembles Ambonese people? How his friends in Jakarta thought he was from PAPUA, because of his skin color and curly hair? How Lolo traveled through Papua during his topographical work for the Indonesian army? How Barry said that he, too, is a “desi”? What if, what if, what if?

    Then there’s the fact that Maya wasn’t supposed to go to international schools, and yet she did. But earlier, there are the photos of Ann with little Maya at the Institute for Management Education and Development school. Well, THAT school was funded by and connected with the Indonesian government and army, and the Ford Foundation, so it was arguably a public school. We know Maya is/was an Indonesian citizen, too, by virtue of being born there (we think, unless in Singapore) and having an Indonesian father. At what point, if any, did Ann add or remove Maya from Lolo’s Kartu Keluarga? At what point, if any, did Maya claim U.S. citizenship? Did Barry, in fact, “reinstate” his U.S. citizenship within 6 months of his 18th birthday, which he would have to do, if he did indeed renounce it in Indonesia?

    • Something came to me: What if Ann was considered a “diplomat” at some point in her career before Maya’s birth? Then Maya would be a NBC, but not Barry, and she wouldn’t have to do anything to get that status, so far as I know. On the other hand, if not, then SINCE Indonesia did NOT recognize dual citizenship, the USA would NOT have interfered with that by giving her U.S. citizenship. Something I read today said as much. She would have had to RENOUNCE her Indonesian citizenship and then try to be recognized as a U.S. citizen as the daughter of a U.S. citizen living abroad. I believe in that circumstance she would be considered naturalized. If Barry performed any affirmative act after age 18 recognizing his Indonesian citizenship (like renewing an Indonesian passport in Jakarta on his way to Pakistan in 1980), then he would NOT be a U.S. citizen and that would be considered renunciation of his U.S. citizenship BECAUSE, again, Indonesia did not recognize dual citizens and probably would have required him to renounce any U.S. citizenship then and there, before renewing his passport. The answers are in the passport records which, of course, are “cauterized”.

  2. I don’t remember any speculation on who Sr. was “having trouble with” who had left the U.S.? Does anyone remember…was it maybe the girl who went off to London to get a(n)……redacted…?

  3. Just another oddity: This is where Barack was living (or gives as his mailing address) on August 17, 1962 in documents provided to the INS.
    The same document on which he lists Roy Obama as his only child.

    • Good research, SEO. Maybe not an oddity at all:

      “Koinonia began as a religious missionary center in the early 1950′s, with emphasis on giving those overseas an inner strength to get through their project and find their own unique soul and spirit in the process.

      Over time, Koinonia evolved into a landed spiritual community center, in the Greenspring area north of Baltimore, Maryland, attracting some of the great thinkers of the era: Ram Das, Pir Vil Yat Khan, William Irwin Thompson John Yungblut, Frederick Francks, Sheldon Kopp, David Spangler, and many others.

      By the 1960′s, Koinonia was one of the first self-determined learning centers in the area to teach yoga, meditation, organic gardening, art dance, music, and psychology.

      Today, the Koinonians seek to provide grass-roots energy in the form of grants. We want to hear from non-profit organizations of kindred spirits who seek to improve the environment, make best use of human resources, and have a strong, spiritual (non-denominational) background.

      If Koinonia has a unique history and identity, it has been a 50- year-old nexus of interrelationships of good works and teaching, infused with both a local and global perspective honoring life.”

    • I am so glad you looked this up, SEO. Now I can cross it off my list.
      I am wondering, too. Is it residential? Or does it provide hosts for temporary shelter?

      What was he doing in Baltimore MD in August 1962?He gave his address as Harvard University on 6/27/62.

      And never did he give his address anywhere as it appeared in the Birth Announcement, btw.

    • Ok, so the name of that foundation (which is supposedly Greek and based upon the idea of “communion”) is so much like the name of that journalist who writes about Barry and interviewed Mark: Koinange. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeff_Koinange

      “… Koinange was born in Kenya and worked with Kenya’s first independent television channel KTN Kenya Television Network. He attended Kingsborough Community College in Brooklyn, NY between 1987–1989 and graduated with an Associate’s degree. He also received a Bachelor of Arts degree in broadcast journalism from New York University. Prior to joining CNN, Koinange worked for Reuters Television from 1995 to 2001, covering Africa and serving as their chief producer from 1999 to 2001. He also worked as a producer at NBC News in 1994 and also worked for ABC News earlier in his career from 1991 to 1992. Seven months after leaving CNN, Koinange was hired as a news anchor by a new Kenyan TV station, K24, which started doing test runs in Nairobi in December 2007. He was the host of Capital Talk Show. Koinange is the son of Mbiu Koinange, brother to first president of Kenya and therefore cousin to the current president Uhuru Kenyatta. …”

      About Mbiu (Mbiyu): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mbiyu_Koinange

      “Peter Mbiyu Koinange[1] (Born Mbiyu wa Koinange in 1907 in Njunu, Kiambu District- Died 2 September 1981) was a politician from Kenya. He served in the government and cabinet of Kenya’s first president, Jomo Kenyatta for 16 years. During this time, he held the post of Member of Parliament for the Kiambaa constituency and the portfolios of Minister of State for Education, External Affairs, Pan-African Affairs, as well as Minister of State in the Office of the President.”

      btw, there’s a quasi-pornographic blog out there that mentions Jeff. Marianne Briner and a “distant lover.” Seems she’s O’Really-ing him:

      Barry’s kind of people.

      • Like wow, I can’t believe after all the times I’ve tried to make reference to Koinange, the whole koinanges family,he finally becomes important,like he’s not been important till now. I read the long, long posts and letters from ms. Briner, it likely was a set up coming from both sides. And both were using each other. Jeff’s wife is Muslim. Jeff declares he went to school with Mark, but Mark is nowhere to be found at Jeff’s school. The fact that Jeff worked for Pan Am at one time tells me he likely was a gatherer of information of some kind for either CIA or intelligence for somebody. He’s a weird egotistical pawn and his whole family have been in the thick of politics since forever. Ralph J. Bunche knew his family real well. Kenyatta’s family is married into his family and it’s likely the Odinga family as well(can’t remember). Ms. Briner connects to the death of the loved Robert Ouko fellow..who was all about land reform iN Kenya.

        • alfy, I wouldn’t have connected the name unless you’d talked about him for a long time. I wondered if Jeff’s family worked at the TV station with Mark’s stepfather. Speaking of Odinga:

          Why would he be visiting Zeituni? Wouldn’t you think her nephew and her brother would be there instead? Raila Odinga has nothing better to do? Zeituni has lived here since 2000. How does Odinga know her so well?

          • well, in Odinga’s past capacity it could be said he is just taking care of Kenyan matters, maybe ? But like I said there’s lots of relatives connections in these families. I don’t know right off, but Odinga may feel the need to help Zeituni remove some of her personal belongings if you know what I mean. Who knows though Zeituni could be a relative too.
            Most Koinange’s family was completely involved in administrative affairs of Kenya, everything from CHief Koinange of tribal affairs, to being involved in independence to vice presidential posts. Jeff’s father spent much of his life in ENgland during the Mau Mau (or his grandfather don’t remember) I’ll have to run back thru my stuff.(It’s lots of stuff). CNN probably hired Koinange because he was a CIA asset or something..that’s just my suspicicion. He would have definately known S. Ndesandjo,the Obama’s. He claims to know them well, and acts like Mark is an old friend.

          • By the way, changing the subject , but I think you’re going to need this. THe ambassador in Philipines !957-59 was Charles Eulis Bohlen and another dude who claimed CIA (he was CIA at different times) was all over the place and doing stuff that he never figured out to undermine what was going on in Philippines at that time (he was there till 1960 or 61 as a foreign service counselor under amb. Bohlen). His name was Henry L.T. Koren (he had also been an ambassador at times too, cool guy). I figure Anne, while we assume we know lots about her, she could be older than we know and she was likely in Philippines in some capacity during her time before we meet her in Hawaii. So for what it’s worth you may as well get familiar. I expect her father was involved in something there ,as was her mother to an extent thru the bank. Mr. Dunham could have been anything from an insurance broker or a liason with the banks, just a hunch,but I expect he was there and their files would have easily been destroyed or never allowed the light of day/lost whatever.http://www.derechos.org/nizkor/filipinas/doc/cia.html

            I just had to include this little blip from this report which says:
            It is important to note that in 1961, the chief of the CIA’s Covert Action Staff wrote that BOOKS were “the most important weapon of strategic propaganda.” Tens of thousands of books have been produced, subsidized or sponsored by the CIA and its conduits such as the Asia Foundation in support of US foreign and military policy.
            Now who’s the best at putting out books these days???? Guess things don’t change much do they???????????????

          • I hadn’t really read Raila’s sensationalizing the great patriarch Zeituni. I say deport her dear soul back in a coffin on our dole and let them put her beside Obama Seniour if he really exists in that grave anyway. I mean she’s doesn’t need to be buried here, what in a family grave plot? Ha, suddenly now that she’s dead, she’s become the efforvescent spirit and connection to the Obama myths. Come on, either Raila is signaling sort of like the minor bird in the coal mine, something or else he needed a vacation. Always wondered if this Obama clan were just excess CIA OPS propped up in the us to run an errand now and then . zEitune didn’t want to go back home for fear of her life….exactly how does that compute that suddenly now that she’s dead, she seems to be more important than while alive. You reckon Obama sent her any flowers. I kinda doubt it. We might see him wipe another damn tear if we’re so lucky. Just stuff. I guess you can’t let a death crisis go to waste though can you?

          • In my effort to bring to your attention to Philippines and CIA, I guess I made a leap that Ann was likely there and maybe that’s the reason for the remarks about Obama Sr. and a philippino person of US citizenship….but I really am just guessing and following that avenue to some extent. Seems we’ve not gone there to much and for sure it’s another long HALL into another dimension, which is a drag to say the least. I just thought if someone were interested we could venture. Looks likely to be no avenue that by now is covered up pretty well if there was anything to it in the first place.

          • Besides, it was the Philippines where I find Mark learning to surf probably at a surt clinic, although he claims he’s a surfer or rather he says it’s a hobby. Trouble with that is you could tell it was a new learning experience. He likely never stood up on a board but a few times in his life judging from his photo…which was simba surf ….which teaches surfing. Anyway why was he in the Philippines unless maybe he has some ties there….just maybe?

  4. My working theory is that Lolo adopted Barry (probably in HI), and had him naturalized as an Indonesian citizen (in Indonesia) at some point between OCT 67 and AUG 68. The strikethrough and the Soebarkah aka would fit with Stanley Ann dropping / excluding him from her US passport (as a newly naturalized Indonesian citizen). The adoption would explain the requirement for a forged LFBC. A claim of Indonesian citizenship (in later life) would explain a forged selective service application, and sealed financial aid / educational records.
    Jack Cashill, and the Obama File have written to the 1968 renewal application (the strikethrough issue). WTPOTUS is the first eligibility blog / writer to note that La Porta is still around. I’d like to see somebody put the following questions to La Porta: What would that strikethrough signify on a 1968 passport renewal? Should there have been “a supplemental explanatory statement under oath (or affirmation) by the person to whom the portion is applicable” attached to this renewal (and provided under the FOIA)? Why was Stanley Ann listing her son’s name as Soebarkah on an official / legal document provided to the US Government?
    La Porta was agent of the US Government in witnessing this matter, – not a private citizen. He had a legal obligation to support and defend the Constitution in the execution of his duties. If something he witnessed (on behalf of we voters / citizens) has a bearing on the constitutional eligibility of a federal officeholder, he has an obligation to disclose it now.

  5. Re this page from Miri’s article.

    Does anyone remember when Uncle Omar came on the scene in Massachusetts?

    Filling in the blanks:

    “his brother, Omar Obama also from Kenya”,

  6. I have Uncle Omar arriving in Boston in the Fall of 1963.

  7. Rosemary Woodhouse
  8. I skimmed, sorry if you mentioned this but one caveat regarding the citizenship for a minor: if the parent naturalized a u.s.c elsewhere, the u.s. citizen automatically retains his u.s. citizenship as long as he, upon reaching the age of majority (18) does not take any action inconsistent with an intent to retain u.s. citizenship. I think it was within a year or two after turning 18…so, going to college as a foreign student, for example, would be an act after reaching the age of majority that is inconsistent with an intent to retain u.s. citizenship. So, it doesn’t matter what benefits he took as a citizen of Indonesia before 18, only after, that would deprive him of his right to retain his u.s. citizenship (assuming he had it legitimately before becoming an Indonesian citizen)

  9. Page 93

    The Doctor’s Note

    We’re out of reply options up there ^^

  10. April 8, 2014

    “Boehner Blows: Undocumented People; Blocking Select Committee Hearings; IRS, Benghazi, Gun-Running”

    “Megyn Kelly reports 190 members are seeking special select committee hearings and Boehner is blocking them…”

    Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Obama ID Fraud Lead Investigator: Speaker John Boehner Blocking Obama ID Fraud Investigations”


    Published on April 29, 2013

  11. Great post and comments thanks everyone. 😀

  12. Mr. O’s … NOT ELIGIBLE to even … take .. a White House TOUR!
    …. this is all you’ll get BUTT’ it’s enough… 4 now…

    Obama Not Eligible to Take a “White House Tour”

  13. double-talkraise YOURVOICE.point YOURFINGER (DEADBODIES)?

    • Video report: “Eric Holder Makes Threats Wiyh Gun At Congressional Hearing” (:29)

      • Yep. Like those kindergarteners who do the same, he needs to be sent to the woodshed, or at least suspended, without pay, of course.

    • Wow. She’s contemptible; now we’ll see whether they have the guts to vote her in contempt. Sergeant at Arms?

    • Rosemary Woodhouse

      Unless Allen West or someone of his ilk takes the staff and leads the way we are good and truly #u(k+! The nation, apparently, is waiting for a.leader.to.emerge. Either we fight or die. That’s the sorry state of our nation. Again, preaching to the choir. Thank you all of the racist @$$es who wrought this Obamanation.. Entitlement morons…black, white and every shade in between. Am so disgusted !

      Seriously, how much more are we supposed to accept in the name of tolerance before we fall? I never thought I would ever agree with MO about anything, but am no longer proud to be an American.

      • Maybe you’ll get your pride back when we get our next POTUS … Jeb Bush! Just kidding, obviously. I don’t know whether to puke or cry.

        • Oh NO!!!!

        • Rosemary Woodhouse

          I know that Cruz is not an NBC. And you know what? That makes me sad. Very, very….very sad. Allen won’t run. Rand Paul will be tainted by his father and I believe he is becoming more flexible (read: willing to play ball with the DNC/communists) Trey Gowdy hasn’t given any indication that he’s interested. Anyone I’m leaving out?

          Jen and Hillary, as we know, play for the same team.

    • Here lies the souls who fought for her right to represent the Somalis in Minneapolis:


      It looks like “blackface” to me…

  14. Rosemary Woodhouse

    Darned auto correct! I wrote the post about Sharpton. EDIT The gangsters have not ceded way to the gangstas.

    • “There’s nothing like a lesbian feminist authority figure who boasts of being the first female police chief in Minneapolis donning a symbol of male ownership in a patriarchal tribal society to express the deep schizophrenia of the left in its enthusiastic enabling of Islamists.”

      Now THAT’S a great sentence!

  15. You know what’s ironic? They gave Zeituni asylum here because the judge said if she went home she’d be at risk in Kenya. So then she’s in the hospital and who comes to see her but ODINGA?

    • http://www.kenya-today.com/news/president-obamas-auntie-zeituni-onyango-dies-usa-obama-calls-raila-thanks-visiting-deceased-auntie-hospital

      “President Barack Obama’s auntie who has died, Zeituni Obama died in Boston hospital USA where she has been receiving treatment. Family sources confirmed Zeituni died Monday night.

      Mama Sarah Obama is really devastated by the news of the death of her daughter. [Poor woman. Nobody should outlive their own children.] Former PM Raila Odinga recently visited Zeituni in Boston hospital. Being a muslim Zeituni might be buried in USA although Mama Sarah Obama wants her remains brought home. [That’s okay. We’ll probably pay for that, too.]

      Zeituni is the half aunt of US President Barack Obama. She is famously referred to as Aunti Zeituni in Obama’s memoir Dreams from my father. She moved to the USA in 2002 after resigning from her job as ICT officer at the East African Breweries Limited- Ruaraka, Nairobi. [It was an act of love to come here illegally.]

      Zeituni applied for political asylum after her residence expired prompting extreme right politicians to make a fuss about her status.

      Meanwhile President Obama called Prime Minister Raila Odinga to thank him for visiting auntie Zeituni in Boston hospital.

      Raila is attending a month-long residency lecture series at the African Presidential Center of Boston University, Massachusetts. …”

      He calls him to thank Odinga for visiting Zeituni, but did he himself or any of his family visit her? This woman is said to have lived with Ruth and been like a nanny for Ruth’s boys. Hmmm. What did she know? Or should I say, what didn’t she know?

    • great point Miri, but if everybody in Kenya just LuVS Obama why was she (or he, he looks like a man to me) in great danger there. Makes no sense.

      • It was an excuse to give her asylum because of her connections here. One really does have to wonder whether she joined the island of Fuddy and Starfelt, perhaps.

    • She was at risk in America: Odinga visits. She dies.

      Anyway, all the media during the deportation news imaged Auntie to be a non-working, government housing living, disabled old, old lady. Now we find she, “.. worked in a housing authority computer lab and served as a resident health advocate.” Uh, is not ‘resident health advocate’ an Acorn worker? Also, in Kenya she worked on computers at Kenyan Breweries. Oh, and she was a part of the Kenyan community in Ohio; how big is that community?

      • OHIO?!! When was this and what was she doing there?

        • Wong added, “Auntie’s kindness and generosity will be sorely missed. Because her homeland was in Kenya, she identified with all foreign born in the United States, though the Kenyan community here in Cleveland had a special place in her heart.”

          According to the statement, Onyango stayed temporarily with friends in Cleveland, OHIO after her case drew intense media scrutiny in 2008.

  16. Just a thought that I meant to share: I searched that book about SAD (A Singular Woman) not only found no mention of La Porta, but there was no mention of Barry’s nanny Turdi NOR of Lia (of course). But you’d think that when the woman was looking up all Ann’s co-workers and friends from those days, she’d find La Porta, wouldn’t you? He was about her age, even though in the book Janny Scott goes out of her way to say that the guys at the embassy were all OLD career guys. Well, Alphonse wasn’t; he was only a few years older than her and yet had a big job. Then, of course, there’s his wife. Why didn’t Scott find THAT other Ann and interview her? I mean, she was in charge of welcoming American women to Jakarta! btw, I found an interesting photo of Lolo. Don’t remember if we saw this one before. I’ll put it below, in a minute.

  17. O’ … the EGG is CRACKING…… the ..”REAL ERIC HOLDER” …
    (so calm so cool so in control….NOT! NEVER was COOL ..
    The TABLES…. are getting turned around…. O’… O’ O’
    …@ DRUDGE … great photo we need it.


    • Oh, silly me. I thought the lamestream was calling Holder’s behavior ““unprecedented, unwarranted, ugly and divisive,” which, of course, it was. Figures they were accusing Gohmert, the person who was attacked and disrespected and ridiculed by Holder, the misbehaving one.

  18. The 1966 Newton High yearbook: He was Obama Omyamgo (probably just a bad speller on the yearbook staff).

  19. Jack Cashill ~ Author Obama’s ILLEGAL ~ ALIEN ~ FAMILY PERIOD.
    & lots of family names…. 2 ponder over


  20. Zeituni P. Onyango … what’s the P 4 ?

    Onyango P. Zeituni

    ZeNtuni OnyanVo ?.. with an N & with a V ..

  21. Database better on the eyes…. from BR above…

  22. O was 2 busy? trip’in..2 see his 1/2 Auntie? O’ said she was an Alien?


    • ““It is unconscionable that we would even consider allowing illegal immigrants to join our military when we have veterans – who have honorably served and defended our nation in combat and seek to continue doing so – that are being told that their service is no longer needed as we reduce the size of our force,” Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC), a senior member of the Armed Services Committee, told Breitbart News.”

      I agree.

  23. Raila Odingas US visit went from 1 month stay 2 a 2 month STAY….?


  24. interesting … take on some of our info….


    • Any idea how old that article is?

      • I’d guess fairly recent due to this remark:

        An Indonesian draft bill in 2013 says, that if some use dark magic to cause illness, death, mental or physical pain, can get 5 years of prison or 31.000 $ financial penalty.

        • Oh, duh. I remember the line about dark magic but didn’t notice the mention of 2013. So this isn’t an early report of the connection to Subud. I was especially interested in his insight about the trident Barry’s little icon holds and what it means. Destruction. Like Shiva. Destroying the entire world as we know it. No wonder Barry loves that thing so much.

          • to me soebarkah never had anything to do with subud. Barry was too young to become enlightened and become someone else.
            THe only thing Soebarka relates to really is a colonel that was very close to Sukarno and I don’t know what happens to him during Suarto’s regime. Colonel Soebarkah is present during Sukarno’s funeral is what we mostly find, but trying to remember where else I found him …in some educational or administrative role on international relations or defense. I don’t know where I put that stuff now. He could have some relation to the UN too.He might be dead by now but he wasn’t in 2011 or 12.

            • alfy, you’re reading my mind because I have him in my next post about the passport records. I didn’t spend a lot of time looking for more about him, but it seems he ended up pretty highly placed in the Indonesian government/military.

        • yeah all the while he and his Ameicran wife are on the record telling immigration how horrible his destiny should he be returned to Indonesia.
          Amd the, pffft. He’s gone. Pffft with a job in the government he was basically requesting asylum from .. no money, confiscation of property upon arrival , blah, blah — and — it will give Ann a belly ache. Which she rescinds, eventually, under oath. hocus pocus. Miri posted the POS picture. Scary. Look like a pack of extremist ranchers there on that rail. lol!

    • Irwan Holmes Williams
      Irwan Holmes Williams’ first contact with jewelry came when he bought a strange ring with many colored stones for $10 in a junk shop in Los Angeles. The stones turned out to be diamonds and with the sale of that ring he was able to travel to Indonesia for the first time in 1967.

      Irwan trained in all the arts, at Juilliard in New York and at UCLA. His first great love in Indonesia was batik, and he not only collected antique batiks, but also studied batik making, creating many batik paintings. His innate love of gems & jewelry , however, took him in another direction: he began using the opals of West Java in his jewelry designs, and still attempts to use Indonesian gems in his jewelry.

      Inspired by Indonesia, Irwan has spent a number of years creating the Heritage Indonesia Collection. This series of pendants has been created using the extraordinary technique of Javanese repoussé, each original piece taking a month or more to make.
      As a long-time member of the ..” Spiritual Brotherhood of SUBUD, ”
      he has tried in his designs to bring something unique and “from the inner” to his work. Irwan has lived continuously in Jakarta since 1969.

  25. http://newsbusters.org/blogs/matt-hadro/2014/04/09/networks-ignore-house-gops-criminal-referral-lois-lerner

    “In a major new development in the IRS scandal, House Republicans voted on Wednesday to send a criminal referral to the Department of Justice for former IRS chief Lois Lerner. FNC’s Special Report with Bret Baier devoted a full story to the vote by the committee chaired by Congressman Dave Camp, but none of the three broadcast network evening newscasts covered the vote.

    The letter sent to Attorney General Eric Holder stated that “findings” from the Ways and Means Committee, chaired by Republican Camp, “suggest that Lerner may have violated multiple criminal statutes.” The letter went on to add that “the Committee asks that you pursue this evidence.” The three networks ignored this letter, however, although CBS and ABC talked about Hillary Clinton’s presidential aspirations.

    Other developments in the letter were ignored by the networks as well. Republicans accused Lerner of talking about taking a job with President Obama’s advocacy group Organizing for Action – while she was investigating non-profit applicants as the IRS head.

    Townhall also reported on e-mails linking Lerner’s office with the staff of Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Mary.), who last month decried how one of the hearings on the scandal was being run. …”

    • http://washingtonexaminer.com/house-republicans-wont-rule-out-arresting-lois-lerner-if-justice-department-doesnt/article/2547015

      “House Ways and Means Committee Republicans aren’t ruling out the use of the chamber’s “inherent contempt” authority if Attorney General Eric Holder refuses to act on the panel’s accusations against former IRS official Lois Lerner. … House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said of the referral. “As I’ve said, if Lois Lerner continues to refuse to testify, then the House will hold her in contempt. And we will continue to shine the light on the administration’s abusive actions and use every tool at our disposal to expose the truth and ensure the American people get the answers they deserve.”

      Among those tools is the House’s “inherent contempt” authority under the Constitution, which was initially exercised in 1795 during the First Congress and on multiple occasions thereafter. Lerner could be held until January 2015 when a new Congress is seated, which could issue another subpoena and throw her in the clink again if she still balks at testifying. …”

    • I looked and looked where to put this….here’s something Obama did early in his Presidential career (in 2009)that is most likely why Aunt Zeituni used the line that she was afraid to go back to Kenya for fear for her life….it sounds most reasonable why she used that scheme..or her lawyers did, in order for her to remain here. Someone asked too her middle intitial P. ….I see where Miri has her listed somewhere as aunt Polly Zeituni…so Zeituni Polly Anyango Obama. Anyway read this :
      Obama Allows Asylum for Battered Women
      July 23, 2009 by Webmaster · Leave a Comment

      Calling it one of the best options the Obama administration has made available to foreign battered women, women’s advocacy groups in the United States lauded the administration for making it possible for those women to begin a new life in this country.

      Earlier last week, the administration said that if women in foreign countries could show, in addition to meeting other strict conditions to asylum, that they had been treated by their abuser as little more than chattel, and that their home countries wink at such behavior, then the women could seek to make the United States their permanent home.

      “This restoration of gender-based asylum should be celebrated,” said Purvi Shah, executive director of the 20-year-old New York-based support group for South Asian abused women, Sakhi. “We all deserve to live free of abuse, and immigration status should not be a barrier to that vision of a healthy life.”

      “It’s a very positive policy change,” asserted Karen Musalo, director of the Center for Gender and Refugee Studies at the University of California’s Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco. “It’s going to benefit many women.”

      The administration’s position stemmed from a case filed in an immigration appeals court by a Mexican woman who said she would likely be murdered by her common law husband in Mexico if she were sent back to her homeland. In court documents, the woman claimed she had been repeatedly raped at gunpoint by her husband, and threatened to be burnt alive when he found out that she was pregnant.

      Several other such claims by other battered women seeking asylum have been tied up in the U.S. courts in the last dozen years. The Bush administration did not want to recognize those claims, the first of which was filed in 1996 by a Guatemalan woman. After many years of litigation, an immigration court declared that she was not a part of any persecuted group under U.S. law.

      Three years ago, Congress gave some relief to undocumented abused women in the form of the so-called U-visa, which allowed them a temporary work permit, which could eventually lead to a green card.

      But last week’s move by the Obama administration would allow abused women to file for legal residency status through asylum.

      “Asylum gives you permanent status without having to go through any other steps,” said Sheela Murthy, an immigration lawyer in Baltimore, Md., who also advocates for women.

      Most requests for asylum currently filed in the United States are based on claims by applicants that they fear persecution if they are sent back to their homeland because of their race, religion, nationality, political beliefs or any particular party they may belong to. Murthy said nearly 80 percent of those applicants are denied asylum for lack of providing adequate evidence.

      Asylum seekers generally arrive in the United States on fake travel documents. Upon arrival at the airport, they ask for asylum.

      “Getting asylum is not going to be a slam dunk” for abused women, Murthy reiterated, noting that they have to meet the most stringent of requirements.

      Even so, Atashi Chakravarty, executive director of the Berkeley-based help line for South Asian battered women, said she believes that scores of people from the Indian sub-continent will benefit from the new policy change.

      “We have clients who are taken to India by their abusive spouses and abandoned there, only to face more physical and emotional abuse from their in-laws,” Chakravarty said.

      Shah and other women’s advocates say there is no danger of the new policy opening the floodgates of applications from women who claim they were battered.

      “Anyone who believes such a thing has never filed for asylum,” said Shah, noting: “The fact that this route exists again doesn’t negate the need for significant evidence of abuse and the need to meet very rigorous parameters to qualify for gender-based asylum.

      “This is why other strategies for immigration relief must still exist – so that any immigrant survivor understands she can be safe, and that in the United States, violence against women is a crime which will not be condoned.” – NAM

  26. Buh bye! http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/11/us/politics/sebelius-resigning-as-health-secretary.html?_r=0

    Kathleen Sebelius, the health and human services secretary, is resigning, ending a stormy five-year tenure marred by the disastrous rollout of President Obama’s signature legislative achievement, the Affordable Care Act.

    Mr. Obama accepted Ms. Sebelius’s resignation this week, and on Friday morning he will nominate Sylvia Mathews Burwell, the director of the Office of Management and Budget, to replace her, officials said. …”

    Arrest her, too.

  27. FEDS…. Taser Nevada Rancher’s SON…. ? what a mess this IS!

    jonbierly Apr. 10, 2014 at 4:02pm
    The rancher should claim he’s gay. Then sit back and watch the buses from GLAAD and LGBT show up in support.

    • I heard today the whole scoop on that rancher and did you know that the Sheriff there could put a stop to the whole thing…something about that territory is in the Sheriff’s jurisdiction and he could have the feds removed.It was a long story ,but it was from some authority or senator dude. They’re already inthe process of removing his cattle. so Sad…he said the guy was a good steward of the public property there.

      • What I read in one of the articles that there were hundreds of rancher famillies nearby and now his is the last one standing.

        • yep, something about all of em not being able to afford all the beaurocratic costs and selling out to big groups and environmental whacko groups to save the land.

          • They’re saying on radio that the gummint wants to use that land for wind farms or solar arrays, which is why they’re running the ranchers off, under the guise of wanting to save tortoises or something. Shades of Waco and Ruby Ridge.

          • http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/04/10/tense-video-feds-taser-pro-nevada-rancher-protester-during-clash/

            “The standoff between a Nevada rancher and the U.S. government escalated Wednesday when protesters confronted federal agents tasked with the chore of rounding up approximately 900 “trespass cattle.”

            The confrontation, captured on video, resulted in one protester, the rancher’s son, being hit with a stun gun while another, the rancher’s daughter, was pushed to the ground. One woman said federal officials struck her with their vehicle.

            “You have no right to be here!” a female protester shouted at agents.

            One of agents warned the demonstrators to back up or they would get bitten by their K9 unit.

            “Don’t threaten a woman!” another protester shouted back. …”

            Oh, gee. I seem to remember iconic photos of dogs being set upon blacks in the Civil Rights Era. Hmmm. Were they confined to a “First Amendment Zone”? So now Obama’s peeps threaten to set dogs on white women. I’m sure he’s enjoying the videos. Here’s how much the government really cares about desert tortoises:

            Federal funds for a Nevada-based desert tortoise conservation center are running dry and wildlife officials plan to close the facility and euthanize hundreds of tortoises that were once classified as “endangered” and are currently considered “threatened.”

            The desert tortoise can be found in the southwestern United States, but its population has been dwindling. In some areas, the tortoise population has decreased by 90 percent since the 1980s, and in the Mojave desert the population is considered “threatened.” It is illegal to touch, harm or harass these animals, [unless you’re the gummint and then you can just kill them at will] and the Desert Tortoise Conservation Center has tried to increase their population ever since they were added to the endangered species list in 1990.

            Still, only 100,000 desert tortoises are estimated to remain in the wild.

            But federal funds are running dry at the Las Vegas Valley facility, and rather than release the animals, officials plan to euthanize about half of the 1,400 tortoises. …”

      • yep, and heard its all about Chines solar energy plants. Some deal the Reid family is involved in.

        Would Americans sit back if it turned out this whole thing is about Chinese interests?

        Cliven Bundy is going to be on Hannity tonight.

        ~ Heard too that “they” have disabled cell towers in the area.

      • My theory of the day is that they backed off so this wouldn’t be the lead story on the Sunday shows. Instead, they’ll do more reminiscing to terrorize and remind us of Boston. Then it wouldn’t surprise me if they surreptitiously, somehow, continue the Bundy assualt “little by little,” drip by drip, incrementally “nudging” him and his family off their leased-since-the-1870s land.

  28. Just a couple of odd statements in this 1995 BHO interview/article in “Crisis” magazine
    1) his father went back to Kenya when he was 2, in 1963.
    2) His father “bequeathed” his name to him before he went back to Kenya
    Again, possibly just poor reporting and/or poor storytelling on Barry’s part, but I thought worth putting over here.

    • “Crisis”

      The Crisis, founded by W.E.B. Du Bois as the official publication of the NAACP, is a journal of civil rights, history, politics, and culture and seeks to educate and challenge its readers about issues that continue to plague African Americans and other communities of color. For nearly 100 years, The Crisis has been the magazine of opinion and thought leaders, decision makers, peacemakers and justice seekers. It has chronicled, informed, educated, entertained and, in many instances, set the economic, political and social agenda for our nation and its multi-ethnic citizens.

    • Bequeathed — at 2. Did not have before. Which leaves the obvious pondering; what was his name before this one was given to him?? Next will be the response se to this interview: ceremonial blessing gesture only and not indication did not have name from birth.

    • Good points, SEO. I’ve read that “bequeathed” narrative before. That makes no sense in any sense, does it? You’re not named after your father when you’re two. You’re not “bequeathed” anything until someone dies, are you? And yes, BHO Sr. went to Massachusetts when Barry was 2, not Kenya. At least, that’s what we’re told.

    • Do you think this is real? Or is it possibly planted? Note that the author says Barry was born in Hawaii; yet if he looked at the publisher’s biography, it said Barry was born in Kenya.

    • “All people deserve some identification” is his explanation for CHOOSING sides and CATEGORIZING everyone by race. He totally lies when he says “Obama” is the “family name within the Luo tribe.” It is not. It was his father’s personal name. BHO Sr.’s father did not have Obama in his name. He has some gall to talk about “abuses of power,” especially in the context of race. So even back in 1995, Barry was talking globalism and how America is going to lose “preeminence” on the world stage, economically speaking? You think this Eric Clark was one of the early enablers of Barry’s career? Sounds like he hits all the memes. Good find, SEO.

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